Is the Technologist feat still needed / legal in season 8?

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 2/5

It occurred to me while discussing most loved/hated past scenarios with some players and GMs. I have experience both positive and negative aspects of playing characters without this feat in season 6. I also play a lot of Core games.

Several notable season 6 scenarios (including quests and modules) basically require at least one PC to have the Technologist feat in order to do anything more than make basic perception checks/saving throws/etc.

Has the Technologist feat become part of a niche character build just for modules/scenario replays or is it still a good feat to invest in?

Given that the theme is horror and not tech... I'd say you can let it pass.

4/5 *

It's still legal. As far as needed, not really. My investigator has a wand of technomancy and ticks off a charge if something techie comes up and he needs to do a check that needs it.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Kezzie Redlioness wrote:

It occurred to me while discussing most loved/hated past scenarios with some players and GMs. I have experience both positive and negative aspects of playing characters without this feat in season 6. I also play a lot of Core games.

Several notable season 6 scenarios (including quests and modules) basically require at least one PC to have the Technologist feat in order to do anything more than make basic perception checks/saving throws/etc.

Has the Technologist feat become part of a niche character build just for modules/scenario replays or is it still a good feat to invest in?

I might want to ask this one in the Core forum too.


There is a scenario where it came up but I think you can mostly do without it.

I hope Paizo learned that lesson.


RealAlchemy wrote:
It's still legal. As far as needed, not really. My investigator has a wand of technomancy and ticks off a charge if something techie comes up and he needs to do a check that needs it.

My warpriest does the same.


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Jessex wrote:

There is a scenario where it came up but I think you can mostly do without it.

I hope Paizo learned that lesson.

Learned what lesson? I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the technology scenarios.

Technologist feat was never really a problem, just use the technomancy spell.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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James Daniels wrote:
Jessex wrote:

There is a scenario where it came up but I think you can mostly do without it.

I hope Paizo learned that lesson.

Learned what lesson? I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the technology scenarios.

Technologist feat was never really a problem, just use the technomancy spell.

Basically there was a massive pushback about trying to make a Feat just to be able to use a bunch of skills you should already be able to use. Didn't really have anything to do with sci-fi or technology as much as it was a very clumsy and poor way to handle it, (and would have been similar if done in any other genre). There was also an issue that if you didn't buy the book it was in (and didn't really see forums here about it), there was a really good chance you had no idea you had to take a Feat just to use your Skills in some scenarios.

It also led to some really odd circumstances where if the DM didn't really know or ignored it so that scenarios actually made sense and/or was not frustrating for the group, and then one player comes with it, they basically have to make a choice to favor that one player or have the rest of the group sit there and twiddle thumbs. That's all besides the different views and feelings about Technology Scenarios and the genre mash up, which was it's own sort of problem.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

James Daniels wrote:
RealAlchemy wrote:
It's still legal. As far as needed, not really. My investigator has a wand of technomancy and ticks off a charge if something techie comes up and he needs to do a check that needs it.

My warpriest does the same.

Core is a little more problematic in that respect...

4/5 *

Kezzie Redlioness wrote:
James Daniels wrote:
RealAlchemy wrote:
It's still legal. As far as needed, not really. My investigator has a wand of technomancy and ticks off a charge if something techie comes up and he needs to do a check that needs it.

My warpriest does the same.

Core is a little more problematic in that respect...

In Core you're kind of SOL for technology anyway since neither technologist nor technomancy come from a legal source for Core IIRC.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

RealAlchemy wrote:
Kezzie Redlioness wrote:
James Daniels wrote:
RealAlchemy wrote:
It's still legal. As far as needed, not really. My investigator has a wand of technomancy and ticks off a charge if something techie comes up and he needs to do a check that needs it.

My warpriest does the same.

Core is a little more problematic in that respect...
In Core you're kind of SOL for technology anyway since neither technologist nor technomancy come from a legal source for Core IIRC.

Thus, the "more problematic" statement I just made.


Technomancy shows up in at least one NPC's spellbook... perhaps others... so it is possible to get it, even in Core.

Though that does not disqualify it from the problematic descriptor you mention =)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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There's also a Boon allowing you to play one of the Tech archetypes in Core.

But that's getting extremely niche.

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