Melee Touch Focused Aberrant Sorcerer Build


I'm making a character for an upcoming game that gains a free bloodrager bloodline and bloodrage. A caveat is that the bloodline must match any you get from your class. I went Aberrant sorcerer, which means I get Aberrant bloodrage as well, and figured it would be pretty cool to make a touch build, since by level 4 I have 15 ft reach with such things, and will eventually get 25 ft reach (RotRL, so I should get the full bonus eventually).

A few other things of note:
- human
- I went tattooed sorcerer, gets rid of the ray for a familiar, and I lose almost nothing else due to bloodline overlap
- Mad Magic feat, for casting during the bloodrage
- I'm taking advantage of bloodrage to use Strength for touch attacks

Let me know if anything is unclear or there are further questions, and thanks in advance.

Can you apply the effects of an archetype to your blood rage? If you can get Controlled Bloodrage (urban bloodrager), applying the bonus to Dex and picking up Weapon Finesse would do you a great deal.

Sadly, it's unmodifiable. We get the spells as spell-like abilities, but nothing of the feats either (they were mentioned as possible rewards however).

The first question is what are your questions? i.e. do you want a complete build, are you asking whether this is a good idea, etc. Still, a couple of general suggestions.

Since you're a sorcerer getting close to the action you'll likely want the protector archetype for your familiar.

Get Spontaneous Metafocus for your favorite touch spell. Taking a full round action to cast rime frostbite or intensified shocking grasp or whatever is really annoying. If you don't like that idea (you don't want to be pinned down to one spell or something), consider the arcanist class with the Blood Arcanist archetype rather than sorcerer.

I guess I don't want a complete build, just suggestions on good touch spells and other ways to make this work. Blood Arcanist is a good idea, but I think I prefer sorcerer here.


Some ideas:

Found long arm, and the spell storing amulet is actually unnecessary, touch spells can be discharged as unarmed attacks, but as a sorcerer, I see little reason to do so, it is far too much investment to get enough damage to warrant the loss of hitting touch AC.

Thanks for the spell ideas too.

I am using an Aberrant sorcerer currently.
With Vampiric Touch if something get into combat with me I still survive.
I found intensify spell good with shocking grasp.

I found Ghoul touch difficult to use, without affecting friend

Vampiric touch seems like it would be useful, as well as force punch. Corrosive consumption I think most creature would scrape off, which means I used a 3rd level spell slot to do ~7 damage and prevent them from acting for one turn. Doesn't seem like the best deal to me.

Thanks for the suggestions, and please keep them coming!

Calcific Touch is nasty against big low-dex creatures. Given your reach Touch of Gracelessness may be handy - they may have to move up and be unable to. Rime Sspell makes Frostbite and Frigid Touch better.

Carla's point with the amulet was to deliver 2 touch spells at once. The non-touch attack makes it less than ideal, true.

Consider style feats since you'll have your hands free usually. Panther Style or Monkey Style if you can afford the wisdom, or the Crane Style line perhaps.

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