Bojack Horseman


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I just started watching this show. It's amazing.

The first 3-4 episodes are good, but nothing ground breaking. Episode 11 is one of the best 25 minutes of TV I've seen. You can't just watch that episode alone though, it requires at least 3-4 previous ones for context. Because it's fresh in my mind, it rates pretty highly, but I think I'd put it around top 20 episodes ever. They're not all gems though.

I'm continuously impressed with the shows intelligence. It doesn't handle every topic perfectly, but it at least hits them with a few good notes. It's mostly a send up of Hollywoo culture.

Also, it's not based on a comic book. So there's that.

Someone I love says I remind her of Bojack for reasons I will not go into here.

I started calling her Prickly Muffin in response.

She said she would take me to a place noone would ever find my body if I didn't stop.

So I stopped.

Liberty's Edge

Bojack is easily my favorite television show. Ever.

It's quirky, funny, and often heartbreaking. It's probably not for everyone but if you deal with depression or know someone that does, I highly recommend it.

Oh yeah. It's an amazing show. Probably the best thing Netflix has made.

Season 4 dropped with very little fanfare. It's amazing. I cried at least once.

The end of season 3 is easily one of the most heartbreaking and intense portrayals of depression, codependency and enabling I've ever seen.

I tried watching it and it didn't do anything for me. I think I gave up around episode 4 or so.
Depression and all, it didn't appeal to me.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

I tried watching it and it didn't do anything for me. I think I gave up around episode 4 or so.

Depression and all, it didn't appeal to me.

Yeah, the first 4 episodes didn't amaze me, but I enjoyed them. I was just kind of watching for something to watch, then episode 10 (season 1) happened. The episode just floored me, like I had to immediately rewatch it to even begin understanding how it was affecting me.

That said, not everyone wants to watch a show about depression. I think the show is amazingly well written, but it is definitely not a topic or presentation that will appeal to everyone. I have another friend who hates anti-heroes, so I didn't even bother recommending the show to him.

MeanDM wrote:
The end of season 3 is easily one of the most heartbreaking and intense portrayals of depression, codependency and enabling I've ever seen.

The quality in season 4 is maintained. One of the story lines doesn't punch you in the gut like the show normally does, which was actually kind of surprising. It is still emotional though.

Also, I've found some audio clips where people have isolated the NPR ring tones.

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