So Is Open Call still a thing?

Pathfinder Society


I would like to submit something to Open Call later in the year but I can't seem to find the link on the site. Is Open Call gone for good?

Open Call?

You mean Paizo's SuperStar? It's on indefinite hiatus.

If you are speaking of the Third Party Publisher's Open call thread it's still here in the third party section.


Drejk wrote:

Open Call?

You mean Paizo's SuperStar? It's on indefinite hiatus.

If you are speaking of the Third Party Publisher's Open call thread it's still here in the third party section.

I thought there was an official paizo submission for quests.

** RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I recently logged onto my bookmarked page for the open call for the quests and it auto-directed me elsewhere, so I suspect they're not accepting any right now, though am not sure.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Yeah, I contacted customer service about that, and they thought they had already took that down. Turns out FAQ and other links to the Open Call were supposed to be taken down two years ago. They're not accepting anything at the moment. Even the form that you can find online was written back in 2015 and is in need of an overhaul.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

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I inherited the open call about 30 months ago and worked through a big swath of the backlog—turned out well, too, given numerous solid Pathfinder Society authors came to my attention that way. The main trouble is that managing the open call is not something that fits into my weekly work schedule, so every submission I've reviewed and responded to has been handled over the weekend or after work, making it much more of a personal passion that has to fit around any freelance work I'm handling at the time. That's been all the more the case in the effort to spin up Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

When the organized play landing page was updated in the second half of 2016, the open call disappeared because the Get Involved page (once held instructions for becoming a venture-captain and the open call instructions) was changed into a dedicated coordinators page; the open call information was removed in the process, though somewhat accidentally. This has allowed me to do a little catch-up, but not a lot.

Once I feel I am again at a point where I can accept submissions—perhaps also for Starfinder content—I will work with our web team to put up the open call again. I would want to ensure that I can review the majority of the current inbox before reopening the call. I know there were changes I wanted to make a while back, and likely once the open call is again ready for business, there will be some slightly different expectations; most notably, the quests would be serving explicitly as a writing sample and less as quests for direct publication, as the role of quests in the organized play campaigns has evolved considerably over the past six years.

I want to see this up and running again. I just need to free up the off-hours bandwidth. It would likely also help if I didn't write 880-word responses to applicants. We shall see.


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John Compton wrote:

I inherited the open call about 30 months ago and worked through a big swath of the backlog—turned out well, too, given numerous solid Pathfinder Society authors came to my attention that way. The main trouble is that managing the open call is not something that fits into my weekly work schedule, so every submission I've reviewed and responded to has been handled over the weekend or after work, making it much more of a personal passion that has to fit around any freelance work I'm handling at the time. That's been all the more the case in the effort to spin up Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild.

When the organized play landing page was updated in the second half of 2016, the open call disappeared because the Get Involved page (once held instructions for becoming a venture-captain and the open call instructions) was changed into a dedicated coordinators page; the open call information was removed in the process, though somewhat accidentally. This has allowed me to do a little catch-up, but not a lot.

Once I feel I am again at a point where I can accept submissions—perhaps also for Starfinder content—I will work with our web team to put up the open call again. I would want to ensure that I can review the majority of the current inbox before reopening the call. I know there were changes I wanted to make a while back, and likely once the open call is again ready for business, there will be some slightly different expectations; most notably, the quests would be serving explicitly as a writing sample and less as quests for direct publication, as the role of quests in the organized play campaigns has evolved considerably over the past six years.

I want to see this up and running again. I just need to free up the off-hours bandwidth. It would likely also help if I didn't write 880-word responses to applicants. We shall see.

Okay thanks. I'm particularity interested in submitting for Starfinder Organized play because I've got a crap ton of ideas for scenarios and quests that I want to share with the world.


I would like to express the same interest. When you guys are ready to grow, we're here excited and wanting to be a part of it!

Scarab Sages

I've got a few scenarios I've been working on at an irregular pace. Seeing the open call information would be just the prodding I need to finish them up.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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At Gen Con's "Writing For Paizo" panel this past weekend, Joe Pasini, Amanda Hamon Kunz, and I brought up the Open Call and our current plans for it. To paraphrase:


The Pathfinder Society Open Call is not taking additional submissions at this time, and submissions received and acknowledged earlier are either undergoing or pending review. If you have additional material that you would like to submit for review, please hold that until the Open Call reopens (to be announced in an upcoming blog on

With Gen Con 2017 over, Paizo’s developers are reviewing earlier submissions in the Open Call inbox to provide feedback. Furthermore, staff are revisiting and revising the Open Call program to re-launch later this year—potentially to accommodate both Pathfinder and Starfinder with additional submission types beyond the 2,000-word quest format.

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