Goblin Brawler (no, not THAT kind of Brawler)...


I've been working on a rebuild of an old favorite character, trying to take into account some the copious amount of errata that's taken place since he last surfaced. The base concept is built around the Fighter Archetype 'Brawler' which I think is very underrated in design and potential. The current build I'm looking at is listed below - any suggestions or advice would be most welcome.

One major and one minor house rule applies here; The first being that, in our games, weapons that the feat Weapon Finesse would apply to instead gain the weapon quality 'finesse' that allow any wielder to apply their Dexterity instead of their Strength to attack rolls. The actual feat has been altered to allow characters to apply their Dexterity to damage rolls as well, with two caveats - the first being that it is weapon-specific, like Weapon Focus, and the second being that you don't get the 1.5 damage multiplier when wielding a Finesse weapon with two hands. The second house rule is merely that the GM has agreed to allow Piranha Strike to serve as a replacement for Power Attack when it comes to feat pre-requisites.

Goblin 2nd level Unchained Monk / 18th level Fighter (Brawler)

STR - 10
DEX - 20 (+1 @ 4th, 8th, 12th & 16th)
CON - 14
INT - 10
WIS - 14
CHA - 6

Goblin Foolhardiness
Quain Martial Artist

1st - Improved Unarmed Strike
1st - Stunning Fist
1st - Dodge
1st - Weapon Finesse: Unarmed Strike
2nd - Combat Reflexes
3rd - Crane Style
3rd - Mobility
4th - Piranha Strike
5th - Crane Wing
6th - Pummeling Style
7th - Combat Style Master
8th - Two-Weapon Fighting
9th - Disruptive
10th - Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
11th - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
12th - Pummeling Charge
13th - Agile Maneuvers
13th - Stand Still
14th - Jabbing Style
15th - Jabbing Dancer
16th - Jabbing Master
17th - Counterpunch
18th - Pummeling Bully
19th - Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike
20th - Greater Weapon Focus: Unarmed Strike

stats at 6th level:

HP 52 (6d10+12), Fortitude +10, Reflex +11 w/Evasion, Will +4
AC 35 (flat 20, touch 27) w/Mobility

10 + 6 [Dex] +1 [Size] + 1 [Dodge] +5 [Armor] +3 [Shield] +3 [Fighting Defensively] +1 [Acrobatics] +4 [Crane Wing]
Attack: +13/+13/+8
+6/+6/+1 [BAB] +6 [Dex] +1 [Size] +1 [Amulet] +1 [Training] -2 [Fighting Defensively]
Damage: 1d4+11
1d4 [Unarmed Strike] +6 [Dex] +1 [Trait] +1 [Amulet] +3 [Training]
Gear [15500/16000]:
Mithril Chain Shirt +1, Mithril Heavy Shield +1, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Belt of Dexterity +2, Cloak of Resistance +1, Ring of Protection +1

stats at 11th level:

HP 92 (11d10+22), Fortitude +14, Reflex +17 w/Evasion, Will +8
AC 39 (flat 24, touch 27) w/Mobility & Menacing Stance (-1/-8)

10 + 6 [Dex] +1 [Size] + 1 [Dodge] +7 [Armor] +5 [Shield] +3 [Fighting Defensively] +1 [Acrobatics] +4 [Crane Wing] +1 [Ring]
Attack: +19/+19/+14/+14/+9/+9 (Crit. 19+)
+11/+11/+6/+6/+1/+1 [BAB] +8 [Dex] +1 [Size] +1 [Amulet] +2 [Training] -2 [Fighting Defensively] – 2 [TWF]
Damage: 1d4+14 w/Pummeling Style
1d4 [Unarmed Strike] +8 [Dex] +1 [Trait] +1 [Amulet] +4 [Training]
Gear [81500/82000]:
Mithril Chain Shirt +3, Mithril Heavy Shield +3, Keen Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Belt of Dexterity +4, Cloak of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +1, Winged Boots, Handy Haversack

A couple of comments:

At 9th level the character gains Menacing Stance which, among other things, effectively causes adjacent casters to take a -8 on concentration checks (and scales up). At 11th he gets No Escape and at 13th a very potent Standstill. Should make him a nightmare at times for casters to deal with.

The relatively low Will save is a deliberate aspect of the character concept, even if its not optimized.

Ultimately, the intention is to use Combat Style Master to vacillate between Pummeling Style and Jabbing Style during his turns depending on whether he is charging or not and to keep Crane Style up the rest of the time. Until that happens, Pummeling Style is a nice way to get around annoying DR...

His skills are predominantly limited to Acrobatics, Perception and Stealth with a few other things sprinkled in.

At higher levels, particularly once Jabbing Master comes up, his damage should be insane.


With the house rule this is pretty decent.

Any feats you are not married to?

Cavall wrote:

With the house rule this is pretty decent.

Any feats you are not married to?

Honestly, they all seem like they are either essential to make the build go or they're pre-requisites for those feats. It was tough balancing it all in there - why, what are you thinking?

I'd have liked to get Jabbing Master in their earlier or Medusa's wrath in there at all, but it wasn't in the cards... the thing I like most is how high the AC and attack bonuses stay from start to finish.

Greater two weapon at least. It either won't be needed (as the target will be dead by then) or the first attacks missed so it'll miss too.

Not to mention crane style is going to penalize you further. So like.. -14 to basic attacks on that last one or so. Just not worth it.

You'd be able to grab weapon focus faster or maybe medusa then.

By 9th level spellcasters really should have a means of avoiding or surviving an AoO. Disruptive might be worth it if it was being used as a prerequisite but it's there standing alone. IMO it too could be switched out.

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