TwoWolves |

Our group stared the Rise of the Runelords in September of 2009. We are all adult (chronologically, anyway) professionals with careers and families, so we only got to play a few times per year, so it took us until January of 2017 to complete this epic journey.
Here are the photos of my version of the Eye of Avarice, in which I replaced the floors with permanent Walls of Force, and a customized Karzoug.
There are also some pics from their final assault on the Pinnacle of Avarice as well. This was done with some custom made terrain and a whole lot of Dwarven Forge tiles.

TwoWolves |

Right now, I'm taking a break from running anything. Since January one player has started a Traveller campaign, and another is trying out a home-brewed superhero system. We will try about 5 different systems at this year's GenCon (including Starfinder) and I should have the Scarred Lands Player's Guide kickstarter for Pathfinder by then. My previous campaign was in that setting, and it ran for 7-8 levels and several years before we did RotRL.
Then again, whenever things looked bleak during Runelords over the past few years, the chorus was "if everyone dies, we can make PIRATES!!" in reference to Skull and Shackles.