Storyteller Shadow's Multi-Game Recruitment V


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@Omnichaos; I sent Storyteller this link,Tanarukk

I made a few suggestions to make them "lesser".
Here is my quick and dirty build.

Lesser Tanarukk:

Outsider (native) (3 RP)
Medium Size (0 RP)
Slow Speed (–1 RP)
Paragon (1 RP) [+4 str, -2 all mental]
Advanced Dexterity (4 RP)
Standard Language (0 RP)
Bite (2 RP) [1d4 dmg]
Fire Energy Resistance (1 RP)
Improved Fire Resistance (2 RP)
Natural Armor (2 RP)
Improved Natural Armor (1 RP)
Weapon Familiarity (1 RP) [Greataxe and all weapons with the name orc are martial]
Spell-Like Ability, Lesser (1 RP) [1/day Control Flames]
Light sensitivity/blindness -1/-2

That's 15/16 Rp, with that they hover around the aasimar in terms of "racial power"

Well it's up to the DM.

Even the lesser version to me has the potential to be problematic powerwise but it really depends on the build sense it is also sort of specialized, those are tricky to read. I would keep the natural armor low, it's one of the few armor types that stacks with itself. Making it just plain useful. ;P

You still going cleric of bane/cyric?

*edit* added light sensitivity/blindness

This way the stats are in line with the orcs, and its negatives don't more or less prevent it from being the odd wizard or sorcerer. With a litle extra from their demonic heritage.

Yeah that's the plan, go cleric of bane. Later convert to Cyric and probably convert again later on if I become a walker of the waste. There is a character from one of the books that abandons the clergy of cyric because they were loyal to bane the whole time. My character would probably do the same.

I am currently working on a duergar warrior, going antipaladin (tyrant) stonelord.

For those who are more knowledgeable on Realms lore -- Are there any significant tunnels or cavern systems under Zhentil Keep? I'm looking for a good place for my character to emerge from the Underdark.

Tanner Nielsen wrote:
For those who are more knowledgeable on Realms lore -- Are there any significant tunnels or cavern systems under Zhentil Keep? I'm looking for a good place for my character to emerge from the Underdark.

Check out This Map, according to it the area of the under dark under the Moon sea is called the Deep Wastes. Its mostly wild near as I can tell but im only familiar with the area called the North dark. Hope this helps.

The drow control some tunnels they use to trade with the Zhentarim. One is in Shadowdale and the other is in the Dragonspine Mountains. The dragonspine mountains one is closest but that's pretty wild terrain while the shadowdale one is in a more civilized region. So really depends what kind of story you want to tell. Ether way your best bet is being a slave traded to the Zhentaim. Being a level 0 is tough. ;)



Alot of Bane's worshipers flip flopped. Even his chosen flip flopped. Bane didn't hold it against them, so long as they proved worthy of that leeway. That's old school evil for you, not a shred of pettiness. Wicked smooth. xD

Hmm OmniChaos sounds like he knows better then me, listen to him.

Good to know. Looks like i need to open more of my splatbooks and read some of the novels again.

Perfect! Thank you, Gramork and OmniChaos. I was thinking of either being a slave sold to the Zhentarim, or a miner that was hired by the Zhentarim to help put Tethyamar back into operation.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

DeathQuaker wrote:

This one I'm very definitely working on a character to submit. Thinking tiefling who starts off as craftsman, but goes sorcerer.

Storyteller, a few questions:
1. Is it okay to use the variant tieflings from Blood of Fiends? E.g., grimspawn, doomspawn, etc. I'm totally cool with sticking with standard tieflings but figured I'd ask. (Yes, evading that Charisma penalty would be nice, but I'd probably also play around with other stuff too.)

2. I'm thinking my character's from the Moonsea (makes it easy to get to Zhentil Keep), so the regional feat I am looking at is Street Smart. As written, it grants bonuses to "Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks." Should the "Gather Information" be changed to Diplomacy, or to "Diplomacy checks when gathering information"?

