The Decks of Harrowed Heroes

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Greetings, I've been lurching about for a while and figured it was about time for me to start posting some of the things I have been working on in my spare time.

I am a great fan of the Harrow in Pathfinder and thought it would be interesting to bring that into the Adventure Card game. What I have worked up is a set of three Class Deck style decks with their focus split between various suits within the Harrow.

I have pulled much of my inspiration for these characters and powers from the Harrow Handbook and the Harrow deck.

A basic primer on the Harrow is there are 6 suits, Books, Crowns, Hammers, Keys, Shields, Stars. They have loose ties to various attributes, attitudes, races and parts of Golarion.

Similar to the Goblin Decks, I separated the various characters based on similarities, and have the decks: The Deck of Hammer and Shield, The Deck of Book and Key, and the Deck of Crown and Star.

The Hammer and Shield are the more martial of the characters, the Cavalier, Inquisitor, and Magus. The Book and Key are the self focused of the characters, the Monk, Rogue and Summoner. The Crown and Star are the more magical, the Oracle, Sorcerer and Witch.

This will be a work in progress posting, and I wills tart with some of the alternate mechanics for the decks first, so that some of their powers presented in their character write ups will make more sense.

Hope you enjoy and look forward to the feed back!

General deck make up

Harrowed Heroes and their associated decks will not use Blessings. There will not be any blessing in their boxes or deck lists. They trust their luck more through the Harrow than relying on the Gods. They can of course earn Blessings through game play, but they will not carry over between scenarios.

Key words

In addition to their gender, race and class, all these heroes have the keyword Harrowed. This is similar to a character taking the Harrowed feat and represents their special affinity to the magic and mysticism of the Harrow cards.

With the exception of the Summoner, they will also have the Cohort option of any Harrow Spread available in their individual deck box. These Cohorts will give them options for how to gain benefits similar to those gained by Blessings.

I will go into more detail on the separate Spreads in future posts. The will be displayed next to their Owner's deck, and can be used by an Harrowed Hero at the Owners location.

As of right now, I don't have any names for the Heroes, but I have the pictures that inspired the character, their gender race and classes.

The Deck of Hammer and Shield: The Cavalier

Female Dwarf Cavalier, Pictured on page 18 of The Harrow Handbook.

Strength d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Melee +2
Dexterity d6 []+1
Constitution d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Fortitude +2
Intelligence d6 []+1
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Perception +2
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2 []+3

Hand Size 4 []5 []6
Proficient with Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Weapons

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Melee skill plus the adventure deck number of the current adventure.
When another character ate your location encounters a non-villain monster, discard ([]recharge) a card; you encounter it instead. ([]If the card is a weapon, add 1d6 to your combat check.)

Card List
Favored Card Type: Ally

Weapon 4 []5 []6
Spell -- []1 []2
Armor 4 []5 []6
Item 3 []4
Ally 4 []5 []6 []7

Cavalier - Constable
Proving your mettle in the streets can be a tall order for some.
Hand Size 4 []5 []6
Proficient with Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Weapons
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Melee skill plus the adventure deck number of the current adventure. ([]You may add all traits on the discarded card to your check.)
When another character ate your location encounters a non-villain monster, discard ([]recharge) a card; you encounter it instead. ([]If the card is a weapon, add 1d6 to your combat check.)
[]When building your deck before a scenario starts, you may use Ally cards in place of Spell cards.
[]You gain the skill Diplomacy: Charisma +2
[]Add +2 ([]+4) to a combat check by another character at your location.
[]Bury ([] discard)([] recharge) a card to move a character to your location.

Cavalier - Esquire
Say hello to my friends. I am the little one.
Hand Size 4 []5 []6
Proficient with Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Weapons
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Melee skill plus the adventure deck number of the current adventure.
When another character ate your location encounters a non-villain monster, discard ([]recharge) a card; you encounter it instead. ([]If the card is a weapon 9[] or ally), add 1d6 to your combat check.)
[]When building your deck before a scenario starts, you may use Ally cards in place of Spell cards.
[]At the start of your turn, you may exchange a card in your hand for an ally that has Diplomacy as a check to acquire it in your discard pile.
[]On your turn, when you acquire an ally, you may recharge a card to explore again.
[]When you play an ally on your check, add 1d4 ([]plus the card's adventure deck number) to that check.
[]If you would bury an ally, discard it instead.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm at a conference and can't give detailed feedback at the moment, but I LOVE this idea and would really like to be a part of the project. I'm a huge fan of harrow in pathfinder as well. :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

First feedback on the cavalier:

I would suggest changing the first power slightly... Currently it doesn't allow you to use a weapon on combat, and unfortunately melee skill plus adventure deck number with no other dice didn't scale quite will enough past around adventure deck 2, I would say. Instead, you might consider either wording it to allow the adventure deck number to add to a weapon attack, or adding a +1d6, upgradeable with feats to maybe 1d10 or 2d6, in addition to the adventure deck number.

You also should make the second power optional. Right now, if the cavalier's hand includes only one card and an ally hits a monster at her location, she is forced to discard that card and fight the monster with no weapon it anything.

Silver Crusade

Like cartmanbeck, I am also a huge fan of the Harrow who is interested in this project. This is a great and interesting start, and I love your idea of deck makeup of Harrow cohorts.

I feel like I want to grok the base character before I think about the role cards, and I'm having a hard time doing that without seeing the cohort possibilities. I'm trying to think of what Harrow cards would be good for a cavalier. The Unicorn definitely. The Bear. Perhaps the Tyrant and the Winged Serpent. I'm largely thinking of things he could ride, but you may have other thoughts.

I'm unsure how I feel about the first power. This cavalier has 4 weaponsin her deck, so odds are good she's going to have one, which likely be better than this power. If not, her melee is decent to punch things, especially with a blessing or two (which she will obviously have to get from someone else.) If she's starting out with B scenarios, the first power gets her nothing, and even in adventure 1, discarding a card is a high price for getting +1 to a combat check. I would change this to a recharge, or perhaps let her add a die instead of just the adventure deck number of the current scenario.

