Homebrew Avian Campaign


Most of the details I have so far are in the alias, it's very much an idea right now, but one I think could be cool. I don't have anything particular in mind at the moment, I just like having lots of heads for advice and bouncing ideas off of, and it takes too long to explain to most people IRL. Plus, I have access to a ton of great GMs

A few relevant things:
-Each of the archetypes' only feature is a mount
-I love the idea of dragon born shock troops, but I don't want to make them the only optimal choice
-The companions need to be balanced only against each other
-Planned for a PbP on these forums sometime in the future
-Please point out, condemn, suggest, ask, whatever comes to mind. I tend to respond fairly often, but I won't for several hours after posting this
-For those familiar with such works, how do I get around the cliches surrounding stories based around academies? Do people think I should only be slightly involved, or do people have other ideas?

I'm sure I'll have more when next I post, but that's all for now. Thanks!

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