Actually on 2, I'm realizing I might have screwed up. Being rusty on my FR, I thought you could pick region OR race. It looks like you have to have both the race AND be from that region. Do I have to be from my "racial region" as it were? Because while more COMMON in areas like Thay, my understanding is planetouched can pop up anywhere. And I really want to play a tiefling, but I really don't want to be from Thay or Mulhorand or Unther. I guess I can always say he's from there and then he moved, but I liked my backstory as it was. Hm. I don't object to the feats that are available--the tiefling feats are nice (Magic in the Blood might even be a bit broken), but I just don't want to be from one of those three countries.

On 1, I'm probably going to go ahead and do a vanilla tiefling, though I'm still thinking about grimspawn in particular, so please let me know if it's doable. I'm thinking about eventually going witch rather than sorcerer... hexes suit my concept better.

Man this backstory is proving harder to work around my planned race then i originally thought. Down side to actually caring about Faerun I suppose.

Storyteller do you need our backstories to include how we came to serve the Zhentarim or will that come later?

What's your basic concept?

I'll get to the open questions Sunday night - including PMs :-)

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'll respond to these questions tomorrow.

LIAR!!! :P

Monkeygod wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'll respond to these questions tomorrow.
LIAR!!! :P


Passing out early and waking up in the middle of the night prevented that from happening. I have a few more I/C updates I would like to do before I get back to bed so indeed, a liar I have become. ;-)

Finally got my background done. Sorry it's not brief at all. x)

Monkeygod wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'll respond to these questions tomorrow.
LIAR!!! :P

He's running an evil adventure in Zhentil Keep. You had to see it coming. ;)

Dorn Xizurth wrote:

Finally got my background done. Sorry it's not brief at all. x)

Monkeygod wrote:
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I'll respond to these questions tomorrow.
LIAR!!! :P

He's running an evil adventure in Zhentil Keep. You had to see it coming. ;)

Plus Cyric = Prince of Lies...

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Hmm another idea I had, I was thinking of playing tanarukk/orc character that becomes an eye of gruumsh and maybe tries to become a half-fiend or half-dragon.

However if it's too much, maybe I would play a human/suli half-janni(with racial hitdice). I rolled over 90 in the psionic roll, so my character could essentially be a Kwisatz Haderach.

Somehow at least 3 of you rolled 90+!

That's the dice gods for you. ;)

Is it just me or is everyone going monster or advanced race. What will this little human mage do. xP

Fun faerun fact, a dragon obsessed evoker found a way to use alchemy to turn himself into a half dragon. Sadly he lost most of the flesh of his lower jaw in the process but he still considers it a success.

1d100 ⇒ 62

Alas, not for me.

OmniChoas wrote:
or is everyone going monster or advanced race. What will this little human mage do. xP

Use your superior wizard spells to crush us all into submission. If you are indeed a wizard you are playing one of the three god classes after all ;)

Yeah I've seen what a barbarian with a ring of invisibility can do, among others. Wizards are not a god class. Not that I would be disappointed if I was wrong. :D

P.S. If I see a paladin with a longbow, I'm running.

Gramork wrote:
OmniChoas wrote:
or is everyone going monster or advanced race. What will this little human mage do. xP
Use your superior wizard spells to crush us all into submission. If you are indeed a wizard you are playing one of the three god classes after all ;)

I'm almost definitely going human.

Also, I believe this game is using PF rules, so the trio of god classes are all toned down some.

I'm still undecided on my race, I will probably know by tomorrow.
Probably going take leadership if that an option, need to have a retainer for that old school classic feel.

That being said, we will grow in power. If any of us see a paladin with a longbow, we scatter like cockroaches to the nine hells.

Dark Archive

Oh, Forgotten Realms! Also, I plan on playing a Kitsune, now I know you may think k that isn't possible, but in the Oriental region of the world they have all the standard races as found in Oriental adventures (the 3.5 book) and one of the races is basically a Kitsune only it can be other animals than a fox and all can turn fully into their animal forms. Of course I'm planning on still being a fox. I'll find the name of said race and such...

Dark Archive

Hengeyokai, that's it found in Oriental Adventures although the easiest thing to do is just use Kitsune as the base.