I like the second power.

On lunch break.

The first power I was seeing as something akin to Seoni in RuneLords, always having a spell. This way she could always throw a more powerful punch basically. I like the idea of doing the 1d6.

Second power, yeap, totally need to make that as a choice, not mandatory.

Lone Shark Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like Harrow, too, and I've had the pic to prove it for ages. Mike does too, given that he worked on them originally.

I'm not going to post any feedback, cause I try not to do that for the homebrew section in general, but it made me happy to see the discussion, so yay for you making stuff :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

You're killing us with suspense on how the Cohort mechanic is going to work!!

I was thinking, you might not want to COMPLETELY drop blessings... there are a few blessings that really fit with the Harrow/luck theme, such as Blessing of Bastet. I would also suggest that a Blessing of Irez would fit very well. :)

Gotta finish the day job before I can get to the juicy stuff....

As for blessings, I haven't gotten my Mummy's Mask in yet, so haven't been able to review everything from there.

As I was writing my original post, I had the idea of doing a Blessing of the Harrow, the basic Blessing of the Gods style card, and then a Blessing for each suit. I could still flesh this out, but had done my previous work with the thought of no blessings, so continued with that. I can do up the alternate blessings in a future update. More to come tonight, I promise. I am happy to see the interest in this, glad I am not alone.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I would love to come up with a way to integrate the harrow deck itself into the characters as well, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you have so far. A blessing for each suit would definitely be interesting as well, especially if the 6 blessings have a common power, and then differing powers based on the suit.

Also, I hope that your magus character uses the Card Caster archetype. :-D

Okay, back at this.

A little bit of character information too. When I designed the characters, I considered them to already have a particular archetype or character detail in mind befitting the Harrow. The Cavalier for instance is of the Order of the Hammer.

By popular demand, I'll do some of the Cohort stuff in this post. Most of these Cohorts supply functions provided by many Blessings. I know how I imagine them working in my head, but not entirely sure I can adequately translate it onto the card.

After I present the write up of the Spread Cohorts, I'll do a primer for the alternate Blessings that I have been kicking around.

Each deck would have one character that would have a special cohort; the Cavalier, the Summoner and the Witch. Everyone else would have a Harrow Spread that they could use as a Cohort.

The Bridge
Display this card next to your deck. Any Harrowed Hero at your location may activate this card once per turn, on their turn. Upon activation, turn the top card of that characters draw deck face up and leave it on top of their deck. That character may discard a card to gain one dice on all checks to acquire that type of card. If the character has a role card, they may recharge the card instead of discarding it.

The Cross
Display this card next to your deck. Any Harrowed Hero at your location may activate this card once per turn, on their turn. Discard a card to examine the top card and bottom card of your location. You may then place then back on top or bottom of the deck in any order, and then explore your location. If the character has a role card, they may recharge the card instead of discarding it.

The Path
Display this card next to your deck. Any Harrowed Hero at your location may activate this card on their turn. Discard a card to explore your location. Gain one dice on all checks on the discarded card, and all of your checks for this encounter have all traits on the discarded card. If the character has a role card, they may recharge the card instead of discarding it.

The Tapestry
Display this card next to your deck. Any Harrowed Hero at your location may activate this card on their turn, once per turn. Discard a card to examine the top card of any other location. If the card type matches the discarded card, or is a bane, you may move to that location and encounter examined card. During that encounter, all checks gain a bonus dice equal to a skill listed on its check to acquire. If the character has a role card, they may recharge the card instead of discarding it.

The Sword
Display this card next to your deck. Any Harrowed Hero at your location may activate this card on their turn, once per turn. When you encounter a bane you may discard a card to turn over the top card of your draw deck. If the check to acquire of the top card of your deck is greater than the highest check to defeat of the bane, you may automatically defeat the bane. If you do, recharge the face up card. If it is not higher, gain a bonus to all checks on that encounter equal to the lowest difficulty to acquire on the face up card.

I might come up with one more spread and have two spreads in each deck. I thought that this method helped play into some of the randomness of the Harrow deck.

If I went with their own Blessings, here is what I have thought of so far.

Blessing of the Harrow
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any check made by a Harrowed Hero.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Books
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any Knowledge check or check to acquire a spell.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Crowns
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any Diplomacy check or check to acquire an ally.
Discard this card to explore your location

Blessing of Hammers
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to a check to defeat a monster or check to acquire a weapon.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Keys
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any check to defeat a barrier or check acquire an item.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Shields
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any Fortitude or Perception check, or check to acquire an Armor.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Blessing of Stars
Discard this card to add one dice to any check, or two dice to any check to acquire a blessing or close a location.
Discard this card to explore your location.

I don't have any recharge mechanics worked up yet for them.

Changes to the Cavalier


For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Melee skill plus 1d6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.
When another character ate your location encounters a non-villain monster, you may discard ([]recharge) a card; you encounter it instead. ([]If the card is a weapon, add 1d6 to your combat check.)

Specific Cohort

Animal (Bear)

Owner: Cavalier (Man, I really need to get some names going...)

Reveal this card to move at the end of your turn; if you have a role card, you may move another character to your location
Put this card on top of your deck to add 1d6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any combat check at your location.
WHen you reset your hand, you may shuffle this card into your deck.

