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<Yep, this is Kish. Already loaded her image to the roll20 account I created.
This will be my first ever roll20 experience, so forgive me my learning curve. Will we only be using the map function? Still posting actions and die rolls here on the boards?

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First order of business over here: linkified
This table will be using Roll20 as our virtual tabletop. If you'd like a particular image to serve as your token PM me a link to it, otherwise I'll be using your character's forum avatar.
this avi is good, not many tengu options. I will have a harder time reaching the maps on the weekends, but will still be able to post here & might ask someone to move my avatar.

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Ok, getting down to it now. Here are my purchases for GM approval:
Starting gold: 5,951.15
Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2000 gp)
End gold 951.15
Also will spend 2 pp on a Wand of Infernal Healing since our party is a bit low on healers. Kishara's UMD isn't stellar, but she could probably shake a spell out of it with a few attempts if she had to.
Aikio snaps her fingers and flame appears. She opens he mouth in an approximation of a human's grin and looks to the flaming dodo shape sitting next to her red-orange robes. "So," she asks in an amused way, "Do any of you front-lines types not burn? Or do you fear being set on fire?"
I will be throwing a bit of fire if we get in combat and want to know who would like (or hate) draconic reservoir and whom to avoid when/if it happens.
Kishara runs her hand over her braided hair as if she could still feel the rough, singed ends she had earned herself not too long ago. She'd had to cut it shorter than she liked as a result and it was just getting back to normal, so she wasn't eager to have that happen again. "So you're going to be throwing some fire then, yes? Does that mean I need to invest in some flame-retardant hair creme? My tactics are a bit... unorthodox, you might say. I like to find my way round to trouble's backside when I can so I often end up in the line of fire. Just try not to cook me, eh?" She says with a wink.
A little about Kish's strategy: She will usually keep a dagger in her hand and throw it during a surprise round to try and catch the enemy flatfooted. Then she will bound out into combat, using acrobatics to avoid AoOs as she seeks a flank and then try to stay put, adjusting position with 5 ft steps when possible to use full attacks to make use of both her shortswords. She does have Evasion and good reflex saves, so hopefully she won't become flambé. Better the fighter should get the reservoir.

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This avatar is fine for me.
Brewslee will purchase a:
Potion of Fly -2PP
Increase Bracers of Armor from +1 to +2 (3000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2000 gp)

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Could we also get the Gameplay Thread opened to dot in. :)
[ooc]I wouldn't worry too much about attacks of opportunity around Brewslee Kishara. He tends to stumble about and provoke everything he can.

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Aye, gameplay thread would be good =) Especially since we seem to be starting! Must be based in a different timezone (looks like GMT) if its a midnight kickoff =)
Sickly uses a reach weapon, if it matters... mostly cause he's allergic to pretty much everything, so tries not to get closer than he needs to. =)

FedoraFerret |

And Gameplay thread is up. As a note about scheduling, here's how things run when I'm doing PbP.
1. To facilitate combat pace, especially since we're on a schedule, initiative will be run in blocks. So, for instance, let's say initiative order is Sickly->Bad Guy 1->Brewslee->Kishara->Bad Guy 2->Auric->Ariana->Aikio. Sickly will go first, then bad guy 1 will go. Then, if bluedove is on before Tyraniu, then Brewslee will be automatically placed into delay, Kishara will go, and then Brewslee will come out of delay. Bad guy 2 goes next, then we have the same deal, but with Auric, Ariana, Aikio, and Sickly again. This way, we can get people's turns out faster.
2. I take Saturdays and Tuesdays off, with Tuesday as my live PFS games and Saturday as my home game day. Other than that, I'm on sporadically during the day.
3. For combat posts, if I'm not online, feel free to post with your action and rolls, and I'll inform you of/post the results when I have the chance.
4. If necessary, feel free to ask for a screenshot of the map. I, personally, will not be providing them, since I can see information you can't, so I expect you guys to have each others backs on this.
With that, game on. Good luck, have fun, and enjo

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I think he's asking if you would post the link on the campaign info tab. Then it will display a nice, clickable link on top of the pages, no matter what page or tab we are currently on. ^_^

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This includes the code for making a link. You can cut & paste that and add the final close bracket. I like adding the link in the GM alias 'race' slot so it shows up every post, but I think I am alone in that. :)

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Curaigh on R20.

