Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

FAQ wrote:
Spell Mastery: Can an alchemist, magus, or witch select this feat?
As written, no, as the feat's prerequisite is "1st-level wizard."
However, the feat was written before the existence of the alchemist, magus, and witch classes, and it is a perfectly reasonable house rule to allow those classes to select the feat and apply its benefits to an alchemist's formula book, magus's spellbook, or witch's familiar.
That FAQ is from May 2013, so it doesn't list the even newer classes, but it clearly applies.

Gisher |

For those playing PFS, the PFS Campaign Clarifications now updates the language.
Campaign Clarifications wrote:
Core Rulebook
Page 134—Treat the prerequisite for the Spell Mastery feat as though it read "able to prepare 1st-level arcane spells or prepare 1st-level extracts." As appropriate, treat any wizard-specific language in the feat as though it referenced the equivalent language for any qualifying class (e.g. "formula book" or "familiar" instead of "spellbook" or "extract" instead of "spell").