[Mummy's Mask] We need a snapshot of your tomb raiders at the midpoint

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Lone Shark Games

Post 'em here! Specifically we want a snapshot of what your demon-busting character looks like after he or she finished Shifting Sands. (That is, you've completed the scenario In Search of Chisisek and have chosen your role card.)

Please respond to this thread with a full feat and deck list of any character that fits the above description (and only that description!), in very specifically the following format.

Character Name: (name)
Role Card: (role)
Skill Feats: (skill)+(X), (skill)+(X), etc.
Power Feats: +(X) hand size, (added proficiencies), (other feats)
Card Feats: (type)+(X), (type)+(X), etc.
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: (card), (card), etc.
Armors: (card), (card), etc.
Items: (card), (card), etc.
Allies: (card), (card), etc.
Blessings: (card), (card), etc.

Please don't skip or add any lines; if you don't have any of something, just leave the part after the colon blank. Include loot cards under their card type, please. Also, if your character died, let us know that.

Thanks to all raiders of tombs!


Lone Shark Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And by demon-busting, I mean "not-demon-busting-but-really-undead-busting." Stupid copypasta.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry, did not record at the end of adventure 3. Here are Damiel and Zadim at the end of adventure 4, if that is any help:

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Mad Scientist
Skill Feats: Strength+0, Dexterity+3, Constitution+0, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+0, Charisma+0
Power Feats: +7 hand size,
- When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait for its power, you may discard it instead.
- You may recharge a card that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d4 and the Acid or Poison trait to a combat check by a character at your or any location.
- You may recharge or reveal a card to add 1d6 to your check that invokes the Acid or Poison trait or to your check to defeat a barrier; if your card has the alchemical trait, you may add another 1d6.
Card Feats: Weapons+2, Spell+0, Armor+3, Item+8, Ally+3, Blessing+4
Weapons: Returning Throwing Axe+1, Galvanic Chakram+1
Spells: -
Armors: Silken Ceremonial Armor, Alchemist’s Suit, Alchemist’s Shield
Items: Acid Flask, Acid Flask, Acid Flask, Flash Freeze, Staff of Minor Healing, Sunrod, Knot of Isis, Soul Stimulant
Allies: Zereletan, Ausetitha, Erayu
Blessings: Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Maat, Blessing of Maat

Character Name: Zadim
Role Card: Executioner
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Dexterity+1, Constitution+0, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+0, Charisma+0
Power Feats: +7 hand size,
- You may recharge a card to examine the top card of your location deck.
- You may recharge a card to add your Intelligence skill to your check that invokes the Poison or Acid or Undead or Obstacle or Trap trait.
- You may discard or recharge a weapon that does not have the two-handed trait to add your Stealth skill to a combat check by a character at your location.
- After you attempt a combat check against a monster, you may use the result of that check for any subsequent combat checks against that monster during the encounter
Card Feats: Weapons+2, Spell+0, Armor+3, Item+8, Ally+3, Blessing+4
Weapons: Greatclub+1, Disrupting Rapier+1, Mace of Ruin, Shattertouch Shotel +2, Glacial Khopesh +1, Ooze Falchion +1
Spells: -
Armors: Steel Ibis Lamellar, Mistmail
Items: Muminofrah’s Favor, Tablet of Languages Lost, Hand of the Honest Man, Magic Carpet
Allies: Tetisurah, Black Kiss, Library Curator, Mahga Threefingers
Blessings: Blessing of Bastet, Blessing of Wadjet, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Maat

So the funny Frenchy group made it without someone dying, but with 2 or 3 scenarii that needed a replay. Full group of 5 different players.