Now time for me to do some research...

I would offer to help but sadly I don't know much about the "eastern realms" of faerun. They only ever did one book on it really and an old one at that. I can tell you that you can leave it by the Golden Way road, that will pop you into our map near the southeastern side of the Endless Waste and east of the Lake of Mist. Your going to have to cover alot of land and sea to get to the Moonsea.

P.S. The continent is called Kara-Tur.

Do we keep the benefits of our kits once we have actual class levels or are they going to be subsumed and replaced by our level one class and class features?

Dark Archive

I could also use many of the magical gates all over the Forgotten Realms. Or be teleported. With Magic it's easy to explain how I got here, but not why, that's a whole different story.

Also, I'll be going for an uncaring Neutral rather than a true evil.

*Pulls out the good old Second Edition Forgotten Realms Atlas.* Hm... Let's see...

Non-evil in an evil game?...
Did someone say Heresy? ;)

Hey, I said Uncaring Neutral, I don't care. You want to murder people, go ahead, I'm just along for the gold...

*Looks back to Atlas* ah, there is Zenthil keep!... Is this before or after the year if the rogue dragons, I can't remember...

Before: 1373, year of the rogue dragons, which also means this is before the spellplauge, and the whole Thay takeover. Alright.

This also means my Atlas isn't outdated!

I could be from as far east as the yellow sea!

Lucky for us, Storyteller doesn't like the idea of the spellplague.
I don't blame him, it was a bit of a mess.

I agree, although some of the things that came from it are cool, it's more of a huge mess than it needed to be.

Now, I think my best bet is to be from Shou Lung, the closest Country to the standard realms. Made my way past the Dragonwall and possibly north from the silk road, to the Plain of horses.

Although from there it gets tricky. The golden way is definitely a must, and from there I end up in Almorel. I can keep following the golden way until I come to Rashemen, where as a Spirit creature they'd accept me pretty well. But I need to end up in Zhenthil keep so... Hmm... I have about 800 miles between the first city in Rashemen and Zhenthil, and that's a straight line...

Psionics: 1d100 ⇒ 78

Hey, if anyone wants to be from Rashemen I will gladly tie stories with you. I am taking the racial Trait that allows me to become a Fox, and I can front as your familiar.

That, or I'll stick with the Merchant Kit and be a "Merchant" From great and distant land...

Grand Lodge

Here comes Emissary's submission!


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I've got my character pretty much ready, but waiting for answers to questions to finalize.

Is it preferred to provide character sheet or just summary?

Site is finally back up for me.

Here are some earlier questions that may have been over looked by the DM.


Do we get bonus equipment from our region? In the player's guide it says if you don't want the bonus equipment for your region you get a 100 gp instead. Sense some of the equipment may be useless to your class. What do I need armor for after all. :)

Also I don't know about anyone else but I followed the automatic and bonus language rules for your region as well. Don't know if your enforcing that or not. May effect language buffs the most I figure, which I am one of due to that pesky intelligence.

Monkeygod wrote:

Right now, I am leaning towards the noble kit, though I would really like more info on the backgrounds.

Likely to be worshiper of Bane, but NOT the one who switches to Cyric.

Shadow, I don't see fast talker as a feat, just a trait.

Fast Talker - General Feat:

You grew up in a household where deceit was not only admired but required and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age.

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you. If you have 10 or more ranks in Bluff, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

NOW, it's a Feat.

Monkeygod wrote:

How are you handling the different domains?

For example, Bane has Tyranny, which in PF is a subdomain.

Also, for Acolyte, is says you can pick one revelation.

Two questions:

1) Can you choose from *any* mystery?

2) Does the revelation have to be one accessible at first level?

Tyranny Domain: Bane

Granted Powers

Strength Over Will (SP): Enemies to whom you deal melee damage takes a -3 penalty on saves against your abilities for 6 rounds afterward. Additionally, if those creatures were immune to mind-affecting abilities or fear abilities, they instead gain a +4 bonus on saves against such abilities for 6 rounds instead. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Tyrannical Strike (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action upon successfully hitting an opponent with a melee attack, you can choose to forgo the damage (but not any other effects of the attack) to instead affect the creature you hit as a greater command spell, with a caster level equal to your cleric level. You can use this ability once per day at 8th level, and an additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 8th.