The Deck of Hammer and Shield: The Magus

Male Human Magus (Card Caster base), Pictured on page 28 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d6 []+1 []+2
Dexterity d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Ranged +2
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane +2
Wisdom d6 []+1
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2
Diplomacy +2

Hand Size 5 []6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged dice plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Card trait, add your Arcane bonus to that check.
Choose a weapon that has the Thrown trait and spell with the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge ([] or shuffle it into your deck) to add 1d6 ([]2d6) and that card's traits to your check.
After you reset your hand, before the end of your turn, you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Card List
Favored card type: Weapon or Spell

Weapon 4 []5 []6 []7
Spell 4 []5 []6 []7
Armor 1 []2
Item 4 []5 []6
Ally 2 []3

Magus - Staff Magus
This is my staff, there are many staves like it, but this one is mine
Hand Size 5 []6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged dice plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Card trait, add your Arcane bonus to that check.
Choose a weapon that has the Thrown ([] or Staff) trait and spell with the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge ([] or shuffle it into your deck) to add 1d6 ([]2d6) and that card's traits to your check.
After you reset your hand, before the end of your turn, you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.
[]You gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1.
[]If your check has ([] or is against a card that has) the staff trait, add 1d6
[]Reveal a card with the staff trait to prevent one ([] two) combat damage.
[]Any weapon that has the 2-handed AND Bludgeoning traits is considered to also have the Staff trait, if it doesn't already.

Magus - Soul Forger
I put myself into everything I do, literally...
Hand Size 5 []6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged dice plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Card trait, add your Arcane bonus to that check.
Choose a weapon that has the Thrown trait and spell with the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge ([] or shuffle it into your deck) to add 1d6 ([]2d6) and that card's traits to your check.
After you reset your hand, before the end of your turn, you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.
[]You gain the skill Craft; Intelligence +2.
[]When you bury an armor or weapon ([] or item) for its power, discard it instead.
[]Display an armor, item or weapon to search your deck for a card of the same type and add it to your hand. Then shuffle your deck and recharge the displayed card.
[]Discard a card to add 1d6 to a check to acquire an armor or weapon ([]or item) at your location.
[]You may use your Craft dice instead of the listed skill to recharge an item.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

First thoughts on the harrow spread cohorts: I think with a whole party full of harrowed characters possibly at the same location, these are too powerful, letting every character theoretically use all six of them every turn. I think instead we should have some sort of way to show that the card has been used by a character this turn, and then the character with the cohort displayed gets to re activate it at the start of their turn, perhaps. I'm thinking a MtG-style "tapping" mechanic, perhaps.

"Display this card. While displayed, any character at your location may flip this card to <do x>. While flipped, this card has only the following power: "At the start of your turn, flip this card.""

The powers themselves are great, though I would suggest that all of them should include an exploration, otherwise ones like bridge and sword are underpowered in my opinion.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Magus feedback (just looking at main character card, not role card, as of now):

Magus wrote:

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged dice plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Card trait, add your Arcane bonus to that check.

Couple questions about this. Obviously you'll be creating some custom cards that have the Card trait, which is fine. i might suggest making cards with the "Deck" trait instead, all of which would likely have the Gambling trait as well and have a randomness factor built into them. You could even have something like "When you discard this card for a character power, roll 1d6. On 1, <do X>, ..." etc. I also don't like the reference to your "Arcane bonus" because it's not an in-game definition and it could be thought of as several different things... are you talking about the +2 you add to your Intelligence for the Arcane skill only? Would it include any skill feats you've added to Intelligence?

Magus wrote:

Choose a weapon that has the Thrown trait and spell with the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge ([] or shuffle it into your deck) to add 1d6 ([]2d6) and that card's traits to your check.

Another set of new cards here, which is fine, but I might suggest instead using something like "When you play a spell with the Attack trait, you may recharge ([c] or shuffle into your deck) a weapon with the Ranged trait which does not have the Bow or Firearm traits to add 1d6 ([c] 2d6) and that card's traits to your check."

This way, you can make new thrown weapons but not need to create a new trait that should apply to weapons from other sets but doesn't (such as Knives, Hunga Munga, Improvised weapons from the Barbarian deck, etc.) I also don't think it's necessary to have the weapon/spell thing work both ways... card casters user their spell damage as their main damage, not weapons, so tossing a weapon should be the lower damage added to the check, in my opinion, unlike a melee Magus like Seltyiel.

Magus wrote:

After you reset your hand, before the end of your turn, you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.

This one's fine, I like that it reduces your hand size for the next turn, which we don't see as often in a character power.

Lunch break time....

So much awesome feedback. Thank you!

Magus stuff first since I am on my phone.

First power. Yeah. The wording is clunky, I wasn't enamored with it. The Card trait idea was something I thought could go not just on items or weapons, but anything inspired by the Harrow deck, like the rabbit Prince dagger. What about having the trait be Harrow, so like the Cavaliers mount cohort could have Harrow as a trait too. With the bonus, I wasn't sure if adding full intelligence dice to the dexterity dice would be too much. I could just make it a flat bonus, or go the full intelligence did.

Second power. I like the idea of ranged weapons without the bow or crossbow trait. No need for more traits than needed. As for spell verse weapon. In most cases, wouldn't the spell do more damage than the weapon? I guess in some instances of discarding to add extra dice. But I figured more often than not you would use the spell and expend the weapon. But in an instance like the improvised dinosaur... yeah, apply that arcane blast to that stego. I also wanted to allow for the same system for staff weapons on the role card.

For the Cohorts. I keep going back and forth in my mind how best to do them. One thought is that Harrowed characters play with their draw deck face up, and when they use a Spread, they turn the top card face down to denote that have used a spread that turn.

Bridge and Sword could have a follow up line of "If it is your turn, you may explore again." Or such.

More follow up to come as well as the Inquisitor tonight!

Ahh, I see where some confusion might be.

Magus Powers Edited

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged dice plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Harrow trait, you may add your Arcane dice to that check.
Choose a weapon that has the Ranged trait, but not the Bow trait, and spell with the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, recharge ([] or shuffle it into your deck) the other to add 1d6 ([]2d6) and that card's traits to your check.
After you reset your hand, before the end of your turn, you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.

I notice I didn't stipulate the recharge action happens to the other card.

And I am mistaken, I thought Improvised Dinosaur was a Ranged weapon.

Gonna short cut this one and only post the base character card, so it can be fleshed out. I'll hint at the Role cards though...

