Help with finding a feat


I thought I saw a mention of a new feat that allows dual wielding with the grace feats. But I can not now for the life of me find it. Am I nuts?

I'll bet you that if it exists at all, it's 3rd party.

I thought the mention that I saw a month or two ago was from one of the new soft covers.

Its out of the villian codex: Two-Weapon Grace (Combat)

huh! They go to all that trouble to fence off 2WF from dex-to-damage and then let it back in the door? Interesting. It's not in d20, though.

Thank you. I was remembering it as Duel Grace.

bitter lily wrote:
huh! They go to all that trouble to fence off 2WF from dex-to-damage and then let it back in the door? Interesting. It's not in d20, though.

Kind-a-sort-of. They made it take an extra feat, which is I guess what Paizo thinks makes it balanced.

I'm still salty about it though. Other than the rogue's dex to damage, I don't really like any other dex to damage.

extra feat and an extra -2 to attack and only with sawtooth sabers i think.

Claxon wrote:
Other than the rogue's dex to damage, I don't really like any other dex to damage.

Agile amulets of mighty fists will always hold a special place in my heart.

Liberty's Edge

Avoron wrote:

Agile amulets of mighty fists will always hold a special place in my heart.

As they help you hold the heart of your enemies in your very claws!

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