Starfinder Adventure Card Game?

General Discussion

Are there any mentions of making Starfinder Adventure Card Game? I understand Starfinder is still in the early stages as a RPG coming out this August, but I'm hoping they might release the card game at the same time. I don't think I'll ever get to play the RPG as I have no friends, but I'm having a blast soloing with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and would love to have the Starfinder card game.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm with you, but I'm pretty sure nothing has been mentioned as of yet. I'd think Paizo want to get some traction on the RPG before branching into any such spin-off product. At least they can count the two of us for demand once that happens.

I'm a little on the fence about Starfinder but a Starfinder card game would be an insta buy for me.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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We don't have anything to announce, but it's an interesting idea, isn't it?

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At the risk of it being weird, I want to go back and give VigorBird a hug for saying he has no friends.... hug

I agree, as someone who plays all the PACGs, having an STARFINDER card game at launch or close to it would do wonders. It would give people a change to get in on the ground floor, open up new territory for new mechanics, and it could be a crossover if it was like IORN GODS adventure path. You would get the new starfinder fans on board AND those that do the current adventure paths or play the current fantasy themed PACGs.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We don't have anything to announce, but it's an interesting idea, isn't it?

A wonderful idea! I want.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
LEPLEY wrote:
I agree, as someone who plays all the PACGs, having an STARFINDER card game at launch or close to it would do wonders. It would give people a change to get in on the ground floor, open up new territory for new mechanics, and it could be a crossover if it was like IORN GODS adventure path. You would get the new starfinder fans on board AND those that do the current adventure paths or play the current fantasy themed PACGs.

Agreed. I've been poking away at the Runelords card game for a couple years now, and don't know if I'll get into the other sets, being so behind. It's the same for me with Android: Netrunner. I got the core deck and love it, but there are so many expansions it's rediculous and I'm never going to buy any. Lo and behold, Terminal Directive was just released this month, which introduces a campaign to the game and works with just the core deck. I'm all in. A Starfinder card game could have the same effect with Pathfinder card game fans. It certainly would with me, just as with StarFinder itself. I'm never going to expand my Pathfinder source collection past the three or four books I have now, but getting in on the ground floor of StarFinder and looking forward to its much more managable release schedule ensures I'll be a subscriber. Do that with the card game and you'll hook all the others like me.

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