Aasimar Summoner Favored Class Bonus

Rules Questions

The Aasimar Summoner favored class Bonus is

D20pfsrd.com wrote:
Add DR 1/evil to the summoner's eidolon. Each additional time the summoner selects this benefit, the DR/evil increases by +1/2 (maximum DR 10/evil).

If the eidolon already has DR/Evil does this "Add" to it, or is this a case of taking the better of the two DRs? The wording saying "Add" and "increases" causes me to wonder.

You're being way too strict in your reading. Stop that.

First time, add DR 1/evil. Next time? That increases by +1/2.

get scion of elf people istead of scion of humanuty and then you can take half elf fcb cuz you will be a half elf XD get the better of the fcb

Buri Reborn wrote:

You're being way too strict in your reading. Stop that.

First time, add DR 1/evil. Next time? That increases by +1/2.

I meant if it has it from a different source, like an evolution.

Sound a bit like the Celestial Blooded sorcerer arcana

Bloodline Arcana wrote:
"Whenever you cast a spell of the summoning subschool, the creatures summoned gain DR/evil equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). This does not stack with any DR the creature might have."

Typically DR doesn't stack. You take the highest bonus and run with it.

Damage reduction explained wrote:
"If a creature has damage reduction from more than one source, the two forms of damage reduction do not stack. Instead, the creature gets the benefit of the best damage reduction in a given situation."

I think there's creatures though that require 2 forms of attacks to by-pass their DR. For example here's a typical Rakshasa

And here's a more potent Rakshasa

The CR 15 one needs both good AND piercing to deal damage to it. So maybe you could double up on the requirements? If anyone here knows if that's a legit mauver please clarify.

It seems like this is a straightforward case of 'Doesn't stack".

When you first take the ability you add the DR. DR doesn't stack, so if it already has the same DR only the highest applies. Taking it again would increase the newly added DR; if at any point the increase makes the new DR higher that one would then apply.

Sovereign Court

Hedge your bets. If the favored class bonus gives the Eidolon DR/Evil, take another evolution. If you're using unchained summoner and you're shoehorned in taking an Eidolon that automatically gains DR/Evil, then just add it to the existing DR. We're talking about an addition 10 pts of DR over the entire 20 levels of the Unchained Summoner, right? Even if your Eidolon ends up with DR 20/Evil... Meh... there are ways to make it suffer still... especially when your foes are like, evil 15th-20th level fighters, clerics, antipaladins, wizards, etc. ;)

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
If you're using unchained summoner and you're shoehorned in taking an Eidolon that automatically gains DR/Evil, then just add it to the existing DR.

That may be an acceptable house rule to some GMs, but we're in the rules forum, and that is not how the rules work.

Sovereign Court

It says 'add' and the clientele for this type of eidolon is aasimar... how else should it work?

It says (paraphrased) "add DR to your Eidolon", not "add to your Eidolon's DR"; you give your Eidolon the listed DR (as it's own 'pool' of DR, not added to any existing pool) and then follow the normal rule about DR not stacking (as found in the glossary entry for Damage Reduction)
and only apply the higher of the two. If you continue to apply the FCB and it eventually provides a higher DR than the other source you switch to the now-higher source of DR applying.

jbadams is right, it's clear that the first iteration of the FCB gives you one point of DR as a new source of DR, it doesn't add to any existing DR. Later FCB add to this freestanding FCB DR, also not to any other existing DR. If you have two sources of DR/evil only the highest applies. Don't take the evolution or don't take the FCB.

Asked and answered. Thanks everyone.

what you do in that case is give your edolon dr/good from evolusions and then dr/evil from the favored class bonus now its pretty much got dr/- as somthing usually cant be good and evil

+4 weapon overcomes both.

Java Man wrote:
+4 weapon overcomes both.

+5 is needed to overcome alignemnt dr +4 goes past adamantine and only really end game bosses will have a +5 weapon so for pretty much all of the game its dr/-

Huh, I seem to always reverse align and adamntine bypass levels. But there are several ways, magus arcane pool, divine bind, sacred weapon, bane, that an enemy might get +5 without an actual +5 weapon, that come online much sooner than end game.

if they run into that so often then the gm is going out of his way to bypass the edolons dr

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