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Aikio's Daily Tracking
Sorcerer level 1 spells: 4/4 remaining
Wizard level 1 spells: [OPEN], mage armor, shield, ventriloquism, burning hands
Wizard level 2 spells: [OPEN], blur, invisibility, fire breath, invisibility, [pearl of power]
Wizard level 3 spells: draconic reservouir, dragon turtle shell, seek thoughts, fireball
Fire jet: 7/7 remaining
Ice ray: 5/5 remaining
Eastern mysteries: 1/1 remaining
Not that it matters now, but I might be "Scott J" on d20.

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rage, single move to provide flanking should someone want it,then swing once
Ok, I get that Sickly is using a reach weapon, but how can he provide flanking from that position?

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I took a screenshot of the combat map on Roll 20. Ariana, if you need me to update these often so you can dictate a move from your phone, I can do that. I am always accessing from my laptop. Anyone with the link can edit, so others can update it too.
Looks like to me you can just 5 foot step into a flank and full attack.

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I took a screenshot of the combat map on Roll 20. Ariana, if you need me to update these often so you can dictate a move from your phone, I can do that. I am always accessing from my laptop. Anyone with the link can edit, so others can update it too.
Looks like to me you can just 5 foot step into a flank and full attack.
Thank you I appreciate it. I can only check roll 20 in the evenings, otherwise I'll look at the screen shot during the day.

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It could be worse, at least they lined up :)
Aikio's Daily Tracking
Sorcerer level 1 spells: 4/4 remaining
Wizard level 1 spells: [OPEN], mage armor, shield, ventriloquism, burning hands
Wizard level 2 spells: [OPEN], blur, invisibility, fire breath, invisibility, [pearl of power]
Wizard level 3 spells: draconic reservouir, dragon turtle shell, seek thoughts, fireball
Fire jet: 7/7 remaining
Ice ray: 5/5 remaining
Eastern mysteries: 1/1 remaining
4 (now 5) charges used from CLW wand.
At the end of infernal healing I will be 29/38 at so I shall take one round to CLW. UMD: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19, UMD: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29, CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Who else?
*fist bump* Nat 20! :)

GM FedoraFerret |
Dear Lord! We were supposed to fight through six dragons??? Does that mean we missed out on a lot by not getting through even half of them?
Nah, partially it was time filler. The idea was, between every fight you got 1d4 rounds of rest. When 10 rounds of rest total were up, you were done. I just prerolled it all and came to 6 total, which was actually slightly less than average. Other tiers also had a variety of encounters they could face but this one? This one was nothing but young black dragons.

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Aikio's Daily Tracking
Sorcerer level 1 spells: 4/4 remaining
Wizard level 1 spells: [OPEN], mage armor, shield, ventriloquism, burning hands
Wizard level 2 spells: [OPEN], blur, invisibility, fire breath, invisibility, [pearl of power]
Wizard level 3 spells: draconic reservouir, dragon turtle shell, seek thoughts, fireball
Fire jet: 5/7 remaining
Ice ray: 5/5 remaining
Eastern mysteries: 1/1 remaining
5 charges used from CLW wand.

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@Aikio Do I need to do the reflex save to see if my fire reservoir is reduced by that amount? This is the first time I've been buffed with anything like this.
A Reflex save is required by RAW. The Reflex will reduce the amount of damage you are subjected to, the spell will prevent that amount (up to the max). Sickly is correct in that you can voluntarily fail the save, which Aikio will (& has :) recommend(-ed). As a swift action you can apply 1d6 fire to any melee attack.
Now that I am at a computer I can figure it out for you. :)
28 (or 14) from fireball, 9 from a flame jet before leaving the arena and 1 more from being on fire the next round. Aikio dropped a second flame jet during the fight with the goblin dog, but I never rolled the readied action: 1d6 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 3 + (5) = 10. 28+10+10 Though I am out of fireballs, the next one could hurt :)
Max: 60 hp
Absorbed: 48 (or 34)
Applied (as flaming): 0
also one more charge from my CLW wand for osprey.

