OneSoulLegion |

Are there any Organized Play-approved traits or feats, that would be available to a Half-Elf from Andoran, that can grant Linguistics as a class skill? I'm fiddling around with the idea of a Gunslinger/Inquisitor who echoes Atticus Finch, including the attourney angle.
You could take Cosmopolitan - aside from giving you two free languages, it also lets you pick two INT, WIS or CHA based skills as class skills. In your case, it could be Linguistics and one more skill useful for an attorney like Diplomacy or Sense Motive.

Christopher Rowe Contributor |

You could take Cosmopolitan - aside from giving you two free languages, it also lets you pick two INT, WIS or CHA based skills as class skills. In your case, it could be Linguistics and one more skill useful for an attorney like Diplomacy or Sense Motive.
That's a new one on me, and I see that it's because it's an "old" one in that it's a feat from the 3.5 campaign setting (from what I can tell online). What does the prerequisite "Katapesh affinity" mean?

Sniggevert |

OneSoulLegion wrote:That's a new one on me, and I see that it's because it's an "old" one in that it's a feat from the 3.5 campaign setting (from what I can tell online). What does the prerequisite "Katapesh affinity" mean?
You could take Cosmopolitan - aside from giving you two free languages, it also lets you pick two INT, WIS or CHA based skills as class skills. In your case, it could be Linguistics and one more skill useful for an attorney like Diplomacy or Sense Motive.
It's been redone in the APG.
Regional affinity was basically you hailed from that geographical area, so in this case you were from Katapesh.

Enevhar Aldarion |

Funny, there is also a Cosmopolitan trait in the Inner Sea Primer:
Your exposure to the huge variety of cultures across the Inner Sea has given you an ear for languages. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Linguistics checks, and Linguistics is always a class skill for you.
The trait is a regional trait for Absalom, so the character would have to have lived in Absalom for at least a year to qualify for it, but that is not a big deal for a pathfinder.
Just remember that whichever version you go with, you will need to own a copy of the book it is from in order for your character to legally have it.