Funniest fails

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Needed to share this, and would like to hear your stories:

Last night my halforc barbarian and a halforc bloodrager went to kick in a door. Nothing fancy. We both rolled natural 1s. The party rogue walks up and just opens the door. It was we close it and proceed to kick it in anyways just to prove that we could. Loved the moment, as natural 1s are always embarrassing. But two at the same time for an easy task? That's great.

Such is my epic fail. Anyone else care to share theirs?

My friend was releasing prisoners and he kept asking what they did in order to decide if he wanted to release him. He asked a prisoner and the prisoner said "I stole a piece of bread" to which my friend rolled a sense motive and got the highest role possible for his character and the DM said he was telling the truth ... my friend replied with "WHAT DID YOU REALLY DO???" And did an intimidation role ....... me and my DM were dumbfounded.

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We were playing with the critical hit and miss decks. My monk charged a pack of dire rats. Rolled a nat 1. Drew my fail card. Card says "You miss your target and hit everything adjacent to you."

Normally this is supposed to be a bad thing as you're likely adjacent to your party members. But in this case I missed 1 rat and ended up roundhouse kicking 4 more.

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I had an illusionist. Once he could cast invisibility he became the cockiest thorn in the GM's side of all time. Too many smug invisible moments to detail. Until...

...we reached a fortress deep beneath the earth. A fortress occupied by kuo-toa. Who can see invisibility as a racial ability. All the time.

Such minor pedantic bits of knowledge being beneath my illusionist's interest (and as a player I didn't know this either), he vanished from sight. As he had done a dozen times before, he strode right up to the enemy's front gates planning some de-pantsing level chicanery. The GM is desperately trying to stifle a laugh.

I get up to first range increment. The kuo-toa, who have been incredulously watching as an unarmed, unarmored gnome swaggers right up to their castle, proceed to unload on me.

The only thing that dropped faster than my self-confidence was my corpse.

Grand Lodge

I once DMed a session where the PCs were fighting some pirates. The pirates were vampires, but it was dark and the PCs missed their Perception checks to notice that. After defeating them, the PCs go to wake one up with a Cure Light Wounds for interrogation and wind up killing him instead.

Glad to have made this thread, these are some funny stories.

I'll add another. The party got into a fight when I saw a man in a crowd about to backstab a party member. I rage and try to grapple him, and fail hard. Our paladin blames me for 'attacking' an apparently innocent man. He tries to defuse the situation by doing nonlethal damage on the guy.

With a greatsword. Using power attack.

He nonlethal damaged the guy so hard that he died instantly. Much to his horror.

My barbarian then said "So we can kill them! I know it's ok because the paladin is doing it."

Shadow Lodge

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Party is exploring an abandoned underground enclave. The two fighters, one Dex-based, the other Str-based, lead the way in opening a door.

From within comes the funk of a decades-old privy. The fighters make Fort saves against sickened conditions, and the Dex fighter rolls a one.

Spontaneously, the player says 'I turn and puke on him', pointing to the Str fighter. The Str fighter makes a Reflex save to dodge the stream. He ALSO rolls a one.

I rule that he caught some of it with his mouth open. Str fighter proceeds to hurl on the Dex fighter. I don't recall the result of the Dex fighters save, but the party proceeds to direct the messy fighters back to the kitchen for some create water rinse offs.

I was playing a Bard in a 2-man party where my other party member was a Druid. We were exploring a dungeon.

We fought a tough battle against a ghost with class levels. The Druid died, and I barely survived.

Before dragging the Druid's corpse back to town, I detected magic around the room and found a bunch of magic items. As I didn't have a high enough modifier on Spellcraft, I couldn't identify the magic items. I decided to shove everything into my handy haversack. Maybe I could pay gold to identify the items back in town.

One of the magic items was a portable hole. Handy haversacks function as bags of holding.

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