Java Man |

My ruling on this, largely extrapolation, is that specifics not otherwise addressed in the eidolon rules follow the general rules for connuration (summoning) as opposed to (calling) effects. This distinction is not made explicit, to my knowledge, but the stated eidolon rules are much more summoning than calling.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

My ruling on this, largely extrapolation, is that specifics not otherwise addressed in the eidolon rules follow the general rules for connuration (summoning) as opposed to (calling) effects. This distinction is not made explicit, to my knowledge, but the stated eidolon rules are much more summoning than calling.
An eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score.
I suppose the implication is that the eidolon's stuff stays behind and if you need to summon & deploy it in a hurry then you're screwed? That seems wrong, but the above is the only relevant rules text I can find.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

Yes, but their equipment came with them, the eidolon's didn't. I believe that while the rules are vague on the subject most groups play that summoned creatures vanish along with what they came with and no more, e.g. they can't take the PCs' stuff (or corpses) away. This is usually to the advantage of the PCs. I'd personally make an exception for the eidolon but I don't think I could justify it by RAW.

Hobit of Bree |
My idea that it keeps the assigned equipment is especially referred to the possibity of using it as a mount. Could it ever be possibile that to mount a quadruped eidolon with a saddle the only way is to summon it before the combat and then have to time to put it to it? I think it's a bit forced
That's how we play it. The DM is worried about using the Eidolon as a bag of holding/way of moving heavy items. I could see how that could ruin certain adventure plots...

Saethori |

The thing about conjuration (summoning) spells is that the eidolon isn't "really" there. Anything it brought with it vanishes when it returns, anything it didn't doesn't.
The easiest solution to this, within varying definitions of easy, is to use a conjuration (calling) spell instead. You summon the true eidolon, rather than just an image, and can give him equipment to keep, before dismissing him and returning to summoning his image.

Saethori |

It's all highly debatable, and GM interpretation is going to be involved for any scenario involving using something like Planar Binding on your own eidolon, which is already going to be somewhat pricy.
I certainly think anything consumed is going to still be used, just like how daily spell-like abilities of the eidolon aren't refreshed by a simple dismissal and resummon.

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About the clothing commend (and even the mundane equipment):
The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner's desires.
For me that includes the apparent clothing and equipment of the eidolon.
I.e. your eidolon aspect can be that of a steel warhorse with bindle and saddle, or angelic figure in white robes, but those are actually part of the creature, like the wings of the angelic creature.As long as the eidolon do his standard slam damage the angelic figure can even wield what seem to be a sword.
But, if you want to have it actually wield a sword, you need to give it a real one, and that is no part of the creature and is left behind when it is unsummoned.

David knott 242 |

alessio fiorillo wrote:My idea that it keeps the assigned equipment is especially referred to the possibity of using it as a mount. Could it ever be possibile that to mount a quadruped eidolon with a saddle the only way is to summon it before the combat and then have to time to put it to it? I think it's a bit forcedThat's how we play it. The DM is worried about using the Eidolon as a bag of holding/way of moving heavy items. I could see how that could ruin certain adventure plots...
Interestingly, in a previous campaign we had a quest that depended on having one party member able to carry several tons worth coins. I had to Transmogrify my eidolon into a quadruped and boost her strength and size at the expense of everything else to get there. This entire scheme would not have worked had we gone with an eidolon dropping all equipment when dismissed.
Of course, had we gone with that interpretation, I am sure that this aspect of the adventure would have been adjusted to compensate.

Shoga |
On quadruped eidolons with the mount evolution, the "saddle" is already present as part of the eidolon.
My eidolon, biped, has armor +4 and natural armor +4, which I have constructed my eidolon to have full plate like armor all over. This is part of the eidolon and can't be removed unless I decide to change the way it looks when I level up.
My humble opinion anyway.