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Eldritch Sion
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, , On your check ([X] or a check by another character at your location), after the roll, you may discard ([X] or recharge) a card to add or subtract 2 ([X] or the card's adventure deck number) from the result.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Djinni Quarterstaff, Staff of Dark Flame, Twin Serpent Quarterstaff
Spells: Augury, Chain Lightning, Detonate, Mistform, Remove Curse, Sands of Time
Armors: Scarab Buckler
Items: Anubis Staff, Scarab Brooch, Tablet of Languages Lost
Allies: Cleric of Nethys, Mahga Threefingers
Blessings: Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Maat, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Wadjet

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Seeker
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: +0 hand size, , When you play a card that has the Fire ([X] or Poison) and Attack traits on any check, You may recharge a blessing to examine the top 2 ([X] or 3) ([X] or 4) cards of any location deck ([X] and put them back in any order).
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Torch
Spells: Cure, Disable Mechanism, Elemental Mastery, Fiery Glare, Holy Light, Holy Light, Locate Object
Armors: Armor of the Sands
Items: Hand of the Honest Man, Muminofrah's Favor
Allies: Tetisurah, Unwrapped Harmony
Blessings: Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Ra, Blessing of Wadjet

Character Name: Drelm
Role Card: Keymaster
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, , [X] When you would discard a blessing that has the Abadar ([X] or Wadjet) trait to add 1 or more dice to a check, you may recharge it instead ([X] and add 1 additional die).
Card Feats: Spell +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Galvanic Chakram +1, Greatclub +1, Ooze Falchion +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Cure, Flames of the Faithful
Armors: Mystic Silk Coat, Shield Cloak
Items: Hand of the Guilty Man, Sun Falcon Pectoral
Allies: Marianix Karn, Pahmet Clansman
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Wadjet, Blessing of Wadjet, Blessing of Wadjet

Character Name: Estra
Role Card: Ectoplasmatist
Skill Feats: Wisdom +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, , On your turn, you may recharge a spell to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck. If one of the examined cards has the Undead trait, you may encounter it ([X] and you may ignore any power on that card that happens when examined)., You may discard ([X] or recharge) ([X] or reveal) a spell or a blessing to reduce damage dealt to you by 3.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Blessing +1
Spells: Acid Jet, Augury, Clinging Venom, Commune, Deathgrip, Fireblade, Immolate, Volcanic Storm
Armors: Mistmail
Items: Scarab of Mummy Defense, Spellbottle
Allies: Honaire, Minnothet, Sebti the Crocodile
Blessings: Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Horus, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Pharasma

Character Name: Mavaro
Role Card: Channeler
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, , You may discard a card to add 1 die to your check ([X] or a check by another character at your location) to acquire a weapon, an armor, or an item., You may display a card to gain all skills listed on the check to acquire that card equal to your Intelligence until the end of the turn. ([X] You may also add any of that card's traits to your checks during this turn). At the end of the turn, recharge the displayed cards., [X] During your encounter with a bane, you may recharge a weapon, an armor, or an item that has the Magic trait to summon and play a random spell that has the Attack trait and an adventure deck number less than that of the current scenario 0.
Card Feats: Item +4
Spells: Acid Jet, Elemental Treaty, Clinging Venom, Speak with Dead, Unshakable Chill
Items: Alchemist's Kit, Bird Feather Tokens, Effigy of Maat, Game of Afterlife, Glyphbane Gloves, Lottery Urn, Scroll of Thoth, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Qasin, Ubashki
Blessings: Blessing of Bastet, Blessing of the Elements, Blessing of the Elements, Blessing of the Elements

Notes: lots of versatility in this adventure:
- My wife's Drelm only recently decided not to carry all 4 Cures she was entitled to. Since then her deck was called "Cure/Abadar/Wadjet".
- My Ahmotep only recently decided to change back some of her all-staves deck to get a "what exact result do I need to get on the check?" deck.
- My daughter's Mavaro changes totally his deck pretty much at every new adventure. Started as an Alchemist, then a Jack-of-all-trades rogue, then... right now more a spellcaster, but that may change soon.
- My friends' Estra and Alahazra are just ensuring that everything is scouted even before your turn comes. That means we trigger everything we can with a smile.
- And yes we aren't that good at combat, but in a large group with a bunch of blessings, that ain't so bad.

