
Seahuskers's page

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Character Name: Alahazra (In a 4-player game with Seelah, Sajan, and Drelm) No deaths

Role Card: Seeker

Skill Feats: CHA (+4)

Power Feats: (+1 hand size); You may recharge a blessing to examine the top (3) cards of any location deck (+ and put them back in any order); (+You may recharge a card to add 1d8 to your check against a bane that has the Trigger trait).

Card Feats: Spell (+2); Blessing (+2)

Weapons: N/A

Spells: Body of Flame x1; Commune x1; Fireblade x1; Heat Metal x1;
Major Cure x1; Renew x1; Symbol of Pain x1

Armors: Armor of the Sands x1

Items: Tablet of Languages Lost x1; Hand of the Honest Man x1

Allies: Tetisurah x1; Qasin x1

Blessings: Blessing of Maat x3; Blessing of Pharasma x2; Blessing of Ra x2