Terquem |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I just went through a medical procedure that took twelve weeks - I never understood the billing that was done, don't understand why I have two separate co-pays for each visit when I used to have only one, and don't understand the way my insurance keeps sending me and the clinic letters saying they don't like the way they are being billed, but pay the bill anyway (I have a good, well, acceptable, employer provided plan)
I think, in my opinion, the biggest problem with healthcare and healthcare providers in America is that it has become the worst possible combination of the simple human desire to try and do good (compassion) and the simple human desire to get all that you deserve (greed) one can imagine
and these two things simply are not meant to be in combination
Comrade Anklebiter |
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This is a pretty effective ad.
I'm sure every one who is interested in such things has already seen it, but it isn't in this thread, so:
Irontruth |
Emails and letters are okay, calls are the most efficient method of contact. Don't call the DC office either, call the local office. You can even ask if there is a staffer dedicated to the issue that you can talk to.
Don't be irate, don't try to get into details. Just give your position on a bill, name, and address. Don't call multiple times on the same bill.
Former senate/house staffers say this is the most effective method to get your voice heard on the issue.