Character Name: Zadim
Role Card: Executioner
Skill Feats: Str +1, dex +1, int +2
Power Feats: +1 handsize, add int skill to checks that invoke (or acid or undead) (or obstacle or trap), recharge weapon
Card Feats: weapon +2, ally +2
Weapons: Ooze Falchion +1, scorpion whip, glacial khopesh +1, natron fang, shocking scimitar+2, javelin of lightning, fire kukri +1
Armors: filter hood, scarab buckler
Items: Muminofrah’s favor, scarab brooch, game of afterlife
Allies: Khelru, unwrapped harmony, hyaenodon, stained glass elemental
Blessings: Maat, Ra, horus

Character Name: Estra
Role Card: Speaker to the dead
Skill Feats: str +1, con +1, wis +2
Power Feats: +1 handsize, recharge a spell to reduce damage by 5, examine top 2 card of any location deck
Card Feats: spell +2, item +1, ally +1
Spells: stone skin, cure, holy light, deathgrip, mistform, find traps, elemental mastery
Armors: armor of the sands
Items: hand of the honest man, sun falcon pectoral, mask of the forgotten pharaoh
Allies: qasin, honaire, neferekhu, tetisurah
Blessings: pharasma, horus, wadjet, maat

Character Name: Yoon
Role Card: Firestarter
Skill Feats: dex +2, con +2
Power Feats: +1 handsize, weapon proficiency, recharge or shuffle a blessing to combat check or check to defeat barrier
Card Feats: weapon +1, item +2, blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming spear +1, galvanic chakram+1, flask thrower
Armors: khamsin coat
Items: noxious bomb, effigy of maat, alchemist kit, twitch tonic
Allies: mahga treefingers, druid of the hive, ptemenib, druid of the storm
Blessings: isis, maat, bastet, wadjet, thoth, abadar, nethys

Our party of 3 went extremely fast through all AD so far and it was big fun.
Our party of 5 is a bit slower (just started AD2)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I played Yoon and Ezren to the end of adventure 3 today. Here's the game state:

Trader: Auction House, Smiths of Wati, Hadden Hoppert, Falsin Deek, Ghoul Market, Sunburst Market, Shardizhad, Udjebet, Agymah

Character Name: Yoon
Role Card: Pan-Elementalist
Skill Feats: Strength+0, Dexterity+3, Constitution+1, Intelligence+0, Wisdom+0, Charisma+0
Power Feats: +6 hand size, light armors, weapons
- You may recharge or shuffle into your deck a blessing to add your Fortitude skill and the Fire trait to your combat check. You may additionally discard any number of cards to add 1d6 for each card discarded.
- At the start of your turn, you may exchange a card in your hand with a card in your discard pile that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire trait.
Card Feats: Weapons+3, Spell+0, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+4, Blessing+9
Weapons: Frost Sling +1, Flaming Spear +1, Javelin of Lightning
Spells: -
Armors: Mistmail
Items: Sun Falcon Pectoral, Scarab of Mummy Defense
Allies: Cleric of Nethys, Basif Iosep, Ubashki, Ubashki
Blessings: Wadjet, Wadjet, Ra, Ra, Ra, Pharasma, Pharasma, Isis, Abadar

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Spell Sage
Skill Feats: Strength+0, Dexterity+0, Constitution+0, Intelligence+4, Wisdom+0, Charisma+0
Power Feats: +7 hand size
- On your turn you may discard a spell then you may move. Then explore your location.
- You may recharge a spell to add 1 die to your check against a bane that invokes the Acid or Electricity or Cold, Fire, or Poison trait.
- When you would discard a spell that has the Arcane trait for its power, you may display it instead. At the end of your turn, recharge all such spells.
Card Feats: Weapons+2, Spell+0, Armor+3, Item+8, Ally+3, Blessing+4
Weapons: Spear of the Watchful Guardian
Spells: Elemental Mastery, Disable Mechanism, Heat Metal, Corrosion, Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning, Volcanic Storm, Deathgrip, Lightning Bolt
Armors: Shield Cloak
Items: Staff of Revelations, Muminofrah’s Favor, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, Frost Staff
Allies: Library Curator, Tetisurah, Apprentice
Blessings: Blessing of the Elements

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Recursor
Skill Feats: Charisma+4
Power Feats: or Poison, or 3 cards, and put them back in any order, or recharge a spell
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Ally +1
Spells: Clinging Venom, Cure, Cure, Fiery Glare, Find Traps, Immolate, Volcanic Storm
Armors: Akhentpi's Armor, Armor of the Sands
Items: Staff of Minor Healing, Tablet of Languages Lost
Allies: Idorii, Tetisurah, Ubashki
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Bastet, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Pharasma