The Deck of Hammer and Shield: The Inquisitor

Female Elf Inquisitor (Suit Seeker) pictured on page 22 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Dexterity d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Ranged +1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d6 []+1 []+2
Wisdom d10 []+1 []+2 []+3
Divine +1
Knowledge +2
Charisma d6 []+1

Hand Size 5 []6
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons

When you defeat a monster on your turn, you may roll 1d6; on a ([]3,) 4, 5 or 6 explore your location. ([] Add 1d4 to your checks during this exploration.)
You may recharge ([]reveal) a card that has the Divine, Harrow, or Ranged trait to add 1d4 and the Magic trait to your Combat check to defeat a monster.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Weapon or Item

Weapon 5 []6 []7 []8
Spell 1[] 2[] 3
Armor 2 []3
Item 4 []5 []6 []7
Ally 3 []4

Roles: Sin Eater or Spellbreaker

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I don't have much time today, but I like the Inquisitor overall. I do feel like she could use an additional power, as her powers list feels light to me. I don't have a suggestion at the moment, but I'll try to come up with one.

What I meant by the magus powers comment earlier is I feel like you could make the power work just one way, as in when the player casts a spell, he can recharge a weapon to add (and NOT have it be when he uses a weapon, he can recharge a spell to add). This is because with Card Casters, the overwhelming majority of damage is coming from the spell, and not from the card (which is treated as a dart). The "Choose a..." language is also clunky and doesn't fit the more standardized language ("Choose" is used to pick a card from the box or to pick a location or something).

Good morning. Quick check in before work.

I want to at least nail down the base Hammer and Shield characters before I move onto the next deck.

For the Magus, I was using base text from the Seltyiel character. The feed back is good so here is what I have.

For your combat check, when you play a spell with the Attack trait, you may recharge ([]or shuffle into your deck) a weapon with the Ranged trait, but not the Bow trait, to add 1d6 (2d6) and that cards traits to your check.

That will keep it more powerful than the first power, which should be the more of a last resort attack anyways.

For the Inquisitor, I had this thought based on the Improved Array power of the Suit Seeker. Going with the idea for the Spread Cohorts, that a character plays with their draw deck face up, and flips the top card face down when they have used a spread power, I propose the following,

You may use the top card of your discard pile, in addition to the top card of your deck, to power a Spread.

I am not sure if this is too strange or over powered as an option.

Alternately they could get bonuses to acquire Blessings, after defeating a bane exploration or some other power similar to the other inquisitors.

Let me know what we should work on next, either fleshing our the Hammer and Shield roles, or start in on a new deck of base characters.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Magus is good, if you don't mind I'll probably re-post the characters later today with the language cleaned up and conforming more to Paizo standards.

The idea of playing with a face-up draw deck is definitely innovative, and I think for these characters could work, though I think it might actually REDUCE some of the randomness you were trying to get with them, since you know what card is coming up next. It would also create an interesting mechanic of turning your entire deck over to get at cards you recently recharged, which I think is a cool idea. However, if you have the top card of your character deck "flippable" it creates a weird situation where you can have cards shuffled into your deck both ways, unless you specifically handle that with (lots of) card text. I'm still a fan of the idea of flipping or "tapping" the cohort card itself to denote its use. I'm also thinking you could have the SECOND card of your character deck be the one that's important for the powers of the Spread cohort, by recharging the top card of your deck to reveal that one, which keeps the randomness aspect alive.

I would write it this way on all the Spread cohorts:
"Display this card and flip your entire character deck such that the cards are face-up. While your deck is face-up, when you would shuffle a card into your character deck, flip the deck face-down to shuffle, then flip the deck face-up once again.
If this card would be banished, buried, discarded, recharged or shuffled into a deck, flip your character deck face-up.
While displayed, you may flip this card face-down to recharge the top card of your character deck, then examine the top card of your character deck and <DO X POWER>. While face-down, treat this card as if it had only the following power: 'At the beginning of your turn, flip this card face-up.'"

I'm thinking this would allow you to have a spellcaster (such as your Oracle, perhaps) that can often take the Spread cohort back into his/her deck and then re-display it to get at recharged spells from the bottom (which becomes the top) of his/her deck, which would be pretty cool.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Reposting all three characters (along with the cavalier's mount) to conform the language more with Paizo standards, changes in bold.

The Deck of Hammer and Shield: The Cavalier wrote:

Female Dwarf Cavalier, Pictured on page 18 of The Harrow Handbook.

Strength d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Melee: Strength +2
Dexterity d6 []+1
Constitution d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Fortitude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d6 []+1
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2 []+3

Hand Size 4 []5 []6
Proficient with Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Weapons

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Melee skill plus 1d6 and the scenario's adventure deck number.
When another character at your location encounters a non-villain monster, you may discard ([]recharge) a card; that character evades the monster and you encounter it instead. ([]If the card is a weapon, add 1d6 to your combat check.)

Card List
Favored Card Type: Ally

Weapon 4 []5 []6
Spell -- []1 []2
Armor 4 []5 []6
Item 3 []4
Ally 4 []5 []6 []7

Note that the evade language will allow you to make a power on a role card which would allow you to evade banes that normally couldn't be evaded, by having a checkbox such as this: ([ ] ignore any power the card has which would not allow that character to evade it)

Specific Cohort (Spelaeus the Bear) wrote:


Owner: <Insert Cavalier Name>

Reveal this card to move at the end of your turn; if you have a role card, you may additionally move another character to your location.
Put this card on top of your deck to add 1d6 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to any combat check at your location.
When you reset your hand, you may shuffle this card into your deck.