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Oops Sickly is correct, I was looking at 10 hp per level, but it should be only 6. So you may want to attempt a Reflex save. Or maybe the GM will allow a retcon to remove one of the flame jets?
Max: 36 hp
Absorbed: 48 (or 34)
Applied (as flaming): 0
No attack roll is needed with the flame jet, 'tis a 20 ft. line.
"SQUAWK!" the fire wizard, screeches. "Here let me fix that," and she begins activating the wand she uses for healing.

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Kish will side with the party's decision but if we're fighting, she will choose to fight from range since the little dragon one tore her several new ones... And her ranged damage is not great. I couldn't find a new map, is there perhaps cover that she could stealth behind and snipe for sneak damage? If so, that would help.

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I suspect we'll get our buts kicked if we try to attack it at our level, depending on how big it is (it could have an AC in the 30's for instance).
Depends on how this is abstracted, I suppose.
Perhaps this is a fight for the higher levels, while we deal with the problems inside?

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Hrmm... yay for decisions to be made on a weekend =)
Anyone else with thoughts?
I'm a little dubious on sneak options, if only due to blindsense, even if we can invis the armored folks.
I'd probably go with rushing past...
Do we know where we're trying to reach? Is there a door? Is it locked? If we have to open a door, that will slow us down (rush or sneak).

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That's four of five for sneaking. Aikio will cast invisibility on Kishara and one other. Auric please cast silence.
If we can affect the battle of our fellows I would like to use the rogue's wand to give one of their front liners fast healing. If so the other invisibility would be me. If not just claim the second casting :)
When we reach the other side I think we should throw a card from the deck of illusions to distract our ally's enemy.

GM FedoraFerret |
Map has been updated. I'm a roll20 subscriber so dynamic lighting is also now in play, so don't be wigged out when you get inside and the lighting does wiggy things.
There is a door, it does seem to be barred.
And I'll consider 4/5 a sufficient number for sneaking. Apply your assorted buffs and then make stealth checks, everyone. I'll apply buff modifiers retroactively, so don't feel like you need to wait for the silence and the invisibility.

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Sneaking it is then!
Given my stealth modifier will be -1 perhaps Sickly should be the 'one other' for invis. =)
GM, How far do we have to go?
Wouldn't recommend the wand thing, Aikio... given its Infernal Healing, many players object to that spell ... (I know I would) ... and hard to ask first across tables.

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Aikio's Daily Tracking
Sorcerer level 1 spells: 4/4 remaining
Wizard level 1 spells: [OPEN], mage armor, shield, ventriloquism, burning hands
Wizard level 2 spells: [OPEN], blur, invisibility, fire breath, invisibility, [pearl of power]
Wizard level 3 spells: draconic reservouir, dragon turtle shell, seek thoughts, fireball
Fire jet: 5/7 remaining
Ice ray: 5/5 remaining
Eastern mysteries: 1/1 remaining
5 charges used from CLW wand.
I presume the illusions are 'directly' as well (as opposed to indirectly)

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Poor Brews... I've yet to see negative levels dealt with in PFS. What needs to happen? He'll need to resolve that before the end of the scenario, right? Will that be a problem with a timed special?
Kish is happy to help pay for spell casting services if that's what he needs. I think as Silver Crusade, I even get to check a journal card entry for it.
Also, if I may ask, what was the CR of the ghost?

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Auric will chip in for Brewslee's restoration spell, of course. These things are usually resolved at the end of the adventure (unless someone in the group can cast the spell), just before handing chronicle sheet. Brewslee need not be afraid, but it'll be something we'll have to deal with eventually.