Wild shape octopus control build what do you think?


I am currently level 6,have decided to go for a control type of build after much debate. Our two handed fighter is dealing out some serious DPR so I have decided to work with him and his cleaving feats. This is a home brew game, I myself have chosen the following feats: Natural Spell, Dirty Fighting, Multiattack, improved trip. Originally I had built a grappling type of druid, I may still go back to that but for now we had some downtime so I wanted to try out tripping. I figured with so many secondary attacks in octopus form certainly I could get in a lot of trips with good success. I do have an animal companion as well who always flanks with me and he does have tandem trip which I will be getting at level 7 to further guarantee trips. I plan on keeping this build till maybe 11-12 if its still viable up that point. What do you think of this build? I know its not the typical build out there but can it work? Seems like it might be fun

What are the typicals ennemies in the adventure ? Humanoid ? Big Monsters ?

A maneuver based build is good against humanoid of normal size or large, but if you're against big monsters it doesn't work that good...
Same if there's a lot of flying ennemies, no trip for you...
The Grab + Constrict is certainly a better option, but ennemies are pulled next to you so you need solid defense... but you're a Druid so this should not be a big problem... But you've got the same issue with big monsters...
Dirty Fighting depends on your GM, can be very good but your GM can negate it almost completely depending on how he read the maneuver... Check with him to ascertain that he will not completely shut the maneuver down... :p
Else it should work fine... :D

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I give you

The Monkdopus:

Alternately, Monkthulu as suggested by BadBird
Half elf, human, half orc, whatever... just something with a str bonus. Level 12 (20 pt)
Druid 4, Monk (Master of many styles) 3, Barbarian 5
(seems weird, but follow me here. Take Monk first.)

Str: 22 (+2 race, +2 levels, +2 belt)
Dex: 14 (+2 belt)
Con: 16 (+2 belt)
Int: 10
Wis: 19 (+1 levels, +4 headband)
Cha: 8

1: Dragon Style, Imp. Unarmed Strike
2: Dragon Ferocity
3: Weapon Focus (Tentacle)
5: Feral Combat Training
7: Shaping Focus
9: Monastic Legacy
11: Power Attack or extra rage

+1 impact amulet of mighty fists
+2 ring of protection
+1 Brawling leather armor
+2 belt of physical perfection
+3 cloak of resistance
+4 headband of wisdom
+3 bracers of armor
Monk's Robes
everything else is butter.

Fast Movement +20 (barb and monk stack)
Rage Powers: Superstition +3, Reckless Abandon +2 to hit, -2 AC
Uncanny Dodge
Trap Sense +1
Improved Uncanny Dodge
AC Bonus +3/+4 wisdom
Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Maneuver Training
Still Mind
Spontaneous Casting
Nature Bond
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Wild Shape, as level 8 druid, 3/day

So here is the schtick... your form of choice is a Giant Lake Octopus... it still has a 20ft. land speed, so you can move around just fine.

With monastic legacy you count as a level 7 monk for unarmed strike damage, and with monks robes, you count as +5 more for total of level 12. So your unarmed strike damage is 2d6. When you shape, you are huge, so it becomes 4d6. With your impact amulet, it becomes 6d6.

You are also getting +3 ac from monk levels and +4 from wisdom, so that is bonus. The extra weirdness here is that brawling armor property still functions while you are shaped, but you are technically not wearing armor because it merges, so you get the best of both worlds.

So, the idea is this... the Octopus gets 8 tentacle attacks, but their damage is generally pretty low...since you are able to sub in monk damage, you can make it fairly high, and these are all at full bab.

HP: 104 (7d8+5d12+36 con, +5 FCB(barb))
Rage HP: 128
AC: 22 (10, +3 monk levels, +4 wisdom, +3 bracers, +6 natural armor, -2 size, -2 reckless, -2 rage, +2 ring)
Rage/Shape Saves: Fort: +20 Ref: +11 Will: +18

So wild shape bonuses: +6 str, -4 dex, +6 nat armor
Rage bonuses: +4 str, +4 con, -2 AC

Attack bonus is then: +21 (+9 BAB, +11 str, +1 amulet, +1 focus, +2 armor, +2 reckless abandon, -3 power attack, -2 size)
Damage for each tentacle is: 6d6+20 (+11 str, +2 armor, +1 amulet, +6 power attack)
Your bite is still only +19 since it doesn't benefit from FCT, and hits for 3d6+16

Your full attack looks like this:
Tentacles: +21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+21/+21, 6d6+19
Bite: +19, 3d6+15

If everything hits, you can slap a target for a total of 51d6+176, That is 354.5 average damage if they all hit, with a maximum of 482. you can rage for 15 rounds, which should get you through a lot. Take extra rage at 13th and you will be up to 23 per day which should be more than enough.

Tentacles have 20 ft reach... so just sit back and Kung-fu octopus your way to victory

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...

I'm just wondering: how do you get around the aquatic subtype? Aquatic creatures cannot breathe air without the amphibious quality. Does polymorphing cover that or can you breathe air just fine?

TheMagicIndian wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...
I'm just wondering: how do you get around the aquatic subtype? Aquatic creatures cannot breathe air without the amphibious quality. Does polymorphing cover that or can you breathe air just fine?

Polymorphing doesn't give you types or subtypes usually; wild shaping druids can't breathe water RAW. Even if they take an octopus shape they still breathe air.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...

Dear God... Thank you for this. This I have to try. Reach should be 30 with tentacles on a giant lake octopus.

Loengrin wrote:

What are the typicals ennemies in the adventure ? Humanoid ? Big Monsters ?

A maneuver based build is good against humanoid of normal size or large, but if you're against big monsters it doesn't work that good...
Same if there's a lot of flying ennemies, no trip for you...
The Grab + Constrict is certainly a better option, but ennemies are pulled next to you so you need solid defense... but you're a Druid so this should not be a big problem... But you've got the same issue with big monsters...
Dirty Fighting depends on your GM, can be very good but your GM can negate it almost completely depending on how he read the maneuver... Check with him to ascertain that he will not completely shut the maneuver down... :p
Else it should work fine... :D

Gm is cool with dirty fighting, so far mostly humanoids we have encountered and my size shouldn't be an issue as I am currently large and will be Huge at level 8. We are playing ROTRL

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...

How are you able to wear three belts?

Dark Archive

Atalius wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...
How are you able to wear three belts?

Rather than wearing three belts, they're wearing a Belt of Physical Perfection +2. It gives all three physical stats the +2, but costs 16,000 gp instead of the 4,000 for a +2 to one stat belts, or the 10,000 gp for the +2 to two physical stat belts.

Wolventad wrote:
Atalius wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
I give you ** spoiler omitted **...
How are you able to wear three belts?
Rather than wearing three belts, they're wearing a Belt of Physical Perfection +2. It gives all three physical stats the +2, but costs 16,000 gp instead of the 4,000 for a +2 to one stat belts, or the 10,000 gp for the +2 to two physical stat belts.

I just saw that, nice build

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

TinyCoffeeGolem: How is that build substituting unarmed strike damage in place of natural attack damage? I'm not seeing any feats or abilities mentioned that allow for that.

Unless there's some special rule I'm missing, you can't normally mix a natural attack routine with unarmed strike damage.

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