The Magus wrote:

Male Human Magus (Card Caster base), Pictured on page 28 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d6 []+1 []+2
Dexterity d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Ranged: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 []+1
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2
Diplomacy: Charisma +2

Hand Size 5 []6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons

For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Ranged skill plus 1d4 with the Magic trait. If the card has the Harrow trait, you may additionally add your Arcane skill.
For your combat check, when you play a spell with the Attack trait, you may recharge ([]or shuffle into your deck) a weapon that has the Ranged trait but does not have the Bow trait to add 1d6 ([ ] 2d6) and that card's traits to your check.
After you reset your hand you may recharge a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Card List
Favored card type: Weapon or Spell

Weapon 4 []5 []6 []7
Spell 4 []5 []6 []7
Armor 1 []2
Item 4 []5 []6
Ally 2 []3

The Inquisitor wrote:

Female Elf Inquisitor (Suit Seeker) pictured on page 22 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Dexterity d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Ranged: Dexterity +1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d6 []+1 []+2
Wisdom d10 []+1 []+2 []+3
Divine: Wisdom +1
Knowledge: Wisdom +2
Charisma d6 []+1

Hand Size 5 []6
Proficient with Light Armors, Weapons

When you defeat a monster on your turn, you may roll 1d6; on a ([]3,) 4, 5 or 6, explore your location. ([] Add 1d4 to your checks during this exploration.)
You may recharge ([] or reveal) a card that has the Divine, Harrow, or Ranged trait to add 1d4 and the Magic trait to your Combat check to defeat a monster.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Weapon or Item

Weapon 5 []6 []7 []8
Spell 1[] 2[] 3
Armor 2 []3
Item 4 []5 []6 []7
Ally 3 []4

The quotes look good, including the adjustments to text.

Does Spelaeus need another power, since a Cavalier would not have access to a Spread Cohort of his own.

Still not sure on how I want the Spreads Cohort/Deck orientation to go. mulling a few things over bu nothing comes out right.

Cohort flips back and forth, deck stays the same
Cohort flips back and forth, top card flips over
Cohort does not flip, top card flips over
Cohort does not flip, entire deck flips back and forth.

Do we still like the idea of going Blessging-less? Could the Spreads be better utilized as an Item card?

Brain a bit fried today. New stuff later tonight or tomorrow.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I think going blessing-less is fine, though you might consider adding a "Blessing - [ ] 1" line to one or more of the characters just so they can go for one if they really want to. Or you could have one of the more luck-focused characters have something like "When building your deck, you may treat blessings with the Gambling trait as if they were Items." sorta like how Mavaro works.

My first thought on some characters getting access to Blessings would be probably the Inquisitor, the Oracle and the Monk, one from each deck.

With that in mind, the decks would need to have Blessings in them, and if we use the Gambling trait, Blessing of the Harrow could be something like this.

Blessing of the Harrow
Traits: Divine, Harrow, Gambling
Reveal this card to roll 1d6. Discard this card to add one dice to any check or two dice to a check the matches the die result below:
1: Strength
2: Dexterity
3: Constitution
4: Intelligence
5: Wisdom
6: Charisma
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the die result matches the Skill of the check to acquire of the top card of the Blessings discard pile, recharge this card instead of discarding.

Then, as you said, other characters could have that when building your deck power to include the gambling blessing as an item.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I like it. As before, here's a bit of language cleanup:

Blessing of the Harrow wrote:

Blessing of the Harrow
Traits: Divine, Harrow, Gambling
Discard this card to add one die to any check; roll 1d6 on the table below, and if the check invokes the listed trait, add an additional die:
1: Strength
2: Dexterity
3: Constitution
4: Intelligence
5: Wisdom
6: Charisma
Discard this card to explore your location.
If the rolled result matches one of the skills listed to acquire the top card of the Blessings discard pile, you may recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Hey there, shall we move onto the next deck?

The Deck of Crown and Star: The Oracle

Female Human Oracle (Solar Mystery) pictured on page 26 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d4 []+1
Dexterity d6 []+1 []+2
Constitution d4 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Knowledge: Intelligence +1
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Survival: Wisdom +3
Charisma d12 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Divine: Charisma +2

Hand Size 6 []7
Proficient with []Light Armors

Add +2 to your checks to defeat monsters with the Incorporeal and Undead traits, but not the Ghost trait. Such checks are considered to also have the Magic trait.
Add +2 to your checks to acquire Blessings.
[]If your combat check has the Attack trait, you may add the Fire trait.
[]Instead of moving during your movement step, you may examine the top card of any other location deck.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Spell

Weapon 1 []2 []3
Spell 6 []7 []8 []9 []10
Armor -- []1
Item 2 []3 []4 []5
Ally 3 []4 []5 []6
Blessing -- []1

Role options: Black-Blooded Oracle or Cyclopean Seer


The first power is a bonus against Shadow creatures, but there is not a specific Shadow trait. Not sure on the wording of it, and may adjust it so it could work on Vampires as well.

I modified her deck list with the idea of giving her the ability to add blessings to her deck as discussed earlier.

With that in mind, the Inquisitor would probably loose their 7th item in favor of Blessing -- []1

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hmm... she seems very weak, with only two Powers to start, both of which are just passive bonuses on specific checks. I would recommend giving her the last power, the examination one, as a base power with no feat required. Her fire adding power should also give a die of some kind.
If you are going for a bonus against shadows, I would probably recommend just giving the bonus against all Incorporeal, and then making a check box to also give the bonus against undead. I would write her Powers as:
"Hand size 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with [ ] Light armors
Add 2 and the Magic trait to your checks to defeat banes with the Incorporeal ([ ] or Undead) trait and to checks to acquire blessings.
During your move step, instead of moving you may examine the top card of a location deck other than your own.
[ ] If your combat check has the Attack trait, you may add 1d6 and the Fire trait."

"Hand size 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with [ ] Light armors
Add 2 and the Magic trait to your checks to defeat banes with the Vampire or Incorporeal ([ ] or Undead) trait and to checks to acquire blessings.
During your move step, instead of moving you may examine the top card of a location deck other than your own.
[ ] If your combat check has the Attack trait, you may add 1d6 and the Fire trait."

The Deck of Crown and Star: The Sorcerer

Female Gnome Sorcerer (Harrow Bloodline) pictured on page 20 of The Harrow Handbook.