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Lightning Thief
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, by 4, Obstacle, During your exploration...
Card Feats: Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Chakram, Chakram, Corrosive Dagger +1, Dagger of Doubling, Galvanic Chakram +1
Armors: Scarab Buckler
Items: Black Marsh Spider Venom, Helpful Haversack, Lottery Urn, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh
Allies: Cleric of Nethys, Hyaenodon, Khelru, Unwrapped Harmony
Blessings: Blessing of the Ancients, Blessing of the Ancients, Blessing of the Ancients, Blessing of Bastet, Blessing of Horus

No deaths.

I decided to obsessively track some things for this run - you can see the results of my tracking in this excel spreadsheet and some rambly notes about each scenario - including initial failures are reading cards - by looking through this pdf.

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Lightning Thief
Skill Feats: Dex+2, Int+1, Wis+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Light Armor proficiency, "Add your Perception ... the Obstacle trait", "When you move, examine..."
Card Feats: Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Galvanic Chakram +1 x2, Dagger of Doubling x2, Flaming Spear +1
Spells: n/a
Armors: Advocate's Armor
Items: Djinn Favor Amulet, Scarab of Mummy Defense, Sun Falcon Pectoral, Muminofrah's Favor
Allies: Khelru, Druid of the Storm, Cleric of Nethys, Clockwork Menial
Blessings: Nethys, Bastet, Wadjet, Horus, Maat

Playing alongside Channa, Ezren, and Drelm.
We have unlocked all of the available traders to date.
No deaths, zero (or maybe one from Oct/Nov that I'm forgetting) failed scenarios.

Four person party. No deaths. Unlocked all traders. General feeling is this is the most enjoyable AP for far. Just the right balance of complexity / difficulty

Character Name: Zadim
Role Card: Executioner
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+2.
Power Feats: +1 hand size, ...Poison (* or Acid or Undead), ...discard (* or Recharge), * After you attempt a combat check
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+1, Blessing+2.
Weapons: Ozze Falchion +1, Natron Fang, Glacial Khopesh+1, Scorpion Whip, Disrupting Rapier+1, Shocking Scimitar +2.
Spells: .
Armors: Scarab Buckler, Alchemist's Suit.
Items: Knot of Isis, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, Game of Afterlife, Effigy of Maat.
Allies: Ubashki, Ubashki.
Blessings: Elements, Elements, Isis, Nethys, Wadjet.

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Eldritch Scion
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Intelligence+2, Charisma+1.
Power Feats: +1 hand size, ...check * or a check by another..., ...discard (* or Recharge), ...staff trait, you may recharge it (* or put it on top...
Card Feats: Spell+3, Blessing+1.
Weapons: Staff of Dark Flame, Greatclub +1.
Spells: Volcanic Storm, Lightning Bolt, Corrosion, Chain Lightning, Remove Curse, Augury, Elemental Treaty.
Armors: Advocate's Armor.
Items: Sun Falcon Pectoral, Tablet of Languages Lost, Compass.
Allies: The Viper, Ptemenib.
Blessings: Abadar, Maat, Maat, Wadjet.

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Lightning Thief
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Intelligence+1.
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Light Armors, (* Obstacle or), ... Knife trait(* or discard ... electricity...
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1.
Weapons: Corrosive Dagger +1, Galvanic Chakram+1, Galvanic Chakram+1, Dagger of Doubling, Dagger of Doubling.
Spells: Detonate.
Armors: Shield Cloak.
Items: Staff of Minor Healing, Magic Carpet, Djinn Favor Amulet, Wing of Horus.
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Miau Pakhet, Shock Lizard, Stained Glass Elemental.
Blessings: Bastet, Horus, Horus, Horus.

