Payment declined on my standard subscriptions?

Customer Service

Pathfinder Adventure Path, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Can you guys retry? It seems odd the payment was declined. I just used the card to purchase other things from a different store without issue.

Oddly, the email I received was sent today, and required that I respond by the 9th, yesterday...

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Curmudgeonly,

Thanks for letting us know! It seems like the problem was that the card had not been set correctly to the order, so our system did not have one to attempt. Luckily it looks like there's only one on file so I've got that set to the order, and it should be all set now. I tried an authorization so the charge should be able to go through just fine once our warehouse reaches it in the shipping queue.

Just let me know if there are any further questions or concerns that you might have in the meantime, and I'll be more than happy to help out as best I can.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Thanks Katina! Will it still ship on time or rolled into next month?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Curmudgeonly,

Your order should be shipping out this month in the March subscription shipping window.

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