Looking for some input


I'm currently a part of a mummy's mask game in the upper end of the game play (current lvl 11) and as it stands my character is soon to be replaced due to several role play reasons. That said I have no idea what to make to assist my party which currently consists of:
A swashbuckler who emulates all the rogue stuff
A barbarian
A Air Elemental Sorcerer
A Cleric of Sekhmet (I belive fire and healing domains Healing for sure I forgot the other.)

as such they cover each others bases really well and I needed some help figuring out what to add to that mix that might be useful. All Ideas welcome I'll play just about anything the only real imposed restriction is no third party, and I'd like to avoid bogging the game down with a summoner.

Well, looks like you are short on a dedicated ranged character... Maybe start there?

Other thoughts,

An Ectoplasmatist Spiritualist.
Shield Champion Brawler.
Hunter with companion.

Bards always make a decent 5th wheel.

Kineticists are good for a heavy damage close ranged attacker.

A battlefield control/debuff Wizard could fill gaps the Sorcerer isn't able to cover with flexible spell selection.

MOAR BARBARIAN!!! could be a fun option too, to see who can out-barbarian the other.

Party seems to be short on skills & ranks including knowledge, a partial caster, ranged, and kinda on armor class.

Not likely to be a class that can fill in everything, but it gives a good guideline. A ranged option does seem like it'd have the least overlap with the others. If not feeling that, a reach weapon with the Phalanx Formation feat.

A ranged Bard seems the most helpful option, if you don't mind being a hardcore support. Eldritch Archer Magus or a warpriest perhaps. The Inquisitor and Hunter Dwarftr mentions look appealing as well, the latter especially if an extra body is needed in front. I'd recommend the Bard, Inquisitor, or Hunter most, for the very different spell list than the other characters plus skills for days.

Well as it stands after the session that just occurred the whole party save for me is turned to stone and as a druid there doesn't appear much that I can do for them so it may end up counting as a TPK with either no continue or who knows what. We do seem to need a ranged and I knew it in the back of my head but I shy away from them since I play alot of them. I could see a wizard being really good for the control aspect, Bard for support is never a bad idea, Hunter has been mentioned twice as well so I might look in to that one as well.

Busy session there, shame it got so many with the same trick. As a druid ye could prep Transport Via Trees and buy a coupla 4K Stone Salves from a city. Requires a DC 15 fort save to live through, but petrification has so few solutions. If wildshaped into something large you might even be able to carry the statues with you.

Wizard is always good. At level 11 it's standing well above most other classes. With a different focus than the other arcane I doubt anyone'd mind.

Now I'm not so sure on a bard though, as it'd only really buff the two dps characters. By round 3 you'd be able to join in I guess, after Haste Good Hope BP etc. Just half the team doesn't really care about those.

As for hunter! Meh knowledges, but it's just so versatile, like druids & wizards, with a fun spell list. Wall? Stone or Wood Shape. Enemy cluster? Exlosion of Rot. Plain tough enemies? Animal Growth on Companion. High AC? A coupla free TW feats can give +3 attack. Displaced enemy? Faerie Fire scroll. yadda yadda

Kinetist for a different kind of range.

Anything you want with 4 levels of Sleepless Detective (depends on how many traps in that AP)

The traps are well covered provided I save the party and the probelm with the Transport via Trees Is there are none.

Ah man, you're killin' me! Irony. Err, Climbing Beanstalk is an instantaneous duration spell that creates a plant that can be used with Transport Via Plants (My bad calling it Transport Via Trees). Since any plant can be used. I chose this spell b/c things like Wall of Thorns have a duration and thus might not be considered normal, for the purposes of using Transport VP. And any plant will do. Even if underground ye could earth elemental shape and glide straight up. Make a landmark on the spot then look for a plant to cast from.

If the GM doesn't think large beanstalks are normal enough either, small ugh. But as a druid I think it's perfectly natural to think you have some fruit or seeds on you, which could have Harvest Season cast on it to create a plant large enough to bear edibles. Maybe add on a Plant Growth. Then Wild Shape into something tiny and teleport.

If the GM's still doubtful then frankly I kinda assume he wants the party to die. Could just be a hardcore believer in certain rule interpretations too I suppose. Maybe everyone's cool with new characters too, so there's no need to try weird stuff like those. Luck!

A Bomb Alchemist is great. Offers both Damage and CC. Gives Extracts you can pass out to the rest of the group.

Offers lots of Skills

Alchemists are all around great additions.

Since your the 5th wheel also feel free to grab anything that really appeals to you. All the groups bases seem covered so anything will work. I Just feel the Alchemist can do anything and everything so adding it only makes the group stronger in every aspect.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Cavalier. You can tank and share Teamwork feats with the barbarian and swashbuckler. Maybe get a reach weapon and do some AoO controller stuff?

I was going to suggest druid, but it sounds like you already have one. And you said you play a lot of archers, so a ranger might not be ideal if you want to mix it up a bit. Sharing half your Favored Enemy bonus might be cool (am I correct in assuming there are a lot of undead?).

Maybe a utility wizard?

Louise Bishop's alchemist idea sounds fun. With a group of 5, a secondary healer is always a good idea. Bard could do that too. Maybe an oracle of some kind? Something to complement the cleric. Or a warpriest or magus if you want to do some magic warrior stuff.

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