Sorcerer + Alchemy?


Hey guys, how are you all doing?

I'm seeking for some advice and i'm sure i'll be able to find the correct answer with your help.

I'm playing a Sorcerer, actually is Lvl 6 and due to the background history of my character, (my father, alchemist and a mad-man became my enemy, in a certain way), i turned out to be fascinated by alchemy.

So now i have some ranks in craft alchemy and the brew potion feat.

The question is how does both (skill and feat) work? do they work together too?

I have exactly 11 skill points in craft alchemy if that's of any help.


Sovereign Court

They can work together but you can use spellcraft.

Brew potion is very simple:
Pick a spell that you know that can be made into a potion or oil...and pay the cost and wait the appropriate amount of time and the craft dc necessary usually very low (chance of failure are very low).

Scarab Sages

Hey, if your character is level 6, it's illegal to have more than 6 ranks in any skill. If you have put 11 ranks into craft alchemy, you are almost double the legal limit for skill ranks.

Basically, Craft Alchemy and Brew Potion are completely separate things.
Craft Alchemy will allow you to craft reduced cost alchemical items. (Acid, Alchemist Fire, Tanglefoot Bags, and so on).

Brew Potion will allow you to create potions of your spells known.

Eltacolibre wrote:

They can work together but you can use spellcraft.

Brew potion is very simple:
Pick a spell that you know that can be made into a potion or oil...and pay the cost and wait the appropriate amount of time and the craft dc necessary usually very low (chance of failure are very low).

What kind of spells can be made into a potion or oil? The ones which can make some damage, the ones that can benefit or reduce some stats (like enlarge or reduce person)?

And what about cure light or moderate wounds? Those can be crafted with the feat or with crafting?

Ty bro!

Imbicatus wrote:

Hey, if your character is level 6, it's illegal to have more than 6 ranks in any skill. If you have put 11 ranks into craft alchemy, you are almost double the legal limit for skill ranks.

Basically, Craft Alchemy and Brew Potion are completely separate things.
Craft Alchemy will allow you to craft reduced cost alchemical items. (Acid, Alchemist Fire, Tanglefoot Bags, and so on).

Brew Potion will allow you to create potions of your spells known.

Hey buddy, ty for tour help, i understand that craft alchemy can do that, i would like yo know how does ir works properly.

And btw, i never said i have 11 ranks in craft, i said i have 11 skill points which is the total of the sum of ranks, ability modifier, etc :)

Ranks and Skill Points are interchangeable. The total of Class Skill, Ranks, Ability Score, etc is the total modifier or bonus to the skill.

Just for future note.

Sovereign Court

The potions must meet the following criteria:

-3rd level and lower
-Less than 1 minute casting time
-Target one or more creatures
-No personal range

From there, you basically use some kind of common sense in deciding which one is a potion and which one an oil.

Potion of magic missile is technically legal ...but quite honestly there isn't much point to it.

But of course do remember for a potion, you need to know the spell before brewing it.

Hubaris wrote:

Ranks and Skill Points are interchangeable. The total of Class Skill, Ranks, Ability Score, etc is the total modifier or bonus to the skill.

Just for future note.

Sorry buddy, my comprehension in english is not that good sometimes.

If i have charisma 20 (+5 modif) and 3 ranks un spellcraft, for example, i would have 8 skill points at lvl 6... And as far as we always played with my friends, it's what D&D allows or am i mistaken?

Eltacolibre wrote:

The potions must meet the following criteria:

-3rd level and lower
-Less than 1 minute casting time
-Target one or more creatures
-No personal range

From there, you basically use some kind of common sense in deciding which one is a potion and which one an oil.

Potion of magic missile is technically legal ...but quite honestly there isn't much point to it.

But of course do remember for a potion, you need to know the spell before brewing it.

Once again, thank you for spending time teaching a few things.

And what about crafting alchemy? Can you help me with that?


Sovereign Court

you mean to craft magic potion?

The DC is usually so low, for most people, there are no reasons to roll, since you can't fail skill rolls on a 1.

DC 5+Caster Level

So even if you put a 3rd level spell in a potion, the dc is 5+5 = 10.

for creating potions you need to follow this formula: 25 gp × the level of the spell × the level of the caster (usually most potions are made at the minimum caster level.)

Regular alchemical items funny enough are more difficult to make.

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