Gunnison Air Rifle

Homebrew and House Rules

Air Rifle 3000gp 1d10(M), Crit x4,Range 75ft, Missfire 1, capacity 20 (Special), Weight 10lbs

The Gunnisson Air Rifle is a marvel of Dwarven and Gnomish engineering. It operates by using a canister of compressed air to extend a piston that in turn depresses a spring. When the trigger is pulled the spring is released and the lead ball is ejected from the barrel at speeds matching that of most other muskets.

The Rifle is loaded by a side mounted magazine that requires a full round action to reload it to full capacity and a swift action to cycle in a new round into the chamber.

The compressed air is held in a reservoir that also acts as the butt stock for the rifle. At full capacity it holds enough air to fire 30 shots before it is empty. The reservoir can be removed as a full round action. To be recharged the reservoir must be attached to a hand pump and then a Dc 15 con check must be made while the user spends the next hour charging the system. A wagon mounted pump may also be used that allows for reservoirs to be filled while on the go.

The Rifle is an Advanced Firearm but due to its propellant method it's Range is affected as if it was a Early Firearm.

The Gunnisson Air Rifle is based of the real life
Giradoni Air rifle and is made for/by My Iron Gods PC Grizwald Gunnison Dwarven Inquisitor of Brigh.

It seems alright to me, although the method of reload seems kinda slow if you fire more than thirty times in between rests. Probably gonna steal this to use as loot for a gunslinger in my game I'm running right now. I like the concept a lot

Dox of the ParaDox twins wrote:
It seems alright to me, although the method of reload seems kinda slow if you fire more than thirty times in between rests. Probably gonna steal this to use as loot for a gunslinger in my game I'm running right now. I like the concept a lot

You can replace the reservoir with a fresh one. I should've put it in the post that you can have more than one.

But if all the ones you have are empty than you're out of luck.

I did a little looking around and found that "power" or kinetic energy of the shots decreased as the air chamber was emptied as well as the fact that the air chamber was prone to cracking and the rifle itself was described as delicate.

So I would include those in my design and description.
In the spirit of keeping it simple.
For the reduced power, I would say at 1/2 charge and below, the damage changed to 1d8, range 60.
For the cracking of air container: on a natural roll of 1-3 the container developed a crack. For a master work container reduce to 1-2 or maybe to a 1.
Or maybe have a equal chance on a roll of 1-3 of either the weapon requiring some repair or the air chamber developing a leak.

Having said that maybe the D&G Engineers developed a much better way to build the air chambers then us humans did.

I like the idea.


You'll put your eye out, kid.

Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

In the spirit of keeping it simple.

Having said that maybe the D&G Engineers developed a much better way to build the air chambers then us humans did.


That was my mantra while creating this write up. It's already full of specual rules and I didn't want to overload it.

I thought about including rules similar to those but thought that superior Materials and Engineering from the fantasy side would make it a bit more sturdy than the real life version.

Are there any spells that could be useful for operating this firearm? Anything that affects air or could help charge the gun?

I do not know about spells that could charge the gun.

But from my knowledge of physics and chemistry if there is a vacuum type spell it could be used to pull air through a system very quickly to charge a canister.
You could also do some stuff with fire and cold to speed up to process.

But you would have to talk to your GM about allowing this modern knowledge into your game. Or ask how long it would take for someone to be able to research such a thing. As well as allow for it to not happen.
Yes people did try and invent new ways of doing things and they failed often.

Good Luck

Mark Carlson 255 wrote:

I do not know about spells that could charge the gun.

But from my knowledge of physics and chemistry if there is a vacuum type spell it could be used to pull air through a system very quickly to charge a canister.
You could also do some stuff with fire and cold to speed up to process.

But you would have to talk to your GM about allowing this modern knowledge into your game. Or ask how long it would take for someone to be able to research such a thing. As well as allow for it to not happen.
Yes people did try and invent new ways of doing things and they failed often.

Good Luck

This is showing up in a Iron Gods game that I'm GM-ing so that wont be a problem. The creator is a Dwarven Inventor from Alkenstar who specializes in steam and pressure and is currently running around Numeria seeing all the Modern Tech.

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