Strength d4 []+1 []+2
Dexterity d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Stealth: Dexterity +1
Disable Device: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 []+1
Intelligence d8 []+1 []+2
Wisdom d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Charisma d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane: Charisma +3

Hand Size 6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, []Weapons

You automatically succeed your check to recharge a spell with the Arcane trait but not the Attack trait. Add +2 to your checks to recharge spells with the Attack Trait.
Once per turn, you may add +1 ([]+2) to one of your checks.
[]If a card asks you to select a card type, you may select two types and trigger the effect off either type.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Spell

Weapon 1 []2 []3
Spells 6 []7 []8 []9
Armor 1 []2
Item 4 []5 []6
Ally 3 []4 []5

Role options - Arcane Trickster or Seeker

The Deck of Crown and Star: The Witch

Male Human Witch (Cartomancer) pictured on page 14

Strength d6 []+1
Dexterity d6 []+1 []+2
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Craft: Intelligence +2
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2 []+3

Hand Size 6 []7 []8
Proficient with Light Armor

For your combat check, you can discard a card to roll your Inteligence die +1d6. If the card has the Harrow trait, add another d6 to the check and recharge the card.
When you attempt a check to acquire an Item ([]or any boon other than an Ally or Blessing), you may use your Craft dice instead of any skill listed.
[]You may recharge an item to recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Spell or Ally

Weapon -- []1
Spell 5 []6 []7 []8
Armor 1 []2
Item 5 []6 []7
Ally 4 []5 []6 []7

Role options -- Alley Witch or Harrower

Specialty Cohort

Traits: Arcane, Harrow

Display this card. While displayed, if you have the Witch trait, gain the skills Arcane: Intelligence +2 and Perception: Wisdom +2.

While displayed, during an encounter reveal the top card of your draw deck. You may add that card into hand or recharge it to add 1d6 to your check. If you have a role card, you may reveal two cards, add one card to your hand and recharge the other to add 1d6 to your check. After the encounter, put this card on top of your deck.


Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'll comment more once I get to work, but I'm loving both of these characters. I think you should consider using a slightly different mechanic for the witch though.. perhaps something like "While you have a cohort with the Harrow trait displayed, you gain Arcane: Intelligence +2 and Perception: Wisdom +2." This way he can use any of the other excellent Harrow cohorts.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Okay, a couple suggested changes on these two:

Sorcerer wrote:

Strength d4 []+1 []+2
Dexterity d6 []+1 []+2 []+3
Stealth: Dexterity +1
Disable: Dexterity +2
Constitution d6 []+1
Intelligence d8 []+1 []+2
Wisdom d8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Charisma d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane: Charisma +3

Hand Size 6 []7
Proficient with Light Armors, []Weapons

You may automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell that has the Arcane trait but not the Attack trait. ([ ] Add 2 to your check to recharge a spell that has the Attack trait.)
Once per turn, you may turn the top card of the blessings deck faceup to add +1 ([]+2) to your check. <- This gives you a tracker for whether you used the power, and lets you plan ahead as well.
[]If a card asks you to select a card type, you may select two types and trigger the effect off either type. <- I think this will bring up too many corner cases, and this character has several fun new mechanics going already.

Witch wrote:

Hand Size 6 []7 []8 <- IMHO, always better to save second hand size upgrades for the roles.
Proficient with Light Armor

For your combat check, discard a card to roll your Inteligence skill + 1d6 with the Magic trait; ([ ] if the card has the Harrow trait, add an additional 1d6 and you may recharge the card instead of discarding it.)
While you have a cohort with the Harrow trait displayed, you gain the skills Arcane: Intelligence +2 and Perception: Wisdom +2.
[ ] When you attempt a check to acquire an item ([]or any boon other than an ally or blessing), you may use your Craft skill in place of any listed skill. <- Put the "any boon other than" into one of her roles instead.
[]At the beginning of your turn, you may recharge an item to recharge a spell from your discard pile. <- If you've acquired a ton of items, this could get too powerful, so making it work once per turn is probably better.

The Sorcerer changes look good. I like the Blessings deck idea.

For the Witch, I think the wording should use Arcane instead of Harrow for her familiar, that way she can still use the other cohorts, but it is her deck familiar that grants the casting ability. Otherwise, if she had a Spread cohort, she would always be able to cast spells with the larger arcane dice pool. The other changes look good as well.

Okay, that knocks out the first two decks. I will be going on a trip for Thanksgiving, but will check in as I can. This weekend I will see about revealing the last deck, for the Monk, Rogue and Summoner.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm not really following what you mean about the cohorts. Are you suggesting he should be able to use a Spread cohort and another Witch cohort as well? I don't think that's necessary... I was just trying to allow him to make use of the Spread cohorts without the need for a custom Familiar cohort. But if you think the Deck/Familiar custom cohort is better for him, that's fine. :)

I think that since both the cavalier and the summoner will have their own cohorts, that one from each deck could have a specialty cohort, the witch being the obvious one for this deck.

With that was looking ahead to deck make up for the cards. 109 cards in a class deck, 9 cards between token, character and role for each of three characters. Right now 5 spread cohorts and 1 specialty per deck. Adding in the blessing cards takes up 7 more cards. I would like to have each of the Harrow cards have a counter point in each deck, they wouldn't need to be the same in every deck. For instance the hammer and shield deck has the bear card represented by thr cavalier cohort, but could be a bear ally in another deck or hear skin armor in the last. So of the 87 cards remaining, roughly 54 of them will have Harrow connections. Figure that is decent break down for powers that key off of Harrow trait.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Seems totally reasonable to me. If you like, I can start working on some Harrow-themed boons. I've got a LOT of ideas. In fact, there's one item that I created that Paizo actually published a while ago:
Deck of the Hellwasp's Sting

So a PACG Version of this might be:

Deck of Hellwasp's Sting
Item 3 <- could be 4 or 5, not sure yet.
Traits: Object, Deck, Harrow, Magic
To Acquire: Intelligence/Craft 12 OR Arcane 10
At the beginning of your turn, display this card. While displayed, for your combat check you may recharge a card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4 with the Magic trait.
While displayed, you may bury this card to summon a monster with the Swarm trait from the box and add twice its adventure deck number and the Fire trait to a combat check at your location, then return that card to the box.
While displayed, at the end of your turn, discard this card; you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Looks good. Once We get the characters nailed out we can start in on the rest of the decks as well.

