Lets make a Magical Girl!!!


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Silver Crusade

As the title says im trying to design a Magical-Girl themed character

Conditions first: As a magical girl I want her to be a Full Caster who worships Shelyn, I've currently am trying to choose between Cleric or Oracle. While i am hoping for this to be somewhat optimal I still want to focus mostly on theme and flavor so these thingsare paramount

No Race Suggestions, I already have one

Must eventually get angelic (or close enough) wings when she becomes powerful enough

At later levels she will gain some form of ranged weapon

She will be NG

Charisma and perhaps Wisdom are my main focuses for now.

She is meant to be mainly played as a strai spellcaster using mainly buffs and either control or blastig.

Must of course have some sort of Divine-esqe feel to it

Please help me wih this, any thought would be apreciated.

If you're looking for Charisma and Wisdom as focused stats and angelic wings at some point, I REALLY hope you're going to have the character be an Aasimar.

They get a +2 to Wisdom and Charisma and, post level 10, they can get angelic wings as a racial feat. Plus, if you're wanting you have your character have a specific look, Aasimar can be created from a paring between any race and a celestial being (doesn't have to be a human and a celestial, though the stats don't change; save for if the mortal of the pair is small-sized, then the Aasimar would have the Small size and the relevant stat bonuses and penalties for being small).

As for class, I'd probably vote towards Cleric, if just because an Oracle's curse isn't very Magical Girl-y.

See if your GM is willing to allow you to have an "Earring of Prestidigitation" (Custom magic item: At-Will Prestidigitation magic item that doesn't take up a magic item slot, priced at about 3,000g or so; used mainly as a Transformation Sequence) and whatever armor you plan on wearing, put the Glamored property on it, so you can make it "transform" from mundane clothes to her magical ones.

Silver Crusade

Harrison wrote:

As for class, I'd probably vote towards Cleric, if just because an Oracle's curse isn't very Magical Girl-y.

The tongues curse could actually go well with this one, if played properly.

Fromper wrote:
Harrison wrote:

As for class, I'd probably vote towards Cleric, if just because an Oracle's curse isn't very Magical Girl-y.

The tongues curse could actually go well with this one, if played properly.

Haunted could also work.

- Torger

Legalistic works too, boosts social interaction stuff and makes you keep your word. It'd need some refluffing probably to be less hell-related though.

Silver Crusade

okay...but what about what mysteries or domains or anything else crazy would you guys recomend?

Fromper wrote:
Harrison wrote:

As for class, I'd probably vote towards Cleric, if just because an Oracle's curse isn't very Magical Girl-y.

The tongues curse could actually go well with this one, if played properly.

You could meta that and have her speak random, often nonsensical Japanese...in a world where there is no Japan (sure, there are ninjas and Samurai...but for that matter there are knights in the form of Cavaliers, and I do not think of Common as a Latin or Germanic based language)Joking of course, I know it doesn't work like that, but it would be funny (actually, I'm not that into this aspect, are any of the languages set in stone with examples? You could just change your chosen tongues language to Japanese for flavor. It is all moonspeak anyway if no one bothers to translate it). Haunted would be good for a bit of power incontinence and flashy effects. With minor image at level 5 I bet you could even do a transformation sequence.

Honestly, if I had to go with flavor, I'd go with Oracle for a Divine caster. This is due to several reasons:
1. Stats: most magical girls are not known for their good sense, so they do not seem the type to have high wisdom. They are known for dramatic speeches and "defeat means friendship" so Charisma would be good to have as a casting stat.
2. This goes back to the first fact: many magical girls are Airheads. Clerics appear to gain their power through strict training in order to commune with their god. This is not how a magical girl typically gets her powers. They usually stumble into it. So oracle (with a sudden revelation) sorcerer (being the last descendant of a powerful magical user or in this case celestial being), and possibly witch (given power by an outside force, the patron) would be your main flavor choices.
3. With the mysteries, it is much easier to make a unique theme than with clerics. Sure there are domains for clerics, but I do not see them as integral as mysteries, and they have a long enough period between each one that you do not get the feel of power ups that you usually see in magical girls. Be sure to add more frills and bows with each mystery.

Silver Crusade

Love sub-domain? I don't know if it's any good, as I've never looked into the details.

Maybe animal domain, or even druid, if you want to focus on that sort of thing. I don't know if the Disney princess singing to her animals is really what you're going for, though.

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She needs some way to have access to disguise self or alter self so she can have her proper transformation sequence. This is a must if you want to call her a magical girl.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Heaven's Oracle seems to be the best choice.

Mix in the use of Color Spray and you're golden.

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Man, is this like a thing or are you just talking about a girl that is magical?

