The Secret of the Mummy's Mask

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Cross-post from BGG Con wrap-up:

BGG wrote:
Fun Fact: Mike Selinker says, "There is a puzzle in the game that the Lone Shark Games design team has told nobody about until today."


Don't want to spoil but if I remember the AP, at some point you have a riddle/puzzle issue.
That plus not-this-Mike, wouldn't be surprised if it ended up in something specific.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Innnnteresting. I wish he had given just a BIT more of a hint than that, so that we'd know where to start looking other than in the entire set (including cards not yet released).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You will need the Base Set Box and Adventure Decks 2 through 6 before you have all the puzzle pieces. (You do not need the Character Add-On Deck, which might be a small hint...)

You *may* be able to solve it without all the pieces, but personally, I would never even *find* it without help.

While you're waiting to collect all the parts, you can entertain yourself with these five puzzles Mike made for our Stonehenge game:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, I know what I'm doing while I'm waiting for the MIT Mystery Hunt...

Vic Wertz wrote:

While you're waiting to collect all the parts, you can entertain yourself with these five puzzles Mike made for our Stonehenge game:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Is it just me, or are all of those links broken?

Not working for me either.

Grand Lodge

Looks like the server at titanic-games is down.

(EDIT: Or at least, non-responsive.)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hmm. Works from inside the office... we'll look into it.

Silver Crusade

My current thoughts on the MM puzzle involve cards that don't make an appearance in the RPG AP. Like the Brain Ooze. Unsure where that comes from.

My current thoughts on the MM puzzle involve flavor texts because not-this-Mike loves flavor texting :-)

I'm kind of confused what puzzle is supposed to mean in this context in the first place. What do you imagine while talking about this?

The way I understand this, it is not something that will interact with the game play, or will it?
Like some collection of cards you need to have in your deck for the last villain, and if you play them in the correct order, something unexpected happens?
That would be like a classical hidden ending in a video game.

But given mikes background, this is more supposed to be like the da-vinci code, isn't it?
Where there are some hidden messages on some cards, and if you figure them out, then you can piece the information together and then... ?

I have a really hard time imagining what is supposed to happen when you 'solve' this puzzle. If it was connected to the gameplay, I'd expect it to be apparent at some point in a card effect, and it shouldn't be hard to discover. But since its probably not like this, I wonder if there is some reward for solving it, apart from the satisfaction that you solved it?

Maybe I'm overthinking this, but solving the puzzle has to imply some reaction/reward, or otherwise, how do you know you solved it in the first place?

My initial hope that I'm still clinging to is an Easter Egg type scenario, where clues are scattered throughout the game but not necessarily incorporated fully into standard play. Think "Ready Player One" for all you sci-fi fans out there. I want to solve the puzzle and then split a card in half, ideally one of those annoying Kopesh that we keep failing to banish, to reveal a secret promo card that I will love and cherish for many adventures to come.

Scarab Sages

Secret promo card would be awesome...but I somewhat doubt that the puzzle will be something like that. I am thinking it will be something that has no effect on the gameplay, because like Doppelschwert that would be apparent.

Maybe. It could be a villain card that you don't fight normally unless special circumstances occur - like the way the Sandpoint Devil wasn't accessible without that Gandethus dude. My first inclination would be to look for cards that don't obviously come into play, and then try to find the unique set of circumstances that would...well..not "invoke" them, because that means something specific now, but you know what I mean.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Frencois wrote:
My current thoughts on the MM puzzle involve flavor texts because not-this-Mike loves flavor texting :-)

Flavor text on the traders? There's a lot of it, and there are no traders in the character add-on deck.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The puzzle has no mechanical impact.

I imagine once all of the pieces are out there, Mike will probably talk about it in a blog.

Lone Shark Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wouldn't rule it out.

Mike Selinker wrote:
I wouldn't rule it out.

Although I'm sad I never had the opportunity yet to meet the real Mike, I already know the top 3 mojos of that great inspiring mind:

- Hold this thought
- I wouldn't rule it out
- And something involving cocktails

I guess we have a LOT in common :-)

Mike Selinker wrote:
I wouldn't rule it out.

We notice there is no quote to indicate what we aren't to rule out.


I have a vague theory involving random text that's been on a few of the barriers, but I'll have to wait and see!

Vic Wertz wrote:

You will need the Base Set Box and Adventure Decks 2 through 6 before you have all the puzzle pieces. (You do not need the Character Add-On Deck, which might be a small hint...)

You *may* be able to solve it without all the pieces, but personally, I would never even *find* it without help.

While you're waiting to collect all the parts, you can entertain yourself with these five puzzles Mike made for our Stonehenge game:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Bump, for these links still appear to be broken...:(

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

There is no chance of the Stonehenge puzzle links getting fixed until a least mid-April, I'm afraid.

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