Duskblade |
Greater Rapture: At 12th level, an exciter increases the morale bonus his rapture grants to each applicable ability score by 2 and the morale bonus he gains on Will saves by 1.
In addition, upon entering a rapture, he can apply the effects of a single spiritualist spell he knows with an emotion component to himself. The spell must have a range of touch or personal, and it must be a 1st- or 2nd-level spell. For every 3 spiritualist levels he has beyond 12th, the maximum spell level of this spell increases by 1. If he uses this ability to apply the effects of a spell again before the duration of the previous spell expires, the previous spell ends immediately.
This replaces greater spiritual interference.
My question is does this ability specifically exclude spells with a thought component? I realize that the Rapture ability specifically excludes the casting of 'Thought component spells' while in a Ratpure, yet Greater Rapture seems to imply that you can apply a spell to yourself upon entering a Rapture so long as the spell has an 'emotion component'? Is this a correct interpretation?