Not sure what checks these fall under


Im a newish DM and was wondering what kind of skills are used to find out that items are like : Combound Longbow +3, +1 padded armor, +1 shield. Should i just give it to them or is their a skill that can be used to find out what these are. Im thinking appraise might help but im not sure. Thanks for the help.

Scarab Sages

My group generally uses an appraise check to identify mundane weapons and armor. Its not an official use. Nor is a craft check, the other way my group does it. But its a possibility. For a Compound (+3) Longbow, Id also say anyone with proficiency could use it for a few minutes and determine if it was above their strength bonus, or the specific strenght bonus if it is below their bonus.

a 25 on an appraise check will identify that an item is magical, but not what the magic is. Identifying magic items is codified as a spellcraft check while using detect magic. that link provides the DC of 15+items caster level.

I'd just tell them, personally, because it adds unnecessary bookkeeping if you don't.

Otherwise, I'd use any of Appraise, Craft (whatever's relevant), or Profession (whatever's relevant).

the skill for determining what enchantments are on an item is spellcraft.

Look at the Spellcraft skill, like Weables said, and the Detect Magic spell.

The caster level for weapons/armor with an enhancement bonus is 3*the bonus, so that'd be Spellcraft DC 24 for the bow, DC 18 for each of the others by the rules.

Sorry, I completely misread the original question somehow. My mistake.

My previous advice was about magic items in general, but for just straight enhancement bonus items? I would just tell them.

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Identifying a magic item is a Spellcraft check, DC 15 + the item's caster level. For items that don't have special properties, like +1 padded armor or a +1 shield/weapon, the caster level is the weapons enhancement bonus x 3, so in the case of the padded armor and shield it would be a DC 18 check.

Is the Compound Bow magical with a +3 enhancement bonus? Or does it have a Strength rating of +3? If it's not magical, then you can just tell them since there isn't really a check to identify the properties of a mundane item.
One piece of advice for weapons: generally, you'll want to list an enhancement bonus before the weapon ("+3 longbow") and the Strength rating of a composite bow after the weapon, possibly in brackets ("composite longbow [+3]"). It's not required, but in the case of composite bows it can make a big difference over what the weapon can do.

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