Rules Question Death to Shadow vs Strength drain and consecrate rules

Rules Questions

Create Spawn (Su) A humanoid creature killed by a shadow's Strength damage becomes a shadow under the control of its killer in 1d4 rounds.

School evocation [good]; Level cleric 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a vial of holy water and 25 gp worth of silver dust), DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area 20-ft.-radius emanation
Duration 2 hours/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell blesses an area with positive energy. The DC to resist positive channeled energy within this area gains a +3 sacred bonus. Every undead creature entering a consecrated area suffers minor disruption, suffering a –1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves. Undead cannot be created within or summoned into a consecrated area. If the consecrated area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture dedicated to your deity, pantheon, or aligned higher power, the modifiers given above are doubled (+6 sacred bonus to positive channeled energy DCs, –2 penalties for undead in the area).

A character dies to a shadow. You kill the shadow then you consecrate the area around the body what will happen?

Is there anything you can do to save the character?

A Reincarnate, Raise Dead, or either type of Resurrection (or a Wish or Miracle duplicating these effects) before the Consecrate expires should work.

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