skizzerz |

I believe the only thing that's been announced is that Keith is championing the set, and it's been in development for a while (so probably no Starfinder Adventure Card Game... yet).
The sets have (so far) bounced between more "traditional" fantasy settings/storylines (Rise of the Runelords and Wrath of the Righteous), and more "wacky" settings/storylines (Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask). With only 4 data points, I can't say whether or not this is an intentional design decision.
I also note that Keith's avatar is from the Harrow deck, and the Harrow originates in Varisia, perhaps it will be set there (which would indicate either Curse of the Crimson Throne or Shattered Star as likely candidates, among others but those would be the two I'd like to see most).
My top picks would be the following (assuming the "traditional/wacky" divide doesn't exist):
1. Reign of Winter
2. Strange Aeons
3. Jade Regent
4. Hell's Rebels (I can just think of it now... "Whenever a character plays a card with the Mint trait, shuffle that character token into the Guard Tower location deck.")
5. Iron Gods

Longshot11 |
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As for "complete speculation" - you may check the threads below. I've listed them from most to least recent, and so the first one relates to your question, but the older ones may also give you some insight. Basically, the same names keep cropping up. I didn't do any actual counting, but Jade Regent and Reign of Winter seem to come up the most (or its just my wishful thinking).
In the first thread, you can see some official comments that make it seem unlikely that we're getting Baba Yaga, Rasputin and Russian tanks anytime soon, but if Paizo listens at all to what players want - Jade Regent seems like a very good bet. I mean, we're 4 sets in and still no ninjas and samurai? Come-ON, Paizo!
...Of course, the above reasoning was completely applicable post-WotR and then we got Mummy's Mask, so...
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2sa13?New-PACG-adventure-path-annoucement-will- be
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rv33?The-PACG-set-after-Wrath-of-the-Righteous -is

Axoq |

I remember reading somewhere, perhaps somewhere on one of the links listed already in this thread, that the alternation between storyline (Basic fantasy! Demon incursion!) and setting (Pirates! Pyramids!) is quite deliberate. So that limits the possibilities somewhat.
Probably the most correct answer is, the next thing we're getting is another series of Class Decks, and we'll find out what's after that come August, maybe.

Doppelschwert |

My top picks would be the following (assuming the "traditional/wacky" divide doesn't exist):
1. Reign of Winter
2. Strange Aeons
3. Jade Regent
4. Hell's Rebels (I can just think of it now... "Whenever a character plays a card with the Mint trait, shuffle that character token into the Guard Tower location deck.")
5. Iron Gods
Well, Reign of Winter was officially denied, and I can't see them making Hell's Rebels, given that they will publish Class Decks for those heroes. They also said Iron Gods would be hard to convert due to the multiple new rules, so Strange Aeons and Jade Regent seem to be the more realistic options on your list.
I'm still hoping for Jade Regent, since it would cover the underrepresented classes fairly well. However, I think a more traditional set is more likely, so we'll see. Hopefully, they will push out some information on this soon.
Can anyone say how long the delay between the publishing of AD6 of a set and the announcement of the next AP has been so far?

skizzerz |

skizzerz wrote:
My top picks would be the following (assuming the "traditional/wacky" divide doesn't exist):
1. Reign of Winter
2. Strange Aeons
3. Jade Regent
4. Hell's Rebels (I can just think of it now... "Whenever a character plays a card with the Mint trait, shuffle that character token into the Guard Tower location deck.")
5. Iron GodsWell, Reign of Winter was officially denied, and I can't see them making Hell's Rebels, given that they will publish Class Decks for those heroes. They also said Iron Gods would be hard to convert due to the multiple new rules, so Strange Aeons and Jade Regent seem to be the more realistic options on your list.
I'm still hoping for Jade Regent, since it would cover the underrepresented classes fairly well. However, I think a more traditional set is more likely, so we'll see. Hopefully, they will push out some information on this soon.
Can anyone say how long the delay between the publishing of AD6 of a set and the announcement of the next AP has been so far?
Minor nit: they're making class decks for the Hell's Vengeance characters (the evil AP), not Hell's Rebels (the good AP). I can understand your confusion though if you don't pay close attention to the RPG APs since the names are so similar.
As for delay, I wouldn't expect any announcement until PaizoCon at the earliest. I'm expecting a similar hiatus before the next set comes out, which means it is at least 6 months away still.

Jens Kaufmann |

As the author has been working on the next set for at least two years or more, it is more than unlikely that it will be an adaption of one of Paizo's newer Adventure Paths.
I would bet on either Curse of the Crimson Throne or Shattered Star. Hmmm... so let's say I guess it will be Curse of the Crimson Throne, which would be great, as the AP is excellent. :-)

Doppelschwert |

Minor nit: they're making class decks for the Hell's Vengeance characters (the evil AP), not Hell's Rebels (the good AP). I can understand your confusion though if you don't pay close attention to the RPG APs since the names are so similar.As for delay, I wouldn't expect any announcement until PaizoCon at the earliest. I'm expecting a similar hiatus before the next set comes out, which means it is at least 6 months away still.
Hey, sorry for the confusion! I was aware that these two adventures path exists, and I can recall that their story is somehow tied to each other, but I couldn't remember their names and mixed them up. The good one is about a revolt in a part of cheliax, and the evil one is about the chelixean retribution, right?
I'm also expecting a delay of 6 months before a new AP is released, but I'd hope they announce the title much closer to now then to PaizoCon.