Barbarian / Monk hybrid & NEW PAIZO MATERIAL

Advice and Rules Questions

Alright everyone so I've been digging around the forums looking for ideas and builds for a monk barbarian cross class character, and I must say most of you seen to ignore the new material that has come out (specifically the pathfinder psionics book which came out over a year ago)

So there is a race in the psionics book (I've forgotten the name of this race ATM and i don't have the book on me right now). This race has 2 new abilities called "Ordered Rage" and"inner Rage" this race allows for a lawful barbarian build (among other bells a whistles). Additionally there is the serene barbarian archetype. This archetype changes the barbarian rage to a Dex and Wis bonus instead of the con and STR bonuses.

My main issue here is I run a dnd 3.5/pathfinder and have been exposed to the ascetic feats. There are no feats built to make this barbarian/monk build synergize like the ascetic feats available to other cross class monk builds.

I'm curious if anyone is aware of any ascetic feats I'm unaware of for the monk/barbarian cross class. Specifically something that allows unarmed strike damage, ki pool, AC bonus, fast Movement, rage powers, rage and DR to stack across barbarian and monk levels. I understand that is a tall order for 1 feat to accomplish and would like to see 2 or 3 feats instead do the same thing.

DISCLAIMER: I am aware of the limits placed on BOTH classes to inhibit this cross class and have already explained the specific abilities to work around these restrictions. Please if you have a comment or idea you would like to contribute make sure you understand ordered rage and inner Rage before you start quoting the core rulebook at me.

Questions are welcome, ideas are appreciated. Thanks

The race you're referring to is called the "maenad".

The book you are referring to is probably Ultimate Psionics. It's been around for four years and isn't a Paizo book, even though many people would like it to be (for Pathfinder Society reasons, if nothing else). Or, you might be referring to Psionics Unleashed, which also had the maenad and is older.

I don't know of any specific feats or abilities that allow the cross-classing bonuses you're looking for.

[The maenad itself is older than the Pathfinder RPG, but the D&D version didn't have Ordered Rage, I think.]

Grand Lodge

ElderBiniChild wrote:
Questions are welcome, ideas are appreciated. Thanks

Distant Scholar has the point about this being 3PP (maenad source), so I'll help you out with Paizo published material.

Enlightened Warrior lets you take monk levels with a neutral alignment. Bam, legal monk/barbarian.

If you feel like going with an archetype rather than a race, the martial artist monk can be any alignment.

Distant Scholar wrote:

The race you're referring to is called the "maenad".

The book you are referring to is probably Ultimate Psionics. It's been around for four years and isn't a Paizo book, even though many people would like it to be (for Pathfinder Society reasons, if nothing else). Or, you might be referring to Psionics Unleashed, which also had the maenad and is older.

I don't know of any specific feats or abilities that allow the cross-classing bonuses you're looking for.

[The maenad itself is older than the Pathfinder RPG, but the D&D version didn't have Ordered Rage, I think.]

This is the book I've got, sorry again for some of the vague terms my materials are at home, but my notes are on me.

And thanks for the name of the race. If it has been out that long why are there no threads talking about this in the light of a barbarian/monk? (Not saying you are wrong, my time frame was based on how long I've had the book)

Also how can you say it isn't PAIZO? It says it on the spine of the book. PAIZO sells the book, and dreamscarred press has made many pathfinder supplements why the division? Why the distinction between the 2?

Grand Lodge

Because Paizo owns the license, and Dreamscarred Press uses the license.

I'm going to have to check my copy, but I'm pretty sure it says 'Pathfinder Compatible' not 'Paizo'.

First Party Developer.
Third Party Developer.

ElderBiniChild wrote:
And thanks for the name of the race. If it has been out that long why are there no threads talking about this in the light of a barbarian/monk? (Not saying you are wrong, my time frame was based on how long I've had the book)

Atzen mentiones it here. Niokuma does here. Logan also mentions it. TheCraiger also mentions it. Stupid Bard also is aware. It may not be common knowledge, but some 3rd party patrons are aware of it. I can understand it is hard to find them talking about it without the name of the race.

Ya they are aware, but those threads don't have any real helpful info for my plight I'm looking for a feat similar to this:
However this is 3.5 and doesn't take into consideration a monk's ki pool, or a barbarian's rage powers

Quick question. Is it for a home game or PFS game?

Grand Lodge

Ack, yeah. Paizo was very big on pushing single-classing when developing Pathfinder. I wouldn't expect to see that updated, as cool as that would be.

Andre Roy wrote:
Quick question. Is it for a home game or PFS game?

Home game, I'm GM, and I'm trying to help a player see this build come to light. I'm capable of home brewing a feat or 2 to suit his needs but I'd love to find something already published to solve this. Especially with the 3.5 ascetic feats on the brain.

bloodrager (maybe with primalist archetype) is very barabarian-like and has no alignment restrictions.

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