metamagic feats

Rules Questions

Can a sorcerer at lvl 8 with the Metamagic empower and quicken spell feats cast quickened empowered ray of enfeeblement + ray of exhaustion in the same round?

Basically, can I use both feats every round on the same spell? Could one theoretically also add maximize into the mix without penalty?

In other words, can you use as many metamagic feats as you want in a round, and if not, where and what is the limit?

Silver Crusade

It still requires a higher level spell slot, so that Quickened Ray of Enfeeblement is a 5th level slot, beyond the reach of your caster. There's no limit on the metamagic you can apply, as long as the final spell slot is 9th or lower.

yeah, not sure exactly what you mean. currently you cant use quicken at all.

If you wanted to use both empower and quicken, you'd raise the caster level by 6, by 9 if you wanted maximize too.

So while yes you technically can, generally you don't, because you dont have slots high enough to cast


You also can't cast two Quickened spells in the same round.

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