Vince Frost |

Swift Iron Style (Combat, Style)
Prerequisite(s): Str 13, Dex 13, proficiency with medium armor.
Benefit(s): While using this style, you treat the armor check penalty of your armor as if it were 1 less, and the maximum Dexterity bonus to AC as if it were 1 higher.
Special: A character with the armor training class feature can use Swift Iron Style while wearing any type of armor with which she is proficient. These benefits stack with armor training.
I am a little confused. Is the special note nearly useless? No where is it stated I have to use any specific armor.
Armor training stacking is nice to know.

graystone |

Under armor master feats:
"Armor mastery feats are a new type of feat that require armor training as a prerequisite. They count as combat feats for all purposes, including which classes can select them as bonus feats. You gain the benefits of an armor mastery feat only while wearing armor with which you are proficient and only while wearing a type of armor that matches the feat’s armor proficiency feat prerequisite, if any."
The important part you missed is "and only while wearing a type of armor that matches the feat’s armor proficiency feat prerequisite".

graystone |

I reread it. And it does state I need to match armor with armor proficient.
FYI. I think you meant Armor Fighting style. I don't think Armor mastery is necessary for Armor Fighting style.
Yep, I grabbed the wrong section. Teaches me to try to do two things at once. Both sections have the 'must wear armor from prerequisite section' and I picked the wrong one. :P