Does Protective Penumbra work on Shadowbound Oracle Curse?

Rules Questions

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Title says it all. Does Protective Penumbra prevent the blindness and dazzled from the Shadowbound Oracle Curse (temporarily at least)?

"You are blinded for 1 round when exposed to normal or bright light and dazzled while in such a lit area. You gain darkvision to a range of 30 feet."

Protective Penumbra:
"This spell keeps the target slightly in shadow. A target with light blindness, light sensitivity, or vulnerability to sunlight (such as vampires and wraiths) may ignore penalties from those qualities. The spell gives the target a +2 bonus on saving throws against nonmagical hazards related to bright light, such as glare or sunburn."

I would say it does.

I am typically of the school of thought that taking a flaw or curse or penalty that isn't really a penalty shouldn't count as one (for instance, taking a flaw that gives you poor vision and then playing a character that's already blind.) However, this spell would theoretically use resources or at least cost something to get a permanent item of it, so I don't really have a problem with it.

Also, the curse seems pretty specific about it being mainly the character's eyes and vision (as opposed to if it were just daytime or they were outside), so as long as the character isn't in bright light (which this spell seems to cover) they should be fine.

I don't see why Protective Penumbra shouldn't work for a Shadowbound Oracle as written.

From a very strict RAW perspective, Shadowbound is not Light Blindness, Light Sensitivity, or Vulnerability to Sunlight; so Protective Penumbra does nothing.

But since Shadowbound is basically identical to Light Sensitivity, it should probably work with any reasonable DM. I would say yes.

Well, curses can't be removed or dispelled without divine intervention, but suppressing one completely seems about in-line for a 2nd-lvl spell.

Remove Blindness/Deafness, for example, should probably remove the clouded vision or deaf curses. I see no reason why creative uses of other low-level spells shouldn't be able to remove or suppress other curses.


The real issue with the spell - in particular - is that it would allow shadow walking straight to your character... As you are constantly in shadow. Of course, this might also be a benefit in some instances. But it certainly makes moving to flank you easier for shadows and such. It might also make you easier to drag to the plane of shadow as well... if your GM is evil or what not.

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