Bloatmage :: Witch vs. Wizard :: Get in my belly...



Hail beautiful citizens of our glorious nation!

I, your humble all-powerful leader would be grateful for your advice and shared experience.



I will soon be joining Pathfinder Society. For it's own good of course. I'm making a character. I like ham. I wish to play a Bloatmage.

I am basing the character on THIS happy chappy.

The Problem

:: In order to get the most bloat for my character's starbucks they will need to be either a Wizard or a Witch: Earliest access to 5th level spells.

:: I have played a wizard many a time but never a witch so have only theory regarding the witch side of the choice.

:: As each class will only reach 5th level far reaching advantages are mainly redundant.

:: Both work equally well for the theme of the character.

State of Play

-- A wizard character could be the hulking bulking caster, wheezing along, clutching a weathered old tomb and searching for lost secrets.

I would take:

Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

..and play him as a offense, tough caster (toad familiar, Con 16, toughness etc) who specialises in tactical blasts of power, bringing area effects to the party/specialising in cleaning out the critters.

When not on the road he'd spend his time researching battle tactics, drinking in the pub and fireballing rodents in the park.

-- A witch character would have Fly, Cackle and Evil Eye. The bloated caster would have Feather Fall at 1st, Levitate 1/day at 3rd and Fly, 5/day 1min duration each, at 5th. So yes, a floating/flying cackling caster. He'd specialise in single target debuffs and enchantment spells.

When not relaxing by an open fire he'd be wandering the streets reveling in the digust he brings to the ladies while he enslaves their minds for a night of 'Fondle the Folds'.

:: The general stat array I am looking at is: high/max int, low (8) Dex, Good (14-16) Con and the rest are flexible.


- How would the witch feel, mechanically, to the wizard? Please keep in mind that only 5 level will be dedicated to either class (so no higher level class abilities).

- Which do you believe would better work with the Bloatmage PrC?

- Any general thoughts/suggestions on building a Bloatmage?

Bloatmage PrC: BLOATMAGE

Bloatmage Initiate Feat: BLOATMAGE INITIATE


Get in ma belly!

Thank you for your time.

*shakes fat fist*

Licks her fangs delicately

My... don't you just looks positively yummy!!! I could just drain you dry!!!

Wizard by all means... ooo the power coursing though your blood would be oh sooo delicious.


I can't speak to the Witch first hand, but after a couple of attempts to make a decent one I'm unimpressed over all. I'm not liking the niche mechanics for the witch.

Wizard +1

Dark Archive

I won't go so far as to call the Bloatmage 'stone-cold terrible,' but it's pretty lackluster. Risking going insane, dying, etc. to maybe have a chance of an extra spell slot or two a day?

Or, I could buy a scroll, or a pearl of power? Yeah. Scroll it is!

Just because the character is heavy, there's no real need to have him be a Bloatmage (or have any other supernatural significance to that weight). He could just like his food and drink!

I'd go with Witch, and rename 'Cackle' to 'Chortle,' and have him give a hearty belly-laugh to maintain his Hexes. The figure looks like the sort of supernatural specialist who would steal the luck of others, and then laugh at their misfortune, as they flail around trying to hurt him, rather than someone who has a spellbook and is studious and methodical. Plus cute animal companions (the witches familiar) also fit with the look, with a fox seeming particularly well-suited to this appearance.

I'm liking the Wizard because I did a similiar build once (Fatty McFatso).

I used human and had the following at level 1:

Spell Focus(evocation)
Bloatmage Initiate(evocation)
Variasian Tattoo (evocation)

With Focused Mind as my trait (though I *did* consider the trait that allows you to increase your caster level by 1 for magic missile specifically).

Having an evocation caster level of 3 at level 1 was very nice (and helped with actually dealing good damage with my blasting spells).

I Like the idea of witch with fly. Mostly for the Baron Harkonen of David Lynch's Dune. Floating around being fat gross and evil. May not fit with the OP's concept but I like it any way. Also helps to mitigate the movement speed issue without burning spell slots.

I thought it was mandatory for Witches to have Brooms of Flying.

Tanis wrote:
I thought it was mandatory for Witches to have Brooms of Flying.

Not necessarily... Glenda had a Pink Bubble as her ride. :oP



Beautiful citizens, you do your glorious nation proud! Your humble all-powerful leader is happy - and when he is happy, the orphans get fed!



