Best Mythic Spells



I would like to know what mythic spells you think is one of the most powerful and why.

I just reached the first tier in WotR as an Archmage and now I would like to need some inspiration what spells I will choose.

Any help is welcome, thanks in advance!

The Exchange

While I don't know if it qualifies as the most powerful, but I'm a pretty big fan of mythic telekinesis. The fact that it isn't concentration allows you to use it when needed for the duration of the spell. There's a lot of utility to be had in there. I'm a fan of range grapples and disarms.

For sheer power, mythic disintegrate with channel power (6th tier path ability), a maximize rod (only need a medium one), and mythic spell focus for 3 mythic power you can throw down 540 damage and 6 con. Make it 5 mythic power at tier 7 and it's 1080 damage and 12 con. All of this is made at their fort save -4 and rolling twice taking the lower result. You're also ignoring spell resistance. Very very few things are capable of surviving this.

For clerics that would be Bless, Blessing of Fervor or Dispel Magic.

What did our wizard pick? Fireball. Average damage went from 35 to 55 without using a feat, which is equivalent to 16d6. With Empower and Intensify he uses a 6th level slot to deliver 22d10 (138 average with bonus). If we ever get to 6th tier, the damage will reach insane levels with 20d10 base that bypasses immunity and resistance (like 240).
His second pick is probably Scorching Ray.
As you can guess he is an evoker and the only thing that can replace damage is more damage :)

I guess Enlarge Person is cool, if you have melees to buff and the space to use it (they love two size increases for reach and damage). Mirror Image is much better than normal, too, with 12 images and the daze effect. Black Tentacles just got better. Stoneskin went from nice to excellent with inbuilt crit protection. Antimagic Field is pretty cool with schools that work within - leave your attack school out and still be protected from the others. Limited Wish - your way out of everything, as long as you are conscious. Mage Armor is much better now with the inbuilt crit protection.

If you're taking spells outside of the core ones, the Mythic Spell Compendium is your best friend. XD Really, Archmages are already fairly powerful, so pick the spells you like using and go with that?

Speaking as the target, Mythic Enlarge Person is cool in open spaces. But it's no fun to be blocked by 5-ft doors... Our arcanist seems to have a fixation on fire, so of course he took Fireball, too (fire resistance is part of our buff routine, just so he can lob fireballs everywhere).

Even though it might not be the most practical thing in the game, once you reach 9th tier, Mythic Baleful Polymorph is pretty incredible. It affects everything with 8 Hit Dice or less within a 1-mile radius. You can use it to transform an entire city into insects. Even before you reach 9th tier, the mythic version is somewhat useful since it works on shapechangers and requires another secondary save.

At 10th tier, you can augment Mythic Time Stop to let up to 10 allies also benefit from it, and the duration becomes 1 hour per level. Unfortunately you can't benefit from sleep/rest during that time, but you can literally do WHATEVER you want after casting this spell - you'll have at the very least 17 free hours. For starters, you could use Greater Planar Binding about 50 times, taking a 10 on the Magic Circle Diagram. In 1 apparent round.

Meanwhile, your allies also have 17 hours to do whatever they want. Everyone gets fully healed, but that wouldn't take more than a couple minutes at most. Since any unattended objects can be manipulated by someone under Time Stop, that means someone can take a 20 memorizing the layout of the rest of the entire dungeon, picking locks and opening doors at his leisure. I doubt anyone guarding a locked door would realize it had been unlocked, either.

Someone else can take a 20 painting a perfect picture of the boss' face and writing "c u soon lol" on it, and leave it at his feet, because that would be extremely funny.

I'm out of crazy ideas, but there are still up to 8 other party members that can do something wild for 17 hours without any consequences. There are probably some crazy Occult Rituals you could perform in that time...

slachance6 wrote:
Even though it might not be the most practical thing in the game, once you reach 9th tier, Mythic Baleful Polymorph is pretty incredible. It affects everything with 8 Hit Dice or less within a 1-mile radius. You can use it to transform an entire city into insects. Even before you reach 9th tier, the mythic version is somewhat useful since it works on shapechangers and requires another secondary save.

I'm a huge fan of Mythic spells like that - almost purely GM tools. Mythic Fog Cloud augmented at 6th tier generates an unmovable fog cloud in a 1-mile radius. That poor city can't catch any breaks.

Grand Lodge

vadda wrote:


I would like to know what mythic spells you think is one of the most powerful and why.

I just reached the first tier in WotR as an Archmage and now I would like to need some inspiration what spells I will choose.

Any help is welcome, thanks in advance!

1-Mage Armor or Ray of Enfeeblement

2- Protection From Evil
3- Heroism or Haste
4- D. Door
5- Cloudkill
6- Contingency
7- Limited Wish
8- Maze
9- Mythic Time Stop

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