Need Feats for Polearm Master


Level 10 Fighter and so far.

Exotic Fauchard
Weapon Focus
Weapon Specialization
Power Attack
Furious Focus
Combat Reflexes
Phalanx Formation
Improved Critical

What else can I add to the list? Anything that comes to your midn that is useful from 11 to 20 Levels.

Combat expertise, Improved/greater Trip, pick of some ranged options like rapid shot?

Grand Lodge

Pushing assault
Critical mastery
Staggering critical
Exhausting critical

Silver Crusade

Two feats that may help dealing with enemy trying to get under your reach - Pin down and Fast draw.

Stand Still. Combined with reach and Lunge you can lock down a really large area.
It's a long ways off, but building up to Whirlwind Attack (needs Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, and Combat Expertise) might be worth your while.

Iron will, body gaurd, greater focus and spec, blimd fighting, barroom brawler.

Weapon Trick has some useful stuff for polearm wielders. Dazing Assault is good. Iron Will is boring but worthwhile. Advanced Weapon Training may be useful to you as a feat.

@Strange_Mind: Stand Still only works on adjacent enemies. It's not useful to a reach weapon user. And in the teen levels the single attack per target of Whirlwind Attack is largely pointless unless you also get Dazing Assault or something, which still doesn't make it actually value for the feats spent.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Pushing Assault can be really useful if you crit; you move the target 10 feet back, so they cannot 5 foot step back into place. This can reduce a Full Attack to a single attack. Especially with Lunge.

And you'll be critting on 15-20 with an Improved Critical Fauchard.

So you got that going for you. Which is nice.

Shield of Swings might be useful.

Iron Will and Improved Iron Will are always useful for fighter-types.

You can still use Stand Still with your spiked gauntlets.

Is at least 1 level of bloodrager worth it to get enlarger person?

Do you have the Charisma to get Eldritch Heritage?

Blind-Fight is really useful in the clutch. Especially if you don't have a way to see invisible.

Is your party set up in such a way you could benefit from Teamwork Feats?

Iron Will yeah seems nice. Pushing Assault too. No Cha at ALL.
Im intrigue about Enlarge person at Level 1 o.O;? But Thats a no because of the race type.

No teamwork feats unless I could get Solo maneuvers somehow.

Stand Still might work and Whirlwind Attack in a Long run maybe.

Also considering Critical Focus, Disruptive and Spell Breaker but not sure how useful these could get to be.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

With a 15-20 critical threat range, Critical Feats are probably something to invest in. They can add lots of fun de-buffing effects to your targets.

Yeah should be fun. Maybe also considering Nimble Moves feats.

The Critical Feats such as Tiring and Exhausting do not have a duration. So how much it suppose to last?

Karse wrote:
The Critical Feats such as Tiring and Exhausting do not have a duration. So how much it suppose to last?

I'd go by the normal rules for Exhaustion and Fatigue.

Fatigued wrote:
A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.
Exhausted wrote:
Exhausted: An exhausted character moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

Smiles evilly...

Now who's on top AM BARBARIAN!!!? ;)

Awesome. Thank you all.

SmiloDan : Is there a way to get enlarge with just a single bloodrager level? I mean Abyssal have an ability like that but its Level 4.

Grand Lodge

Would a critical staggering or exhaustion hit stop a charge attack when you hit them with a aoo and deny them of a full-round-action?

Wow yeah that is interesting. Because Staggering only allows one standard or move action but not both. Normally someone will still be able to charge with a standard action but up to his speed while being staggered but since he would be exhausted too then that prevents him from run or charge. So i guess your opponent would be screwed. XD

Liberty's Edge

I'm partial to Spear Dancing Spiral + Quarterstaff Master. Use that Fauchard as;

A two-handed reach weapon
A double weapon with reach on one or both ends
A one-handed reach weapon

Grand Lodge

Combat Patrol?

Combat Patrol YES. I think thats the last thing I needed for the build ^^ Thank you.

Shield Brace let's you use a shield with a polearm for optimal AC.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Karse wrote:
SmiloDan : Is there a way to get enlarge with just a single bloodrager level? I mean Abyssal have an ability like that but its Level 4.

My bad. I forgot they don't get spells until level 4.

If you're willing to take the hit to BAB, maybe go Magus or Growth sub-domain Cleric?

Or just get potions. You're level 10, so you can afford them, or a wand for an ally to use on you, or maybe even take Leadership and get a crafting wizard cohort.

Grand Lodge

Growth domain is awesome as it is a swift action.
Spellbreaker Inquisitor is perhaps the best as it gives will-save reroll at level 1.

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