Because if this is a thing then I suspect that is just about the worst job of branding in the history of branding. Either that or it absolutely has to be an anime thing.

Or...maybe it's the best branding in the history of branding. Now my faith in marketing and advertising is shaken forever.

The Exchange

Well... It's not really a full caster, but why not the Empyreal Knight archetype for the Paladin? Whatever you decide to pick as a class feature gains wings to fly.

Another option is Celestial Sorcerer. Spontanious casting, the ability to grow Wings...

Reflavor the Dragon Disciple so that you grow Angelic Wings instead of Dragon Wings.

I kind of like this idea. I'm not a big fan of the whole Magical Girl franchise... but if it means that I can play it as a joke character to bother my brother then by all means, let's make Sailor Moon!

EDIT: This is a Magical Girl.Brought to you by TvTropes.

Yeah, but minor image might be good for all the rainbows and bright lights. Though yes, disguise self and alter self are important too. Also, see if you can customize your verbal components to add the most cheese.

Ah, combat casting is a must, since obviously you need to cast defensively a lot, since obviously your GM will not be as polite as a Saturday morning cartoon villain wishing to destroy the world/humanity.

Since the flashy blasting spells tend to be arcane, you might want to do a healing based character. Although... Nature mystery gets a mount....Actually, what size/age are you going to be? While you can totally trick out a horse for this, maybe if you were a young and small you could get a wolf. That would have a much better image. Since lets admit it... the heroines of magical girl shows tend to be kids. A protective pet would have good synergy.


Sudden revelation myself...I got waaaaaay to into this discussion. Not sure how I should interpret that. I also forgot about the OP entirely when they mentioned Shelyn. Ok, not seeing any specific revelations connected to this god. But we can wing it from its portfolio, so we are looking at wind, and maybe life, nature, and heavens?

Silver Crusade

@Lemeres: She's Medium sized, she just has a child like disposition.

You opinion guys: Would taking Planar Oracle as an archetype be worth it?

Oracle would be a wonderful fit.

Great now I want to make the young witch from Rosario+Vampire.

Silver Crusade

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Oracle would be a wonderful fit.

Great now I want to make the young witch from Rosario+Vampire.

Personally I kinda prefer Ruby over her, but I have to say my favorite of "The Girls" has got to be Mizore, I don't know why though.

The Exchange

Maybe she should have 'poison use' to simulate the traditionally really bad cooking skills magical girls oft seem to have..? ;)

Quintin Belmont wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Oracle would be a wonderful fit.

Great now I want to make the young witch from Rosario+Vampire.

Personally I kinda prefer Ruby over her, but I have to say my favorite of "The Girls" has got to be Mizore, I don't know why though.

I prefer Ruby as well. Though I have to say I love Inner Moka. Mizore is awesome as well.

ProfPotts has a good suggestion.

Great, now I feel old invisioning Sailor Moon and Cardcapturer Sakura. Edit: to ProfPotts- that could be perfect roleplaying for the haunted curse. Have the spirits add 'special ingredients' when she is not looking.

Darn, medium huh. Well, part of me wants to advise an animal companion still. A horse would be fine though. I'm sure you could trick it out with all the ribbons and frills that obviously denote power. Obviously. It would definitely open up the limp curse as a viable option. Too bad you can't get magical beasts as animal companions under normal circumstances, or I'd suggest getting a unicorn. And then applying the robot template. And going on a rainbow massacre. Excuse me while I get that song out of my head.

Ok, I'm back. For serious suggestions: Wind revelation seems like it might be good. It is the easiest to argue for with the god you mentioned in your first post. It also has a couple of flashy attacks that seem thematically good. The touch of electricity seems fairly standard, but at level 11 you can treat any weapon you use as having shock. I do not know if you specifically stated you wanted aasimir, or whether you would take the feat for wings, you might still consider this revelation since it can give you wings immediately for minute/level.

Lamontius wrote:

Man, is this like a thing or are you just talking about a girl that is magical?

Because if this is a thing then I suspect that is just about the worst job of branding in the history of branding. Either that or it absolutely has to be an anime thing.

Or...maybe it's the best branding in the history of branding. Now my faith in marketing and advertising is shaken forever.

I was wondering the same thing

Lo and behold, after a quick search it appears to be an Anime.

I see sorceress as the apex class for magical girls there charismatic can grow wings and can blast people with prismatic energy beams. All you need to do to complete the routine is get a sentient staff and persuade you gm that it emits a puff of pointless steam every time you cast a spell.

I can see Magus being a Good Magical Girl class... At least if we look at some of the ones aimed at older viewers.

