PyroKineticist for Strange Aeons?


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi, all! In a few more weeks my group will be starting the Strange Aeons AP and I was heavily considering finally trying out the class I bought Occult Adventures for. Is there any reason, no spoilers please, why I shouldn't play a PyroKineticist for this AP? I don't want to get neutered offensively if there is a lot Fire Resistance or high Spell Resistance baddies.

If anyone has any build advice other than what's already in the amazing Kineticist guide, that would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

Dark Archive

As someone gearing up to run Strange Aeons, I can't think of anything in the adventure path itself that would make you regret it. There might be a few fights where it isn't ideal, but it's not like playing through Hell's Rebels with tons of devils that are resistant to fire.

Dark Archive

As long as the creature isn't fire immune while also lacking the Fire Subtype (like Devils) you should be fine. Talents can cover fire resistance and fire-subtype creatures with immunity (like Elementals) can be harmed by Draining Infusion.

You should be fine. Just make sure to be careful with your early Talent selection.

Without actually looking at the AP or reading any bestiary stuff, my guts are telling me you will fight Weird Stuff and Weird Stuff tends to have spell resistance, so make room for the Spell Penetration feats.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Awesome, good to know all around. Thank you both. If anyone else has advice, then feel free.

I skimmed through the first book for a possible game I was planning on and,well, at least early on things look decent for you. By the way, horrible stuff tends to often cause will saves,have this in mind.

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