I have three cohorts!

Rules Questions

Well, I hope to.

Features involved:

Esquire's Aid-De-Camp:
Aid-De-Camp (Ex) At 3rd level, an esquire acquires the services of a loyal aide-de-camp. This NPC functions similarly to a cohort, though the aide-de-camp must advance in a class that grants proficiency with all martial weapons and cannot multiclass until the esquire reaches 7th level (though the aide-de-camp can select an archetype).

If the aide-de-camp is a cavalier, he must follow the same order as the esquire.

The aide-de-camp gains Swift Aid as a bonus feat, and provides a +2 (rather than +1) bonus when using this feat to aid the esquire. As a move action, the aide-de-camp can retrieve a stored item or an item on the ground and hand it to the esquire. The esquire does not have to take an action to receive the item, though he must be conscious and have a free hand. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity for the aide-de-camp or esquire.

If the aide-de-camp dies performing an act that directly supports the edicts of the esquire's order (GM's discretion), the esquire does not take a penalty to his Leadership score. If an aide-de-camp dies, or is released from the esquire's service, the esquire may gain a new aide-de-camp by scouting for potential candidates in a city or large town. This requires 1 day per 5 levels of the aide-de-camp to be recruited.

This ability replaces mount.

Imperial Knight:

Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, heavy armor proficiency, proficient in a martial weapon

Benefit: You gain a cohort as if you had selected the Leadership feat; this cohort is a human or halfling commoner, expert, or warrior with the Imperial Squire feat. When within 10 feet of your squire, you get a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +1 dodge bonus to AC.

Then just Leadership, specifically the Noble Scion's Greater Leadership. (It just raises the max level of the cohort by 1.)

So, since the Aid-De-Camp says "Functions Similarly to a Cohort" and Imperial Knight says "As if you had selected the Leadership Feat" Does that mean neither actually count as the feat, and so taking the feat allows me to stack them for multiple cohorts?

Much to my surprise, this looks quite legal.

Tyinyk wrote:
Imperial Knight says "As if you had selected the Leadership Feat" Does that mean neither actually count as the feat

They both specifically say that the cohort acts as if you had taken the feat. Not the PC, who should still be free to take Leadership (or in your case Greater Leadership).

The book with Imperial Knight feat in it: "Taldor, Echoes Of Glory", isn't that 3.5 though?

I found it on the PFSRD, so I imagine it's been brought to Pathfinder.

My plan to make a lazy noble character whose best contribution to the group is having servants is looking quite promising.

Silver Crusade

Tyinyk wrote:
I found it on the PFSRD, so I imagine it's been brought to Pathfinder.

The PFSRD hosts 3.5 and 3PP content, for strictly official Pathfinder stuff you'll want to use the PRD or Archives of Nethys.

Imperial Knight hasn't been updated to Pathfinder to my knowledge.

I knew they had 3PP, but not carryovers from 3.5. Explains why it wasn't labeled as third party.

I found this which is labeled a Pathfinder player companion, but at the same time, it's in the 3.5 section. So I really don't know where it stands. My DM won't really care though, since it's not third party, and it's on the SRD.

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade

Tyinyk wrote:
I found this which is labeled a Pathfinder player companion, but at the same time, it's in the 3.5 section. So I really don't know where it stands. My DM won't really care though, since it's not third party, and it's on the SRD.

Paizo's 3.5 stuff was under "Pathfinder Chronicles" so Pathfinder Player Companion still fits.

Here we are. It's actually called "Taldan Knight" and it's indeed a 3.5 feat.

Guess you'll have to restrict yourself to an Aide-de-camp and a Squire. And maybe an Apprentice. And some evil minions. And perhaps a Familiar, Animal Companion, a few constructs, some Zombies...

Silver Crusade

Pssst! You just linked back to this thread :3

But yeah, filing the numbers off is another reason to not use d20 without double-checking.

It's not PFS or anything (Don't think leadership's legal there, anyways) so I think I can convince my DM to let me have Imperial Knight. I mean, it's just an NPC classed cohort, so it's not exactly going to shatter the balance.

Rysky wrote:
Pssst! You just linked back to this thread :3

Gah! Okay, let's try that again.

What are some good choices for the cohorts?
For the Squire, I was thinking expert, to cover skills.
For Aid-De-Camp, I was thinking Paladin, for healing, and because it'll make them more survivable as a warrior despite being two levels lower.
For Leadership, I was thinking Wizard, to round out the arcane/divine/martial trinity (Sorry psychic) and because having a full caster as my loyal servant just seems like a good way to go.

Tyinyk wrote:
It's not PFS or anything (Don't think leadership's legal there, anyways) so I think I can convince my DM to let me have Imperial Knight. I mean, it's just an NPC classed cohort, so it's not exactly going to shatter the balance.

"I mean, it's just an NPC classed cohort, so it's not exactly going to shatter the balance"????

You might want to make sure that your DM allows Leadership to begin with. It's highly arguable that even one NPC-classed cohort can break the balance. And then there's a paladin. And then -- a wizard. No balance issues there, none at all.

Maybe you should make one a rogue, and play solo?

The idea was for a party of two, because the other player isn't good at making viable characters, so it'd pick up the slack.

Tyinyk wrote:
The idea was for a party of two, because the other player isn't good at making viable characters, so it'd pick up the slack.

I'm sorry for the undeserved snark.

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