Where do Golarions races come from?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Did they evolve? Created from clay? Do the races all have their own creation stories?

I know the dwarves claim to have been created accidentally by Torag and goblins by the barghest demon lords. What about humans? elves?

Or the more unusual races like vishkanya or kitsune?

Sourcebook references are appreciated and your own theories even more so.


Elves fled to Golarion from a disaster on another planet in the solar system. Info is from the Second Darkness adventure path, iirc.

Humans were created by the aboleths, got too big for their britches, got hit with a meteor by the aboleths, and that's how the starstone came to Golarion.

Wait, they were created by aboleths?

I thought the aboleths found some primitive humans and raised some of them up. Like, controlled breeding of cows, type thing?

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Where did Golarion's races come from.

takes off glasses, looks thoughtfully at the ceiling.

Well, you see, when two people love each other very much...

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:
Wait, they were created by aboleths?

From The Inner Sea World Guide page 33:

"Eventually, mortal life appeared... whether as a result of aboleth experimentation or divine creation, the truth is unclear."

So the idea of aboleths creating mortal life has certainly been suggested.

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This is all that I can recall on most of races, not taking in account creation myths of each one:
Dwarves initially, as Orcs, where natives of Nar-Voth layer of Darklands (no more info on this saddly). After Earthfall, those dwarves who stayed in Darklands and choose to worship Droskar evolved in duergar (and maybe some Rovagug emanations helped as with drow).

Elves came to Golarion around the end of Azlanti war with Serpentfolk from Sovyrian (one of the planets in solar system where Golarion is). Aquatic elves evolved from basic ones after choosing to live underwater.

When Aboleth called Starstone to hit Golarion, most of surface elves choose to flee back to Sovyrian using their StarGate-style portal. Minority decided to stay, but hide in various corners of the world (at north pole, in Garund jungles). Some choose to go underground. There, reality of survival in Darklands, radiation from magical ores, slow shift of their worship from Elvish Pantheon to Demons and Rovagug emanation from his demiplane-cage in the center of Golarion changed them in Drow.
When exiled Demon Lord Treerazer tried to modify elvish "escape portal" they took action, returning to Golarion.

Gnomes came from First World. More info on this event should be in recent campaign setting book "The First World, Realm of the Fey".

Halflings were on Golarion as long as humans (no info, from where they are originally).

Humans, as with halflings, have no information on the matter of were they evolved, came from another place or created by deites. Only that they were uplifted to superhumans from barbaric state by aboleths (and then kicked back in it by former masters).

Then there are offshoots of those "superhuman" Azlanti like gillmen (created by aboleths), fetchlings (azlanti who fled to shadow plane), munavri (azlanti who fled to Orv layer of Darklands), morlocks (azlanti who in pursue of blood purity devolved in them), dark folk (azlanti who stayed in upper level of Darklands), skulks (devolved from citizen of Xin-Shalast and probably some other Tassilon places) and some others that I forgot.

Ghorans (plant people) were created by Nexian wizards. Hobgoblins, as I remember, by some wizards too. Driders, vegepygmies and some other monster races are creations of Drow Fleshwarpers.

Serpentfolk, Xulgath (troglodytes) and Lizardman where on Golarion before rise of Azlant.

Skum were created by aboleths. And aboleths probably were the fist sentient beings on Golarion, before it was designated to be cage of Rovagug by Gods.

Taiga Giants are offshoot of Stone. Scrag if I'm right, from Fire. Runegiants were created from Taiga and Fire by Runelords of Tassilon. Sinspawns are their creation too.

Marsh Giants are offshoot of Ogres or Hill Giants (may be wrong on this).

Stryx are supposedly created by their owlfolk masters (again, may be wrong). And latters are from Arcadia (another continent).

There are other races out there, but I didn't look that much in their history or remember it as good as those that I already mentioned.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Where did Golarion's races come from.

takes off glasses, looks thoughtfully at the ceiling.

Well, you see, when two people love each other very much...

I am gals some one else went before me as I have been holding this in for a while after reading the post the first time.

The come from their mommies of course.

But I also like the official versions also.


I appreciate all the replies, thank you

Natan Linggod 327 wrote:

Wait, they were created by aboleths?

I thought the aboleths found some primitive humans and raised some of them up. Like, controlled breeding of cows, type thing?

It's not exactly spelled out. It may be that the only thing the aboleths did was gather some uncivilised Humans and simply set up a civilization Hermea style.

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