fantasy grounds license information

Advice and Rules Questions

here is a question.

if i am into fantasy grounds (i am) and i want to publish a module in the smiteworks store (i do) based on the pathfinder game how does the ogl apply to the artwork in the bestiaries?

part of the vtt experience is the tokens that you use to play. since some of us (me) are horrid artists (and i mean friggin HORRID) how do we use the pictures in the bestiary to create the tokens or are we simply not allowed to at all or ???

if it is a pay thing where we send money to paizo and they let us use this type of content, what is the mechanism for that? is there a set percentage? do i just tape a ten spot to a brick and heave it through their window? do they review the content then charge accordingly?

i'm not talking crazy here.. i'm talking about small one shot modules for a couple of bucks for people who are looking for something to do on a saturday.

just curious.


Jon Brazer Enterprises

Steff wrote:
how does the ogl apply to the artwork in the bestiaries?

The artwork in the Bestiaries are not open. You'd need to buy stock art or hire an artist.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

If you wish to license the artwork from the Bestiaries, send an email to As Dale McCoy Jr stated, the artwork is not open content and cannot be used under the OGL.

Keep in mind they may say no, so have a backup plan.

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