Subscriptions clarifications

Customer Service

Liberty's Edge

1) I have the accessories subscription, but my Subscriptions page only seems to be showing the GM Screen, and I am also hoping to get the Core Book Pawns and Pawns Bases as well. Can you confirm that's going to happen?

2) I see that there is supposed to be a free SF Society subscription if you subscribe to the other four subscriptions. Do I need to add that subscription myself and expect to see the cost go to zero, or will it be added to my account automatically on account of me having the other four?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

CS will be by soon to answer the first question, but I can take the second: If you have all of the other subscriptions, you will automatically be treated as though you have the SFS Scenarios subscription for free—you won't actually have to subscribe.

Customer Service Representative

For the first question - if you started with the GM screen, the other accessory items for August will get created when your subscription order is generated.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome! Thanks to you both!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I elected to start with the Combat Pad, but all three of the other August items from the Accessories subscription are now in my sidecart. I was actually hoping to skip the GM screen and player folio (assuming that I can do that without losing Pathfinder Advantage for August).

Also, when I entered enough subscriptions to become a Superscriber and the SFS scenario subscription did not appear, I manually subscribed to it. Since a second PDF subscription is meaningless, is there anything that needs to be done to ensure that my only SFS scenario subscription is the free one?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I have since seen that the Accessories subscription is working as intended, and in fact the false selection of a single product to start the subscription has been corrected.

I started a separate thread for the issue of what to do for the case of mistakenly signing up for the SFS PDF subscription after signing up for the other 4 Starfinder subscriptions.

Scarab Sages

With all the Starfinder Superscriber orders i have now shipped, will i be able to access the Starfinder Society scenarios early or will those need to wait until the relase date? (I see everything else in downloads, but not the sfs scenarios )

Customer Service Representative

Hello Talwynor,

The Starfinder Society scenarios will be available to download on their release date, August 17.

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