Tyranny Domain Spells

Hold person
Black tentacles
Hold monster
Wall of iron


Accessible Mysteries for Bane:

1. Apocalypse,
2. Battle, and
3. Intrigue.

Yes, it must be once accessible at 1st level.

More answers later.

Shadow, is a character who chooses​ Acolyte considered to possess the Revelation class feature for anything​ that requires it?(feats, items, etc?) Once we level that is.

DeathQuaker wrote:

This one I'm very definitely working on a character to submit. Thinking tiefling who starts off as craftsman, but goes sorcerer.

Storyteller, a few questions:
1. Is it okay to use the variant tieflings from Blood of Fiends? E.g., grimspawn, doomspawn, etc. I'm totally cool with sticking with standard tieflings but figured I'd ask. (Yes, evading that Charisma penalty would be nice, but I'd probably also play around with other stuff too.)

2. I'm thinking my character's from the Moonsea (makes it easy to get to Zhentil Keep), so the regional feat I am looking at is Street Smart. As written, it grants bonuses to "Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks." Should the "Gather Information" be changed to Diplomacy, or to "Diplomacy checks when gathering information"?

1. Yes the variant tieflings from Blood of Fiends are ok.

2. Diplomacy checks when gathering information.

Dαedαlus wrote:

I'm thinking about going Tiefling (or Aasimar, to be funny... if I can. I'm having trouble deciphering what races exist in Faerun) Apprentice, going into Wizard. Might be a worshipper of Asmodeus..? Again, having a bit of trouble deciphering the lore. Is he even a viable object of worship, because the Spellplague hasn't happened? Or possibly Bane. Sorry, not really familiar with D&D mythology (I was straight to PF), and trying to cram in a lot in a short time.

Mirroring the question about alternate heritages, and also asking about the "switch SLA" tables given for them.

Also, will Leadership ever be an option? Few things cooler than a devil cohort.

Switch SLA tables? Sorry failing my Knowledge check on that one.

No, no Leadership Feat on this one, it will be one of the few restricted things due to the nature of the way the Chronicle as I envision it lays out.

Alright so I've actually made up my mind.
Going to play a genie blooded human(planning on using the half-janni template). Probably going with the acolyte kit, although squire and noble are interesting.

Questions for storyteller.

some questions:

1.Do I need to remain a cleric of cyric for the rest of the adventure once I reach level 1? If so I will play a separatist cleric.

2.would you be willing to convert the sand and thirst 3.5 domains for me?

3. As an acolyte would I gain the initiate of bane feat?

4.Are you alright with the half-janni template if it has a savage progression?

5.It would only take place once I reach level one. What are the mysteries acolytes of cyric have?
Lunar or solar because cleric get their spells at moonrise and solar because solar eclipses are a "Dark sun" and are considered holy.

Grand Lodge

I do think Daedalus means the variant SLA or ability for Aasimars, almost at the end here .

They range from another different SLA, to different extra move speeds -yup, flying is there-, stat bonuses and curious other stuff. From what I've seen around these parts, local custom is (if at all allowed) to roll once and keep it or roll twice and the DM chooses which one is allowed from the two, just to keep it balanced.

Oh, and tiefling have their own table.

Well, I've got a decent Backstory, with a detailed Description of his travels to Rashemen, where his path is very... Well mysterious. Mostly I don't know how to get him from Rashemen after already traveling twice the length of America. The world of Toril is mostly land! Literally half the world is land. However the world is mostly connected. And yes the only book about this region is Dragon Wall, and it's about the wall of the same name about around the year 1353, in which year it was overrun.

Although the history of the wall is interesting, we are actually about 4 years before the period in which the Golden Way would have been closed due to an army overrunning the area. And I was wrong about the year above, it's 59 not 53

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