And without further adieu, lets get into the last deck.

The Deck of Book and Key: The Monk

Female Human Monk (Harrow Warden) pictured on page 7 of The Harrow Handbook

Strength d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Melee: Strength +1
Dexterity d6 []+1 []+2
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Fortitude: Constitution +2
Intelligence d6 []+1
Wisdom d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Perception: Wisdom +3
Charisma d6 []+1 []+2

Hand Size 5 []6
Proficient with ----

You are proficient with any weapon with the Spear or Knife trait, that has Acrobatics as a check to acquire, or that is owned by a Monk.
Blessings played on your combat check may add d12 instead of the normal die; you may recharge any such blessing you play instead of discarding it.
[]Reduce combat damage dealt to you by 1 ([] 3).
[]Recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of your combat check by 2.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Weapon or Item

Weapon 4 []5 []6 []7
Spell 1 []2 []3
Armor --
Item 6 []7 []8
Ally 4 []5 []6
Blessing -- []1

Role options: Far Strike Monk or Wanderer

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm loving the weirdo weapon proficiencies. I'm trying to think of there's any way to simplify the wording, but I think it's actually going to need to be a bit MORE complex to conform with standards. I would suggest you drop the "owned by a monk" part anyway, as there aren't many of those and I would guess the few out there fit one of the first two options.

I would also suggest trying to tie power 3 and power 4 together for reasons of text limits on cards...

How about this:

Hand size 5 [ ] 6
Proficient with <none>
You may treat a weapon that has the Spear or Knife trait or has Acrobatics listed as a skill to acquire as if you were proficient with it.
Blessings played on your combat check may add d12 instead of the normal die; ([ ] you may recharge any such blessing you play instead of discarding it).
[ ] Recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of your combat check by 2 ([ ] or to reduce combat damage dealt to you by 3.)

Those look good to me.

The Deck of Book and Key: The Rogue

Male Kitsune Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) Pictured on page 12 of The Harrowed Handbook.

Strength d6 []+1
Dexterity d10 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Disable: Dexterity +1
Ranged: Dexterity +1
Constitution d6 []+1 []+2
Intelligence d6 []+1 []+2
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2
Perception: Wisdom +1
Charisma d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4

Hand Size 5 []6 []7
Proficient with Light Armor, Weapons

You may use your Disable skill instead of any listed check to acquire a spell, or item with the Magic trait.
Reveal an Ally with the Human trait to defeat a bane with the Skirmish or Task trait.
If you fail a check to defeat a monster, you may discard a card to avoid taking damage, move to another location and end your turn. ([]If the card has the Magic trait, you may recharge it instead.)
[]For your combat check, you may gain Arcane: Charisma +1.

Card List
Favored Card Type: Ally or Spell

Weapon 3 []4 []5
Spell 1 []2 []3 []4
Armor 1 []2
Item 6 []7 []8
Ally 4 []5 []6
You may treat one copy of an item with the Gambling trait as if it says "Owner: ****."

Possible roles: Kitsune Trickster or Sczarini Swindler

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Hmm.. so reveal an ally to defeat a bane, even a specific type of bane, seems too powerful to me. You also get the option to avoid ANY damage by moving, which is probably too strong as well. I like the first power, though. You've overall got too many powers, I think.

What about this:
Hand size 5 [ ] 6 [ ] 7
Proficient with Light Armor, Weapons
You may use your Disable skill instead of any listed check to acquire an item with the Magic trait or a spell.
If you fail a check to defeat a monster, you may discard a spell or item to reduce the damage dealt to 0 and evade the bane, then move to another location and end your turn; ([ ] if the discarded card has the Magic trait, you may recharge it instead).
[ ] When playing a spell for your combat check, you may gain Arcane: Charisma +1 until the end of the turn."

Fair criticisms.

What about:

You may recharge an ally with the Human trait to evade a barrier with the Skirmish or Task trait.

I was trying to evoke some of the Kitsune's ability to look like other people when in human form with that power.

As for the other power, Wouldn't evasion happen before the check is rolled? I am just wondering on the wording of it. Maybe just do without it for now, I have some things in the Roles that will mimicy this too much or play off it too much now that I re-re-read it.

Then snagging the text off of Flenta in the fighter deck

[]For your combat check that has the Attack trait, you may use the skill Arcane: Charisma +1.

So, we're left with:
You may use your Disable skill instead of any listed check to acquire an item with the Magic trait or a Spell.
You may recharge an ally with the human trait to evade a barrier with the Skirmish or Task trait.
[]For your combat check that has the Attack trait, you may use the skill Arcane: Charisma +1.

Maybe make that second power a Discard ([]recharge) instead?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Well the problem with taking the power from Flenta is you don't get to recharge spells. If that's what you're going for (using scrolls) that's fine, but I personally don't like that play style as much.

The recharge an ally to evade a barrier is definitely a better way to go.

Evasion can happen before or after a roll, there's a character that lets you evade afterward, I think it might be one of the Warpriests. But yeah, if you're not as worried about that power, drop that one. You shouldn't have more than 3 base powers on a character card before roles.

The Kitsune Trickster gains full casting ability, but could borrow wording from the alchemists for recharge of attack spells before gaining the role powers.

Last character after the kiddos are asleep.

Alright, last of the characters.

After this, what do we want to work on next? nail out the role cards? Deck composition?

The Deck of Book and Key: The Summoner

Human Male Summoner (Story Summoner) pictured on page 24 of The Harrow Handbook.