True, we are beginning to get into some of the subtypes aren't we. I imagine that Quinton is likely going to go with the 'classic' leader version, giving inspiration and power boosts to the rest of the team. Oracles would still be good for the combat types though.

Though I will admit, I do tend to think of sorcerers for this role.

I'd also would love to see suggestions for darker themed magical girls. Some of the oracle revelations seem particularly appropriate with undead minions and armor made from bones.

Silver Crusade

Well she's not gonna be an Aasimar. She's sctually a

Warning! THis race was chosen for backstory and Character thematics, not optimization. Dont complain!:
Qlippoth Blooded Teifling. Her Oracular Curse would be Wrecker (ie she would accidentaly keep breaking things like her cooking supplies or delicate glass-things)

If you aren't okay with this or want to know why, then I'll go ahead and give you her backstory.

Silver Crusade

@lemeres If you want i could go Dark Tapestry and reflavor it a bit

I really like that...

I wonder would Erza from Fairy Tail classify as a Magical Girl style character?

On-Topic: I am guessing you are using the Haunted curse and reflavoring it as her being a Klutz?

Maybe that would work for Seina Yamada from Tenchi Muyo! GXP.

Silver Crusade

Actually Im using the Wrecker Curse and flavoring it like a klutz who accidentily creacks things due to her semi-chitinous hands.

And no Erza wouldn't be a Magical Girl, though Mavis would as well as possibly Lucy and Lisanna and definatly Wendy

Oh wow I didn't even know about that curse...

Mavis I can see... Lucy and Lisanna I am not sure.

And I was think Erza would be similar to one of the ones from Dark Walkers(can't remember its full title).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lamontius wrote:

Man, is this like a thing or are you just talking about a girl that is magical?

Because if this is a thing then I suspect that is just about the worst job of branding in the history of branding. Either that or it absolutely has to be an anime thing.

Or...maybe it's the best branding in the history of branding. Now my faith in marketing and advertising is shaken forever.

My favorite "Magical Girl", and could be an intro to the magical girl mania.

Is this a Zombie?

And yes, it is a manga/anime thing.


So I looked up Shelyn and noticed that a really colorful, magical looking bird is used to represent the goddess. That got me to thinking, why not refluff an Eagle Shaman Druid? It really gives you everything you might want ability wise.

Starting at level 2, as a standard action you "adopt the aspect of an eagle while retaining your normal form". So basically, you transform and are wearing your Magical Girl uniform. Ability wise, you can have either some natural attack, bonuses to perception or the ability to fly (starting at level 5)! This also provides you with an opening round where you deliver your Heroic Monologue!

Next you can choose to have a cute animal companion to fight with you (refluff an Eagle) or you can pick up the Leadership domain, which lets you provide a buff to allies and gain Leadership for free down the road (gain an apprentice Magical Girl).

Spell casting wise, you get some battle-field control options, group buffs, healing spells and even some blaster spells. I'd focus more on the healing and buffing spells.

Offensively, you can make a good archer with a druid. You won't do the most damage, but you'll do enough to feel useful. Make sure you add the Guided weapon property to your bow, that will let you use Wisdom for attack and damage rolls, so you can dump your strength down.

You may also want to add in 3 or 4 levels of Zen Archer. This would give you some nice boosts to AC, free archer feats and some useful offensive boosts. Take the Bonded Companion feat and your pet will still progress at full druid levels!

Silver Crusade

THe curse is in the splat book "Blood of Fiends" wich gives advice and alternate rules for Tieflings.

This is the type of magical girl your thinking of
Actually, considering her background story I was also thinking of taking the Adopted Trait (Halfling) and Choosing the Community Guardian Archetype

Ah, well, that was a complete surprise. i was thinking of the bright and shiny types. This is much more interesting. I can fully understand the choice in race, and I also understand worrying over the complaints about "snowflake" races. Too much gripping in my opinion. If I wanted to play something I already am, I'd roll dice for studying for exams. The core races tend to be too "human, but with a bit of cheap costuming added on." With those stats, I can see why you leaned toward cleric before. But I've also seen in guides advising that a bonus in wisdom for oracles can be a blessing since it lets you keep good wisdom even if you drop it a point or two to better afford your other stats without facing any penalties.

The choice earlier in a neutral good goddess of beauty and art seems interesting. I'd say that the choice in revelation depends on the kind of character arc you are going for with this character. If it is about redemption, then a lighter revelation might be in order. Though generally taking a more intense turn for even this could contribute to your character concept. Don't let yourself by bogged down by binaries and try to find what fits your character.

Actually it is more of Mirajane's Take-Over form. At least for most of them.

One of them has a similar Power to Erza's Requip: The Knight.