Character Name: Estra
Role Card: Ectoplasmatist
Skill Feats: Wisdom+2, Charisma+1.
Power Feats: +1 hand size, ... discard (* or recharge... damage, * On your check...d10
Card Feats: Spell+2, Ally+1, Blessing+1.
Weapons: .
Spells: Holy Light, Holy Light, Find Traps, Good Omen, Deathgrip, Cure, Mummify Self.
Armors: Armor of the Sands.
Items: Hand of the Honest Man, Muminofrah's Favor.
Allies: Mahga Threefingers, Neferekhu, Tetisurah, Honaire.
Blessings: Maat, Nethys, Ancients, Wadjet, Pharasma.

Note: We have table rules that Tetisurah can be used to shuffle 0 cards (and so not shuffle the deck). If this was not allowed Tetisurah would go

No deaths, more than a few failed scenarios. First three are the characters I play, last three are the same friend I ran S&S and Wrath with. This time we started with four, but added Ahmotep and Yoon because we had no diplomacy and low charisma.

Character Name: Drelm
Role Card: Keymaster
Skill Feats: strength+2, wisdom+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Add divine skill on traps, when discarding a blessing of Abadar to add dice recharge it and add 1 additional die
Card Feats: Spell+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Disrupting Rapier +1, Shock Glaive +1, Great Club +1
Spells: Commune, Cure, Good Omen, Find Traps, Holy Light
Armors: Armor of the Sands, Tooled Crocodile Skin
Items: Muninofrah's Favor, Scarab of Mummy Defense
Allies: Reta Bigbad,
Blessings: Blessing of Thoth, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Wadjet

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Staff Magus
Skill Feats: Strength+1, Intelligence+2, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, On your check or a check by another character at your location after the roll you may discard or recharge to add or subtract 2, you may recharge a card that has the staff trait or a spell to add 1d8 to combat check
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+1, Ally+1
Weapons: Staff of Uraeus, Staff of Dark Flame
Spells: Chain Lightning, Elemental Mastery, Volcanic Storm, Deathgrip, Sands of Time, Knock
Armors: Advocate's Armor
Items: Hand of the Honest Man, Tablet of Languages Lost, Sun Falcon Pectoral, Anubis Staff,
Allies: Sebti the Crocodile, Marianix Karn, Mahga Threefingers
Blessings: Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Ra

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Bladewind
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Intelligence+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Reduce electricity damage by 4, Add perception on obstacles, On combat check that has a knife trait add 1 for each die rolled
Card Feats: Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Dagger of Doubling, Dagger of Doubling, Corrosive Dagger+1, Galvanic Chakram +1, Glavanic Chakram +1
Armors: Shield Cloak
Items: Deliquescent gloves, Djinn Favor Amulet, Key of the Second Vault, Ushabti of the Willing Servant
Allies: Stained glass elemental, Terhk Fourwinds, Black Kiss, Khelru
Blessings: Blessing of Maat, Blessing of Thoth, Blessing of ra, Blessing of Wadjet, Blessing of Horus

Character Name: Zadim
Role Card: Outrider
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Dexterity+1, Intelligence+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may recharge to add your intelligence skill to a check that invokes acid or undead, recharge a weapon without the two-handed trait to add stealth skill to combat check, when another character encounters a bane that has the poison or trigger trait you may move to that location
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: Ooze falchion +1, Khopesh, blowgun, blowgun, Shocking Scimitar +2, Scorpion Whip, Icy Longspear +1,
Armors: Akhentepi's Armor, Burglar's Buckler
Items: Wing of Horus, Scarab Brooch, Feather of Maat
Allies: Druid of the Hive, Idorii
Blessings: Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Ra, Blessing of Wadjet, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Horus

Character Name: Yoon
Role Card: Pan-Elementalist
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, weapons, you may shuffle a blessing to add fortitude, add 1d4 to your check for each trait it invokes
Card Feats: +1 weapon, +3 blessings
Weapons: Returning throwing axe+1, flaming spear+1, frost sling+1
Armors: Mistmail,
Items: Brilliance of Ra, Compass,
Allies: Dhabba, pard, Neferekhu, Ubashki
Blessings: Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Ra, Blessing of Thoth, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Maat, Blessing of Horus, Blessing of Ra, Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Abadar