Strength D8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Dexterity d6 []+1
Constitution d6 []+1
Intelligence d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Craft: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2
Charisma d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Hand Size 6 []7 []8
Proficient with Light Armors

After you play a spell that has the Attack trait,banish it ([]or bury it).
You may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to draw a random monster from the box.
When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to you hand instead.
You may banish a monster from your hand to draw a card ([]or recharge a card from your discard pile).

Card List
Favored card type: Spell

Weapon --
Spell 6 []7 []8 []9
Armor 1 []2
Item 4 []5 []6 []7
Ally 4 []5 []6 []7
Cohort: Tulpa

Specialty Cohort: Tulpa
Outsider, Eidolon, Arcane, Veteran, Harrow

Pictured on the same page as the Summoner
Owner: ****

Display this card. While displayed, for your combat check, you may reveal a monster and one other card to roll 2d10, or 2d12 if you have a role card. If either card revealed has the Harrow trait, add +2 to the roll per card with the trait revealed. You may also add any traits on the revealed cards to the check.
While displayed, you may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to roll a d6 on a skill check you do not have.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I would say after this we should work on the roles. Deck composition last. :)

I really like this guy. The lack of a skill type for combat means you're unlikely to ever get multiple dice with a blessing, which is fine. We should add the Melee trait to the eidolon's attack, I would think. I also think there should be SOME cost to the combat besides just a reveal, so perhaps we require a recharge? I also feel we could do a bit better with the skill check you don't have... only going from d4 to d6 is a paltry upgrade.
I would say he could be a little bit more Harrow-y, so I'm going to change his one power to examine his deck. I'm also going to suggest a crazy starting hand size of 7 because of all the recharging you'll be doing, plus the drawn monsters which will add to your deck size. What do you think of this?

Hand Size 7 [ ] 8 [ ] 9
After you play a spell that has the Attack trait, banish ([ ] or bury) it.
You may recharge a card with the Harrow to draw a random monster from the box. When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to your hand instead.
You may banish a monster from your hand to ([ ] recharge a random card from your discard pile or) examine the top card of your deck and either draw it or recharge it."

And then for the eidolon:
"Display this card. While displayed, for your combat check, you may reveal a monster and recharge a card to roll 2d10 with the Melee trait, or 2d12 with the Melee and Magic traits if you have a role card. If either card has the Harrow trait, add 2 for each card with the Harrow trait.
While displayed, you may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to use your Intelligence skill for a non-combat check with a skill you do not possess."

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the eidolon shouldn't have the Veteran trait since he doesn't add the adventure deck number to anything. :)

I forgot his role options too. Counter Summoner and evolutionist. The evolutionist gives his eidolon bonuses to any rolls they modify, so the dice bonus can get steep fairly quickly.

Should we go back to the beginning to roles, or work our way backwards, start in start in the most recent ones?

Either way I will post up the role cards for the character along with their rewritten character build.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Let's start with the recent ones since they're fresh. When you say "Eidolon bonuses" do you mean the 2d10/2d12? That'll have to come at a steep price if so, that's a big bump. I'll just have to see the roles, I think. :)

The Summoner wrote:

Human Male Summoner (Story Summoner) pictured on page 24 of The Harrow Handbook.

Strength D8 []+1 []+2 []+3
Dexterity d6 []+1
Constitution d6 []+1
Intelligence d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Craft: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 []+1 []+2
Charisma d8 []+1 []+2 []+3 []+4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Hand Size 7 []8 []9
Proficient with Light Armors

After you play a spell that has the Attack trait,banish ([]or bury) it.
You may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to draw a random monster from the box.
When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to you hand instead.
You may banish a monster from your hand to ([]recharge a random card from your discard pile or) examine the top card of your draw deck and either draw it or recharge it.

Card List
Favored card type: Spell

Weapon --
Spell 6 []7 []8 []9
Armor 1 []2
Item 4 []5 []6 []7
Ally 4 []5 []6 []7
Cohort: Tulpa

Tulpa wrote:

Outsider, Eidolon, Arcane, Veteran, Harrow

Pictured on the same page as the Summoner
Owner: ****

Display this card. While displayed, for your combat check, you may reveal a monster and one other card to roll 2d10 with the Melee trait, or 2d12 with the Melee and Magic traits if you have a role card. If either card revealed has the Harrow trait, add the adventure deck number of the discarded card to the roll.
While displayed, you may recharge a card with the Harrow trait use your Intelligence for a non-combat check with a skill check you do not possess.

Counter Summoner wrote:

Hand Size 7 []8 []9

Proficient with Light Armors

After you play a spell that has the Attack trait,banish ([]or bury) it.
You may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to draw a random monster from the box.
When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to you hand instead.
You may banish a monster from your hand to ([]recharge a random card from your discard pile or) examine the top card of your draw deck and either draw it or recharge it.
[]Discard a card to evade a summoned non-villian monster.
[]Banish a monster from your hand to defeat a non-villian monster with a check to defeat less than or equal to the check to defeat the banished monster.
[]Add +1 ([]+2)([]+3) to your ([]or any) combat check to defeat a summoned ([]or any) monster at your location.

Evolutionist wrote:

Hand Size 7 []8 []9 []10

Proficient with Light Armors

After you play a spell that has the Attack trait,banish ([]or bury) it.
You may recharge a card with the Harrow trait to draw a random monster from the box.
When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may add it to you hand instead.
You may banish a monster from your hand to ([]recharge a random card from your discard pile or)([]Explore your location or) examine the top card of your draw deck and either draw it or recharge it.
[]While you are displaying a cohort that has the Eidolon trait, you may display a monster card from your hand next to the cohort instead of moving ([]or instead of your first exploration). You may do this once per turn. For each card displayed next to the cohort, increase the checks modified by the cohort by +1.
[]You may banish a monster from your hand to reroll your ([]or any) failed combat check ([] or any check to defeat a bane).

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