Silver Crusade

@lemeres when i linked Dark Magical Girl page it was for Azaelas's question. Anyway thanks for the support, for a second i was ready for a crapstorm about how unmagical it was. Also i chose Shelyn for her godess of Love and Inner Beauty aspect since it would fit her personality better.

@Javead: That's an interesting idead, what iff i took say a two level dip in that druid?, though it would be kinda weird on a character who looks like some weird alien girl already.

Anyway another point i should prabably share that i feel i cheated you all on is this: She is actually not a "Main Character" She was originally a part of another character's backstory who has now comeback to life to help guide and comfort him (said character is kinda like an LG cross between Simon the Digger and Domon Kasshu)


Also since everyone is now getting very invested with our little magical girl, would anyone want to hear her backstory?

Grand Lodge

Side Note: You can play your current race, and be small-sized, if you wish. Tieflings can be of small size, as noted in Blood of Fiends.

Bard sits better with me as a fitting class.
Sound Striker or Dervish Dancer could be good archetypes for this.

Shelyn is a good deity for this. For flavor, I suggest nabbing the Charming trait, and the Boots of the Eternal Rose when you can afford them.

Silver Crusade

@blackbloodtroll I already know the rules allow her to be small, bu I want her medium. Also I wanted her to be a Divine class for Backstory reasons. Also i was going to give her the Adopted trait (Halfling) and have her take Ingratiating (ARG) to get some automatic Perform skills.

Fair enough, we all love making characters here, even if they are not main ones. Well, this has started to limit the number of available "angelic wings" options. Wind might still be best for your mystery, and it would still allow you to use Shelyn, a goddess with air domain. That goddess is particularly good for the bit of backstory and role you gave since she is also a goddess of love.

And sure, it sounds interesting enough.

Grand Lodge

By the way, you are not restricted by your Deity in what Mystery you choose.

Regarding the looks, you don't have to take the "Aspect of the Eagle" thing literally. Since this is for a home game, not PFS, you should be able to talk to your GM and refluff the abilities how every you like so long as the mechanics are the same.

As for just two levels of druid you have to have at lest 5 levels to gain flight. Also you can use the ability for minutes/day equal to your class level. 5 uses a day should be plenty for most of your combat sessions in one day though.

I figured you wanted to go with the love & beauty idea, I just thought a cute or pretty bird as a messenger & guide would fit the overall concept.

Also I'd love to have the back story.

Silver Crusade

Ah...were to begin. I'll due it in increments to make it easier.

Part one: The starting of a good life, or, Am i to truly be free?

Hope's first memories were not what one would consider normal for a young child, however such is the usualy lot for a Teifling. The farthest back she can recal was, when she was at the end of her toddler years, being on a ship crammed with various other people in chains. Normally the events that would follow would be that of sorrow and misfortune...however fate decided to smile on her. There was a great rocking and the sounds of canonfire, and evuntually the door to thier barracks was broken down and thier guard killed by fine proud warriors dressed in Blue: The Eagle Knights had intercepted and taken over the slaver's ship. Once freed from thier bonds the ship was taken back to Andoran where the slaves would be free citizens, however the young girl seemed enraptured by the proud freedom fighters and would not leave thier sight, rather she seemed to constantly cling to them. When the knights found out that the girl had no family one of thier own, a proud Halfling falconer and former slave himself decided to adopt the young one as his own child.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
By the way, you are not restricted by your Deity in what Mystery you choose.

True, the deity that grants your mystery does not necessarily have to be one you support. I'm simply just suggesting simplifying things by having the source of her powers match her personal attitudes. Plus, he did ask for angelic wings specifically, and most of the other mysteries that give wings tend to be a bit darker in appearance.

Quintin you might want to post it in a Google Doc or something. It will make it easier for others to read.

Silver Crusade

how does one do this?

Silver Crusade

plus i have a problem: We have an exchange student in the house, so unfortunalty google on our computer is in Korean, meaning I dont know what to do anymore on it (which is why i stick to bing)

I dated a Italian/French woman who was studying linguistics as a minor. I didn't know what to expect whenever I went to Google.

You might look into creating multiple accounts for each user of the computer.

But if you sign in to Google Drive with a google account you can easily create a Google Doc then share it and post a link on here.

Silver Crusade

okay, ill try it, but this will take a while so bear with me.

Grand Lodge

The Impressive Presence (Taldor) Trait might be appropriate.

Wings can be gained this way -

Skill Focus (heal)
Eldritch Heritage (Celestrial Bloodline)
at level 11 - Improved Eldritch Heritage (Wings of Heaven)

Done and done :)

Oracle would probably be better considering the Cha required on these feats but a charismatic Cleric would be fine as well I suppose.

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