How to find a ghost's dead body


The party needs to find a ghosts dead body. I dont think that scrying would work, if anything you would see the ghost. Locate object only effects a 400+40 per lvl area, and who knows how many miles away the body is.

So, what is the best way to do this?

ask the ghost? they probably know were it is

if they find out what the ghosts name is maybe find the path spell with destination ghost corpse?

The ghost does not know where the body is, it is pretty much lost at sea

edit. also the ghost is quite friendly and helpful

Yeah, scrying shows you creatures not objects (like inanimate dead bodies). But find the path won't do it either.

find the path wrote:
Find the path works with respect to locations, not objects or creatures at a locale.

Hmm, tough one. What spell levels do they have access to?

What about Carrion Compass? It only requires an undead creature by RAW, not necessarily a corporeal undead.

Dark Archive

J3Carlisle wrote:

The ghost does not know where the body is, it is pretty much lost at sea

edit. also the ghost is quite friendly and helpful

Best guess: Bottom of the ocean.

Why do they want to find the body? Maybe there's another way to get what they're after.

Oneris wrote:
What about Carrion Compass? It only requires an undead creature by RAW, not necessarily a corporeal undead.

carrion compass leads you to the creator, sadly not the body.

The party has lvl 14 debine and arcane casters.
The reason to find the body, is that they need to return an item to the body.

It just seems odd that you can track a living creature all the way across the world, but as far as I know, you can track down an item (or body) without being within a few hundred feet of it

J3Carlisle wrote:

The party has lvl 14 debine and arcane casters.

The reason to find the body, is that they need to return an item to the body.

It just seems odd that you can track a living creature all the way across the world, but as far as I know, you can track down an item (or body) without being within a few hundred feet of it

If you have level 14 divine casters, I'd suggest that you might be able to get some clues / direction with a carefully thought-out commune. It probably won't tell you where the body is, but it ought to give you enough to track it down the rest of the way.

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