After seven hours of EXTREME!1! meditation upon your fine words I have unclassified the following information:

-- While the Witch class would bring lots of flavour, the corpulent caster has enough flavour on it's own - too many flavours and we spoil the taste!

Ryan Richer - Yes! Baron Vladimir Harkonnen was the 'other' source of inspiration. As we know, Bodai and 'Ole Vladdy Harky-baby' are the essential rotund-folk of excellence. Ask any Buddhist. Make sure they're the non-fighty ones first.

However, while the Witch class would bestow flight I don't feel Flight and a few extras are enough to justify making the character a Witch. Personally. Of course. ...I did spend most of yesterday driving people in crazy about the choice tho..

I also asked this Jacobs bloke in chat and he said 'Sorcerer/Wizard' and like, well, the dudes over 8' tall and breaths goblins through his ears and well, much as I love a good ruckus, I do plan to enjoy my reign of peace for a long time and we aaaaaaall know what he can be like after he's knocked back a couple and DID YOU SEE WHAT HE DID TO THOSE KITTENS??!? I mean.. that's just.. you know?

Firstly, flavour wise, Witches communicate forces-unknown, who guide their development. And they stare at toads. Which is cool, of course. Let it not be said thay I, your humble all-powerful leader, ever held a grudge against toad-starers. They're 17.2% of our work force. Also, my mother was a toad. Her name was 'Ghhiiip'.

..but yes, Bloatmages seem to be all about the inner power/grabbing whatever mystic mojo they can for themselves - damn those otherworldy forces already!

Mechanic wise, the combination of Cackle, Fly and Evil Eye appealed for a while but I feel that it ties the character to close range and continual cackles would rob the character of tactical movement - and the lard-lover is already rather slow.

Finally, 'Ole Vladdy Harky-baby' uses a device to hover/fly. I figure I could invest in a magic item or.. something to do the same. Granted when I tried to recall existing magical items that granted flight I got as far as 'Cloak of the Bat, Wings of Flying, Potion/Scroll of Fly' before I drew a blank. Ah well. C'est la vie.

-- Abraham 'The Man with the Other Elbow' spalding : Joyous day for that is indeed much how I am building the character. I am considering taking Toughness and a Toad Familiar for a total of 16 Hps at first level. The other feat would be Spell Focus. He would still be fat, but 'Working at it' fat - Bloatmage Initiate to be taken at 3rd.

Also, 'Variasian Tattoo - is this a feat or trait?

Which brings us kicking-and screaming nicely to:

Character so fat. far. fatar... (?)



Str9 Feats:Spell Focus, Toughness
Dex8 HPs:16
Con16 Saves:Fort+3 Ref-1 Will+2
Wis20 (+2 for human) AC:9
Cha7 Familiar: Toad. Named Goarakk.

Summary: He's preternaturally smart and rather tough, probably due to all the pies. However, that's about it - he's lazy, clumsy and generally an obnoxious, sweaty, leery, bar-steward.

Hamtastical Ponerations

So, advice please and consider the following:

-- He'll probably specialise in Evocation. It's fun to blow things up. Casting a spell and have the target die? Where's the fun in that? Prolong the suffering! Make them squeal! Target the thin and physically gifted first!

-- Feat choice/Familiar: I've chosen Toughness and Familiar: Toad to maximise his bulk-to-power potential. As we all know, inside every fat person is a thin person waiting to get out. That's like, twice as many actions/round.

What do we think? Tough bar-steward? Worth it? Bloatmage Initiate at 3rd? Greater Spell Focus at 5th?

Your looking at 16Hps at 1st level, 52Hps at 5th, 79Hps at 8th and 115Hps at 12th - assuming base scores and not including possible stat boosting items.

So aye, a MEATY caster, worth shielding.

-- He will be taking:

Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. make the most out of his Evocations, selecting the best element for the job when appropriate.

-- That's about it... I'm looking to add the spit and polish to the characters vast, blubbery form. Mmm... rub those thighs. Oh yeah, that's the spot...

Thank you all for your time and contributions - you've really helped!

*shakes thankful fist*

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I like the witch class over all, but that statue and your overall tone scream Wizard to me.

Dark Archive

Looking at your stats on the 2nd post, you have 20 wis listed. I'm assuming you mean 10 wis, 20 int? :-)

looks good over all, the Admixture subschool is really nice.

