Anyone ever tried to make a spellscar character?


I've been thinking about/making a spellscar oracle for about a week going with the wrecking curse and focusing on dispelling feats, making a character that breaks weapons ruins magic that's already been cast and making spells that are being cast go heywire. A blob of dismantling chaotic entropy.

But I've been thinking about it and with this mystery the character can easily make it so that primal magical events are a daily occurrence, (Eldritch scar, Primal mastery, trigger primal magical event). Kewl right?

Except that maybe having at least 2 primal magical events a day would not be fun it would be a legistical nightmare, take ages and get boring very quickly. Also not exactly helpful primal magic events can hurt a party as much as help it, no?

Also does triggering a primal magical event when someone else casts a spell mean there Spell doesn't happen? Because I'm a bit unclear about that.

So yeah my question is has anyone ever played one or seen one played and did the universe farting on you every time someone twiddled their fingers get annoying?

I really think this character could be fun but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm wrong.

I will take that as a no xD

I did use one as a baddie in the game I am running. She also escaped so I will get to see her in play again. It was one combat encounter and that oracle was level nine.

It is a really fun idea. The Trigger Primal Magic Event ability is a once per day, which is sad and I used it twice because my use sucked so much. I had a 30 ft radius turn monochromatic and then I rained rotten fruit. So my own abilities did nothing for me. Which was sad but it was still fun :)

Just talk it over with your group and make sure they do not mind. It would be a fun thing to play. The primal magic lists are so random and with the right backstory it could be a blast. So long as the group is cool with something so chaotic it would be a blast. It is on my list of things I wanna play.

As to if it cancels out the spell I have no idea. I would say check with the GM.

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