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Spellsage
Skill Feats: +4 intelligence
Power Feats: +1 hand size, light armors, recharge a spell to add 1 die to your check against a bane that invokes cold, fire, or poison, While you play or when you would banish a spell, you may recharge a spell to gain the divine skill equal to your intelligence skill.
Card Feats: Spell+2, Item+2
Weapons: Spear of the watchful guardian
Spells: Disable mechanism, Stone Skin, Clinging Venom, Fiery glare, Chain lightning, lightning bolt, unspeakable chill, elemental treaty,
Armors: Scarab buckler,
Items: Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, ring of the godless, (see blessings)
Allies: Pahmet Clansman, Neb-at, Tetisurah,
Blessings: Blessing of the elements, Blessing of the elements, Blessing of the elements, Blessing of the elements

Character Name: Alahazra (In a 4-player game with Seelah, Sajan, and Drelm) No deaths

Role Card: Seeker

Skill Feats: CHA (+4)

Power Feats: (+1 hand size); You may recharge a blessing to examine the top (3) cards of any location deck (+ and put them back in any order); (+You may recharge a card to add 1d8 to your check against a bane that has the Trigger trait).

Card Feats: Spell (+2); Blessing (+2)

Weapons: N/A

Spells: Body of Flame x1; Commune x1; Fireblade x1; Heat Metal x1;
Major Cure x1; Renew x1; Symbol of Pain x1

Armors: Armor of the Sands x1

Items: Tablet of Languages Lost x1; Hand of the Honest Man x1

Allies: Tetisurah x1; Qasin x1

Blessings: Blessing of Maat x3; Blessing of Pharasma x2; Blessing of Ra x2

Our group added boons from Wizard, Oracle, Rogue, Ranger, Cleric and Summoner Class Decks. No deaths (thanks to Grazzle powerful healing abilities) and I don't recall we failed any scenarios.

5 players, 5 characters

Character Name: Grazzle
Role Card: Bog Medic
Skill Feats: Charisma +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, [X] Add 2 to your check that invokes the Attack trait.
At the start of your turn, you may discard any number of cards from the top of your deck. ([X] If any of those cards have the Divine trait, you may recharge them instead.) Each other character may shuffle random cards from his discard pile into his deck; the total number of cards shuffled must not exceed ([X] 1 plus)twice the number of cards you discarded.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Ally+2
Weapons: Shocking Scimitar +2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Elemental Mastery, Augury, Sivine Blaze, Cure, Body of Flame, Disable Mechanism, Volcanic Storm
Armors: Reed Snake Armor, Scarab Buckler
Items: Crytal Ball
Allies: Unwrapped Harmony, Cleric of Nethys, Black Kiss
Blessings: Nethys, Nethys, Milani, Maat

Character Name: Drelm
Role Card: Keymaster
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, [X] When you would discard a blessing that has the Abadar trait to add 1 or more dice to a check, you may recharge it instead([X] and add 1 additional die).
On your check against a card that has the Obstacle ([X] or Trap) trait, you may add your Divine skill.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell+1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Greatclub +1, Greatclub +1, Bastard Sword +1, Ooze Falchion +1
Spells: Cure, Cure, Major Cure, Caustic Fog
Armors: Burglar's Buckler, Advocate's Armor
Items: Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, Sun Falcon Pectoral
Allies: Mahga Threefingers
Blessings: Abadar x6

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Eldritch Scion
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, On your check ([X] or a check by another character at your location), after the roll, you may discard ([X] or recharge) a card to add or subtract 2 from the result.
[X] On your check, after the roll, you may discard a card to remove or reroll any 1 die; take the new result.
Card Feats: Weapon +1 Spell +3
Weapons: Staff of Dark Flame, Quarterstaff of Vaulting, Twin Serpent Quarterstaff
Spells: Chain Lightning, Chain Lightning, Summon Lesser Monster, Lightning Bolt, Toxic Cloud, Ice Strike, Augury
Armors: Mystic Silk Coat
Items: Sapphire of Intelligence, Staff of Cackling Wrath, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Valet, Library Curator
Blessings: Maat, Pharasma, Gorum

