zza ni |

Deadhand Style while it inform how long the fear effect last, it say it 'empower your unarmed strikes".
so how many attacks are enpowered so? if it wasn't plural i would have said only one but as it say 'attacks' is that all your attacks this turn, or more?
(point is. this shaken effect unlike a normal demoralize doesn't say it doesnt stack so hitting the same target while shaken would make it frightened and a 3rd hit will panic it)
also while were at it
deadhand initiate = how long does the temp hp last? 1 min .1 hour? (i know of 2 difrent kind some last a min some an hour. or do these last untill used?)

Alderic |
I would assume 1 ki point empowers your attacks for the rest of the round. However, I have no idea if it should be until the end of your turn or until the start of your next one.
As for the initiate question... unknown, but temp hp don't have an habit of lasting forever, safest bet is 'till the end of the fight when you are no longer considered using the style.

zza ni |

while temp hp lasting a minute or an hour have reference. that one of temp hp lasting til lend of combat i have never seen, you might as well say that any condition effecting the target end if the combat end and that is not so for example if you tie it to the stance. what if the combat is still on but i change my stance? by tieing it to the style it should end. but that is not a given thing to pull.
now if you meant the charging your attacks duration to last until you change style..that actually might be right. and explain why it doesn't state a duration. you invest one ki and while holding the stance (and you can't hold it after combat) it last.

Alderic |
The simple truth is that it's unspecified.
So charging your attacks spending Ki could last 1 round, one minute, one hour, forever or anything in between.
The most logical options are 1 round or while the stance lasts, but those are just options.
As for he temporary HP, well, it's pretty much the same, it's unspecified, but again it's an effect of the style, so "while you're in the style stance" is definitely one of the possible durations.