Worth buying the revised hardcover?

Curse of the Crimson Throne

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I have all of the original CoCT. Is the updated version worth buying? How much is changed? I know it's been updated for the Pathfinder rules set.

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I have the original volumes and the hardcover.

For my money, the hardcover is worth it just for the Scarwall update alone. Everything else is icing on the ancient, undead-infested-castle cake.


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I started running our game with the old version then bought the new one midway through the first book. It's way better to me. Updated rules already done for you, additional stat blocks for npcs like Grau that you might want to let your players bring along on fights etc. My players helped Grau out and he's become their buddy in the guard and the stat block was very helpful. I love it.

Grand Lodge

I own both.

As a player I played through the original and I know that the GM had to spend a lot of time converting monsters and NPCs. 3.5 to Pathfinder is not always easy to convert.

I am planing on running it as a GM starting this summer. The amount of time saved is going to be invaluable. The added content and updated NPCs, I think, are more than worth the cost.

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