Brainwave |

Hey folks,
Question that came up in our game last night. There are several cards (the Chakrams that I carry on Yoon come to mind) that cancel "before you act" powers (mostly on non-villain monsters).
I don't want to misquote the actual wording of the powers in question by trying to paraphrase them and getting it wrong (don't have my cards in front of me at the moment), but there are multiple cards with this sort of power in the MM set. I don't think they specify that it has to be "your" encounter but they also don't specify that it can be "any" encounter, either.
My question is are these cards intended to be able to only cancel before you act powers on monsters you are encountering, or can someone across the table discard a Chakram to cancel a before you act power on someone else's encounter?
Then my second question is if a before you act power makes everyone at the location make a check - if I discard a Chakram to cancel that power, does it negate it completely for everyone or just stop that particular character from having to make the check?

elcoderdude |

I don't have my cards handy either, but I'm pretty sure the intention is it can only cancel a before you act power for the character playing the card.
Also, that you can play it to protect yourself, whenever you are affected by a before you act power, even on someone else's turn.
The last question is answered in the FAQ and (I assume) in the rulebook. When you ignore something, only you get to ignore it.

Hawkmoon269 |

The cards are worded like this:
If proficient with weapons, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
Just like a card that said "Discard this card to evade a monster" only allows you (the one playing the card) to evade a monster, this ignoring power only allows you (the one playing the card) to ignore the power.

Keith Richmond Lone Shark Games |

The last question is answered in the FAQ and (I assume) in the rulebook. When you ignore something, only you get to ignore it.

Cax |

elcoderdude wrote:The last question is answered in the FAQ and (I assume) in the rulebook. When you ignore something, only you get to ignore it.
I'm still a bit unsure about this. If I encounter a non-villian monster that says, "Before you act, each character must succeed a Wisdom or Divine 8 check or be dealt 1d4 combat damage" and I discard Chakram to ignore the power...are you saying everyone else still has to attempt the check or be dealt damage?
Wasn't I the only character that was about to act, and I ignored the power completely? I guess this assumes that no other character attempts to act during my encounter.

Hawkmoon269 |

Alainplus2 |

So, think of "before you act" more like "during the before you act step of the encounter". In your example, only you would get to ignore the power. Each other character would have to deal with it still. (They could ignore it too if they had a way to do so.)
I do not like this interpretation. I would like to think that ignoring a bane's BYA power is like deleting a paragraph from the card. If it is the players turn that encounters it, they delete a paragraph. If the paragraph isn't there, no one else is effected.