I so see the Flying Witch as Baron Harkonnen from Dune.

Solarious wrote:

Looking at your stats on the 2nd post, you have 20 wis listed. I'm assuming you mean 10 wis, 20 int? :-)

looks good over all, the Admixture subschool is really nice.

Lol yes, Int:20

Thank you

Kaylth wrote:
I so see the Flying Witch as Baron Harkonnen from Dune.

Oh yes! Soon! SOoon!

*shakes fist*

BenignFacist wrote:



Hail beautiful citizens of our glorious nation!

I, your humble all-powerful leader would be grateful for your advice and shared experience.



I will soon be joining Pathfinder Society. For it's own good of course. I'm making a character. I like ham. I wish to play a Bloatmage.

I am basing the character on THIS happy chappy.

The Problem

:: In order to get the most bloat for my character's starbucks they will need to be either a Wizard or a Witch: Earliest access to 5th level spells.

:: I have played a wizard many a time but never a witch so have only theory regarding the witch side of the choice.

:: As each class will only reach 5th level far reaching advantages are mainly redundant.

:: Both work equally well for the theme of the character.

State of Play

-- A wizard character could be the hulking bulking caster, wheezing along, clutching a weathered old tomb and searching for lost secrets.

I would take:

Versatile Evocation (Su): When you cast an evocation spell that does acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change the damage dealt to one of the other four energy types. This changes the descriptor of the spell to match the new energy type. Any non-damaging effects remain unchanged unless the new energy type invalidates them (an ice storm that deals fire damage might still provide a penalty on Perception checks due to smoke, but it would not create difficult terrain). Such effects are subject to GM discretion. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

..and play him as a offense, tough caster (toad familiar, Con 16, toughness etc) who specialises in tactical blasts of power, bringing area effects to the party/specialising in cleaning out the critters.

When not on the road he'd spend his time researching battle tactics,...

With the witch's supernatural abilities sometime you won't even need to cast a spell, and that helps get rid of the minute workday issue. It does depend on what hexes you choose though.


Thanks wraithstrike - however, I went with wizard. I can play a more urban-minded character and the Versatile Evocation works well at making the most out of a focused spell selection.

So, here his is:

Alzir the Merciful

..the product of your thoughts and time and your humble all-powerful leaders might!

You're all godparents! *-*

*shakes sentimental fist*

You need to purchase a Cauldron of Flying and flavor it as the hover chair Harkonen was in. If you don't... your fist shaking days shall be over!

I take the role of the evil min-maxer:

Take wizard. Witch has fewer spells (both to select from and per day) and has to compensate for this some interesting supernatural abilities, which are tied to her level.
So you get the disadvantage the witch has compared to the wizard, but you dont get the advantages.

BenignFacist wrote:

.Joyous day for that is indeed much how I am building the character. I am considering taking Toughness and a Toad Familiar for a total of 16 Hps at first level. The other feat would be Spell Focus. He would still be fat, but 'Working at it' fat - Bloatmage Initiate to be taken at 3rd.

Also, 'Varisian Tattoo - is this a feat or trait?

As a PFS Wizard, you get Spell Focus for free in place of Scribe Scroll. Varisian Tattoo *also* adds to your caster level in one school (with which you must have spell focus). All told, you can start with spell focus and *both* bloatmage and tattoo. I did it for Necromancy...

you want to make a bloat char off of a luaghing buddha??

Liberty's Edge

BF, that is among the coolest character bios I have ever read. Kudos!

Bravely he takes three single-digit attributes!

BenignFacist wrote:



Thanks wraithstrike - however, I went with wizard. I can play a more urban-minded character and the Versatile Evocation works well at making the most out of a focused spell selection.

So, here his is:

Alzir the Merciful

..the product of your thoughts and time and your humble all-powerful leaders might!

You're all godparents! *-*

*shakes sentimental fist*

Im curious as to why you took your only second level spell in your spell book from an opposition school.

Heh, he needs to walk around with his toad familiar on his head. Whenever someone asks about the toad on his head he should look at them quizzically and ask, "What toad?"

Dark Archive

Firest wrote:
Heh, he needs to walk around with his toad familiar on his head. Whenever someone asks about the toad on his head he should look at them quizzically and ask, "What toad?"

Or the toad could reply, snippily thanking the speaker to not bring up his unsightly deformity.

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