The World of Mayness


Male Human Rogue(2)/Fighter(4)/Ranger(6)

The world I run is called Mayness (Pronounced Manez) which is a world of high fantasy and technology not unlike an early Diesel Punk late Steampunk era. Maynees really has no true religion or main pantheon of gods. The reason is said to be due to a war of gods in which the 99 gods of light sealed the gods of darkness within a celestial prison which caused the shattering of the Moon but at the cost of their lives and their blood mixed with the land and then cascading through the chosen and creating the Ebon. Each Chosen carries within them the power of a scion that other Chosen can take by beheading. When the power is absorbed, it is added to the victorious Chosen's power. Yet it comes at a cost; this cost is becoming malformed. The more powerful a Chosen, the more deformed they can be. As of yet the only chosen have been from the so called "noble" races of Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome and Halfling. Hence why these races are treated better than the other races in the five recognized Kingdoms of Zeist, Entitas, Flatus,Monstrum and Bellator. Each of the kingdoms have their own distinct culture - for example, Flatus is known for its technological innovation,Entitas for its rough-and-tumble lifestyle, and Zeist for its diversity. There are other "kingdoms" such as Stormbreach and Deismaar-Ra. There are also six continents, many not fully explored due to the attacks of the Ebon that threaten to devour all the races. Ebon are an aberration of other creatures that are created by unknown means. They just spawn from now where but are said to feed off all of the negative emotions such as sorrow, hopelessness, anger, and the like. As of to date there are no known "humanoid" Ebon.

Male Human Rogue(2)/Fighter(4)/Ranger(6)

This will be a play by post for Pathfinder that will involve 5-7th level characters with the following books allowed.....Pathfinder core books, Advanced books, ultimate books, Blood of Angels, Pathfinder Society Field Guide, Unchained Classes, Cheliax; Empire of Devils, all....of Golarion books, Inner Sea Races, Taldor; Echoes of Glory, and 1001 Spells . When you make your character roll 4d6 drop the lowest, placing the stats as anywhere in the 6 attributes. Also when you make the character put what books you used out of the above books. No other books are permitted. I will double check to make sure. As for the gold you will have it as per level of the character plus 1k.

I'm game to try this.

Male Human Rogue(2)/Fighter(4)/Ranger(6)

Cool. Let us see you else joins :)

Sovereign Court

Male Garuda-blooded aasimar (plumekith) unchained monk 2/warpriest (sacred fist) of Irori 6


Hey sinjin its sopo

Sovereign Court

Male Garuda-blooded aasimar (plumekith) unchained monk 2/warpriest (sacred fist) of Irori 6


Male Human Rogue(2)/Fighter(4)/Ranger(6)

"The world was only blood and fire to him as he awoke in that cave, with the body of his beloved daughter gripped in his red ichor soaked arms. That is where his tale started unfortunately. His tale is the beginning of tragedy that lead him to the forests of Carth, nothing like his desert of sand and hardened rock. No one really knows his name, only the moniker that has been bestowed upon this Kasatha; Quietus Harrow or the Black Death. Regrettably that path has led him to begin killing certain people in influential positions in the territory you have found yourselves; Deismaar-Ra." The human female says as she looks at you and the people near you. Atmospherically speaking, the ambience of shadows and light that dance almost as in a silent war. The grey granite floors and pinkish feldspar furniture causes the dimly lit area to almost clash. You were arrested months ago and held in the black stone dungeons of SharKat with no charges ever presented to you. This morning you were pulled from the shadows of obscurity, washed in an actual tub, clothed in white linens, fed properly and finally brought here to the current Basileus* Aricia Nikos. Her garment appears to be some form of emerald green silk ankle length kirtle. With the inner gown having longer and tighter sleeves, and the outer kirtle having shorter and looser sleeves. The trim is set in a blood red color that match her eyes. Basileus Niko's hair appears to be spun gold much like Sif's before Loki cut it off.

The Fetchling and Grippli slaves move about silently, doing what must be done such as refilling cups of drink. They never look up, only perform their tasks.

"You will be given your equipment back and the higher races of you will be offered titles and land once this "Kasatha" is dealt with." The word Kasatha is spoken with almost emotionless distain. "He is to be brought to me alive, though maiming is alright. For those who are not of the higher races you will be given the Kasatha's weight in gold with transportation out of our great city with a writ of passage." She drinks her wine and with a conceded smirk she continues, never looking at anyone else save you and the people that were brought in with you. "If you do well I may keep you together and use you as an elite guard. Also as to make sure there are no misconceptions the guard of three noble houses were sent out and murdered Harrow's white township of Zerzura in the Iram Desert. It was for expansion reasons as well as Crystal deposits in the area. I make no excuses, nor accept any for failure." With this she dismisses your group from her hall.

As you all walk out to via the large wooden doors on the east side of the Hall you hear "You shall have the information that is needed. I do hope you succeed."

How do I do this?

Name: Liabella
Female Elf Ranger Level 7
Sourcebooks Used
• Advanced Player's Guide / Ultimate Equipment -
Blunt arrows (weapon); Flight arrows (weapon); Smoke
arrows (weapon)
• Advanced Player's Guide Hero Points - Hero Points
• Advanced Player's Guide Traits / Elves of Golarion /
Ultimate Campaign - Warrior of Old (trait)
• Adventurer's Armory / Ultimate Equipment - Parade
armor (armor)
• Ultimate Campaign - Seeker (trait)
• Ultimate Combat - Snap Shot (feat)
• Ultimate Equipment - Mess kit (equipment)

Male Tengu Rogue(2)/Bard(6)/Ranger(4)

Nice Ranger. I'm assuming She is an archer?

Male Human Rogue(2)/Fighter(4)/Ranger(6)

This is Closed.... I give up

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