Elemental Annihilator and Augmented Elements?

Advice and Rules Questions

In the elemental annihilator's ability description, it says you can not get utility wild talents.

Dampened Versatility (Ex)

An elemental annihilator can never gain utility wild talents.

In the Augmented element feat description, it says if you've tread utility talent away, you can gain the wild talent back.

Augmented Elements

You have the spark of psionic power, allowing you to broaden your elemental abilities.
Prerequisites: Kineticist level 1st.
Benefit: You learn a simple blast from any element (including your primary element, if there is another blast for you to choose). Unless you later gain access to this blast through another method, you increase its burn cost by 1 whenever you use it.

In addition, you gain the psionic subtype, allowing you to take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.

If you do not have your primary element’s basic utility talent (for example, if you have traded it away with an archetype), you also gain that wild talent.

So do these two work together? Or is augmented elements a specific feat for blood kineticist since no other archetype trading away utility wild talent from what I read.

BTW, Is Kineticist's level eligible for taking feats with manifest level? Some descriptions in Kineticist's page did mention about manifest. In the description under psionics, manifest was mentioned 9 times while under kineticist's page it was mentioned 5 times.

Mirage Wolf wrote:

Augmented Elements

You have the spark of psionic power, allowing you to broaden your elemental abilities.
Prerequisites: Kineticist level 1st.
Benefit: You learn a simple blast from any element (including your primary element, if there is another blast for you to choose). Unless you later gain access to this blast through another method, you increase its burn cost by 1 whenever you use it.

In addition, you gain the psionic subtype, allowing you to take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.

If you do not have your primary element’s basic utility talent (for example, if you have traded it away with an archetype), you also gain that wild talent.

Anyone know where this feat is ? or is it a mistake ???

Silver Crusade

nighttree wrote:
Mirage Wolf wrote:

Augmented Elements

You have the spark of psionic power, allowing you to broaden your elemental abilities.
Prerequisites: Kineticist level 1st.
Benefit: You learn a simple blast from any element (including your primary element, if there is another blast for you to choose). Unless you later gain access to this blast through another method, you increase its burn cost by 1 whenever you use it.

In addition, you gain the psionic subtype, allowing you to take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.

If you do not have your primary element’s basic utility talent (for example, if you have traded it away with an archetype), you also gain that wild talent.

Anyone know where this feat is ? or is it a mistake ???

I believe this is a psionics augmented feat from the sound of it.

N. Jolly wrote:
I believe this is a psionics augmented feat from the sound of it.

I should have paid more attention.....just realized this was a 3rd part thread anyway....so moot point :P

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