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Bladewind
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Reduce Electricity damage dealt to you by [X]4.
[X]You may recharge a weapon that has the Knife and Ranged traits to add 1d4 plus its adventure deck number to a combat check by a character at another location.
Add your Perception skill to your check to defeat a barrier that has the ([X] Obstacle or) Trap trait.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Animalbane Dagger +1, Galvanic Chakram +1, Galvanic Chakram +1, Dagger of Doubling, Dagger of Doubling, Flaming Spear +1, Kopis
Armors: Shield Cloak
Items: Smoked Glass Goggles, Muminofrah's Favor, Scarab of Mummy Defense, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Tetisurah, Basif Iosep, Qasin
Blessings: Erastil, Shelyn, Maat, Gozreh

Character Name: Zetha
Role Card: Gloomwalker
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, At the start of your turn, you may draw 1 random monster ([X] or 2 random monsters) from the box.
You may banish a monster from your hand to evade your encounter or to use your Stealth skill in place of the listed skill for a non-combat check ([X] or, if you’re not in an encounter,to move).
[X] When you play Ahtez for your combat check, add 1d6
Card Feats: Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Spells: Acute Senses, Locate Object, Twisted Space, Haste, Black Spot, Augury
Armors: Stalking Armor
Items: Tablet of Languages Lost, Hand of The Honest Man, Cloak of Elvenkind
Allies: Aunty, Bound Imp, Clockwork Menial, Pard, Burglar
Blessings: Nethys, Nethys, Iomedae, Sivanah

I am very happy and excited that I finally got my party of characters to the halfway point and their Role cards. (They are behind my OP Flenta, who got her Role card a couple of weeks ago.)

I have had no deaths. I had to retry a couple of scenarios and I did not get the Trader Shardizard when I had the chance. Enjoying it very much so far and happy that I still have three more decks to go!

Role choice was easy for Ahmotep (and seems to be the consensus choice for everyone else as well), a little tougher for Channa-Ti, but REALLY hard for Simoun. Both her Roles I really wanted to play. I will probably pursue her other Role with a Class deck in OP.


Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Eldritch Scion
Skill Feats: STR+1, INT+2, CHA+1
Power Feats: On your check ([x] or a check by another character at your location), after the roll, you may discard ([x] or recharge) a card to add or subtract 2 from the result.; When you would discard a spell for a power on a card that has the Staff trait, you may recharge it ([x] or put it on top of your deck) instead.; You may recharge a card that has the Staff trait to add 1d8 to your combat check ([x] and you may add the Fire trait.
Card Feats: Spell+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Staff of Dark Flame, Twin Serpent Quarterstaff
Spells: Detonate, Disable Mechanism, Elemental Treaty, Fiery Glare, Lightning Bolt
Armors: Armor of the Sands, Reed Snake Armor
Items: Anubis Staff, Staff of Minor Healing, Sun Falcon Pectoral [Loot], Tablet of Languages Lost [Loot]
Allies: Mahga Threefingers, Neferekhu [Loot]
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Nethys, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Ra

Character Name: Channa-Ti
Role Card: Tsunami Caster
Skill Feats: INT+1, WIS+3
Power Feats: You may discard a card to add 1d8 to your check that invokes the Acid or Cold ([x] or Electricity or Poison) trait.; You may recharge a card that has the Liquid or Magic ([x] or Divine) trait to reduce Acid or Fire ([x] or Poison) damage dealt to you to 0; When you would discard an ally that has the Animal or Elemental trait ([x] or any ally) for its power, you may recharge it instead.
Card Feats: Spell+1, Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Fire Lance
Spells: Commune, Cure, Deathgrip, Holy Light x 2, Sands of Time
Armors: Akhentepi's Armor [Loot]
Items: Effigy of Maat, Hand of the Honest Man [Loot], Muminofrah's Favor [Loot]
Allies: Apprentice, Aunty, Idorii, Tetisurah [Loot]
Blessings: Blessing of Isis, Blessing of Maat, Blessing of Thoth x 2

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Lightning Thief
Skill Feats: STR+1, DEX+2, INT+1
Power Feats: Light Armors Proficiency; Reduce Electricity damage dealt to you by 2 ([x] 4); Add your Perception skill to your check to defeat a barrier that has the ([x] Obstacle) or Trap trait; When you would discard a weapon that has the Knife trait ([x] or discard, bury, or banish a boon that has the Electricity trait) for its power, you may recharge it instead.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Chakram, Galvanic Chakram x 2, Javelin of Lightning, Kopis, Shocking Scimitar+2
Armors: Bone Lamellar, Scarab Buckler [Loot]
Items: Effigy of Anubis, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh [Loot], Scarab Brooch [Loot], Ushtabi of the Willing Servant [Loot]
Allies: Druid of the Storm, Osirion Ancestor, Ubashki
Blessings: Blessing of Ra, Blessing of the Elements x 2, Blessing of Thoth

Scarab Sages

No deaths. I do find myself carrying around less-than-optimal items of a higher deck #, though, just so that I can trade them up when I hit the next trader. Traders are awesome, but they tempt me to carry junk. Loving this set so far.

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Staff Magus
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Intelligence +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, On your check ([X] or a check by another character at your location), after the roll, you may discard ([X] or recharge) a card to add or subtract 2 from the result.
You may recharge a card that has the Staff trait ([X] or a spell) to add 1d8 to your combat check.
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Staff of Dark Flame, Staff of the Uraeus
Spells: Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Remove Curse, Stone Skin, Symbol of Pain
Armors: Khamsin Coat
Items: Anubis Staff, Mask of the Forgotten Pharoah, Scarab of Mummy Defense, Staff of Revelations
Allies: Marianix Karn, The Viper
Blessings: Elements, Khepri, Nethys, Nethys, Thoth

Character Name: Channa Ti
Role Card: Oasis Caller
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: You may discard a card to add 1d8 to your check that invokes the Acid or Cold ([X] or Electricity or Poison) trait.
You may recharge a card that has the Liquid or Magic ([X] or Divine) trait to reduce Acid or Fire ([X] or Poison) damage dealt to you to 0.
[X] At the end of your turn, another character at your location may recharge a random card from his discard pile.
Card Feats: Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Galvanic Chakram +1
Spells: Caustic Fog, Cure, Cure, Deathgrip, Holy Light, Volcanic Storm
Armors: Alchemist's Suit
Items: Knot of Isis, Potion of Energy Resistance, Ring of the Grasping Grave, Sun Falcon Pectoral
Allies: Fire Gecko, Pard, Reed Moccasin, Stone Weasel
Blessings: Pharasma, Thoth, Wadjet

Character Name: Simoun
Role Card: Lightning Thief
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, [X] Light Armors, Add your Perception skill to a check to defeat a barrier that has the ([X] Obstacle or) Trap trait.
When you would discard a weapon that has the Knife trait ([X] or discard, bury, or banish a boon that has the Electricity trait) for its power, you may recharge it instead
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Chakram, Fire Kukri +1, Flaming Spear +1, Galvanic Chakram +1, Javelin of Lightning
Armors: Akhentepi's Armor, Shield Cloak
Items: Bird Feather Tokens, Muminofrah's Favor, Scarab Brooch, Staff of Minor Healing
Allies: Clockwork Menial, Khelru, Shock Lizard, Tetisurah
Blessings: Horus, Horus, Horus, Horus

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Time for some thread necromancy. Seems appropriate, given the nature of Mummy's Mask. And yes, this is spurred by getting my Subscriber copy of the Core set, and realizing I've only played out of the Mummy's Mask box in Organized Play.

Character Name: Ahmotep
Role Card: Eldritch Scion
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Intelligence +2, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, On your check, after the roll, you may discard ([X] or recharge) a card to add or subtract 2 from the result.
You may recharge a card that has the Staff trait to add 1d8 to your combat check ([X] and you may add the fire trait)
[X] On your check, after the roll, you may discard a card to remove or reroll any one die.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Item +2
Weapons: Natron Fang, Ooze Falchion +1, Sistrum of Basetet
Spells: Chain Lightning, Deathgrip, Disable Mechanism, Sands of Time, Volcanic Storm
Armors: Scarab Buckler
Items: Knot of Isis, Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, Muminofrah's Favor, Staff of Minor Healing, Sun Falcon Pectoral
Allies: Library Curator, Tetisurah
Blessings: Thoth, Maat, Isis

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